Saturday, July 26, 2008

And, I Would Never Miss This!

I get some really cool magazines. Both my "National Geographic" and "Smithsonian" have cover stories about China so I am reading all this. Same thing with my "Economist." These may be the only publications in America without Obama on the cover.

Here are the two most important facts about China as I come to know them:

Number 1: Beijing in August averages 87 F. with 90% humidity. It "feels like" 105 degrees.

Number 2: "...a world away," says the Smithsonian, "is Beijing, where seven million spectators are about to converge for the Summer Olympics."

Let's see... 105 degrees and 7 million people plus the 15 million that are already there! I will not be deterred. And, for the next 30 years I will sit proudly at our Thankgiving table knowing that the daughter-in-law across from me knows I was there. "Go, Melanie." "Go, Team Roach!" We are in this together.

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