Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Making Cookies For 80 Kids

If you are poor in Honduras, cookies are a rare enough thing even if you didn't live in an orphanage.

Today, Bryn and I made enough cookie dough for 1,000 sugar cookies.

I am leaving for San Pedro Sula in the morning so will miss the rolling out of the dough. I predict difficulty. It is so warm here the butter will melt down before the kids can roll them out! But, they will improvise.

I tutored a boy named David this afternoon. He is unusual because he is English speaking. Born with a sever club foot he was helped 100% by the Shriners who paid for operations over a five year period. He was in the states long enough to learn English and was young enough to forget his Spanish. I helped him with his math.

Tonight we took a "lancha" (boat) out across the lagoon. The sunset was amazing.

It was a quick but productive trip to Puerto Cortez, Omoa, and Tegucigalpita. In a later blog I will announce something from this area but I want to get the picture for you first

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