I am one of a very few Senators to have been appointed chair of a committee in the freshman year. In 1991 I chaired the Children and Family Services Committee (which was dissolved when the Democrats took control). As chair I had purview over all of DSHS and many other things. I was the first one to propose legislation to break-up DSHS. It is not a new idea. And, it won't happen unless you have a willing governor.
A reader writes: I suggest you..Break DSHS up into 4 ( or more) manageable smaller agencies that will be accountable for its actions. The state of Washington agreed to pay more than $6 million to former foster children in the Delon home when Tyler Deleon was starved to death by his CPS approved foster mother, in 2005. This is a system so huge no one can manage it. The 6 million should still be in the budget and this little boy should still be alive..
A word of caution: Secretary Susan Dreyfus likes this idea. But, she would drive CPS into private hands. This would not be a good idea as it would remove the transparency that exists within government. Right now information can be gotten by the press and legislators who care to ask questions. That would not be possible in a private system. If you are in charge of CPS you would love this new system. Parents, families, anad voters will not have what is needed until families have standing in the courtroom and government people who lie are fired.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Pam Roach BBQ A Great Success

"Thanks, Pam! This is not for public consumption, but it took double bypass to
keep me away from your event! I especially appreciate your prayers. May God's
hand be on your public life. You're working for a lot more than just your
district!." (From one who could not make the BBQ)
Well, it must have been pretty good cause the liberal press guy that was there said it was the best campaign "kick off" he had ever attended. OK. So he IS pretty young.
Lynx Records, a local recording studio had my favorite rapper, Tap-Tap, perform. He composed a Republican rap with my name in it! It was a very cool surprise. They are going to send it to me and I will post it!
We had over 350 people here. Rossi and McKenna spoke....I am going to go doorbelling right now and will finish when I get back....
Democrats And Republicans...Thanks Cat In Seattle
I am campaigning with several purposes. We need reform at DSHS and I want to be there to help. I talked about the Stuths and Willards yesterday at my BBQ. Thanks you Cat for your blog comment:
Pam, as a Democrat who loves you, I will be at this meeting. Ruth Kagi is my Representative and we have had discussions about this issue and my case. I am wondering if there is a way for people not in the Seattle area who cannot make it to this meeting to post questions I can submit to Ruth. I am active in the Democrats, so I would be happy to take my fellow citizens' concerns to this meeting no matter what their political affiliation, because I am a supporter of Pam's good work.
I want to tell all readers I have heard from progressive family court lawyers that Pam "gets it". They say they are glad Pam is there speaking because many progressives do not "get it" like Pam does.
I want you all and Pam to know that even though I am a Dem, I support Pam Roach and her supporters with all my heart! Pam speaks for us when my Dems have terrible on the issue of CPS and Family Preservation. Since Rep Kagi chairs the Children's Services Committee, it seems to me she is representing more than her district and I would be happy as a Dem to stand with ALL people concerned about Family Preservation and grandparents' rights.
Email me at: mntleo2 AT Yahoo DOT com, put "Ruth Kagi" in the subject line so I know who you are and ask away. I plan to make an appointment with Ruth soon and it would be good to hear from constituents to take with me to let her know that this time we do not want a "speaking to the choir" discussion with this Dave Wood.
The part in the meeting announcement that interests me is they want to discuss "troubled families" when so many kids who are taken are *not* in any "troubled family". If anything families become "troubled" when CPS and DSHS gets through with them after trampling on the Constitution after decimating children and entire families because they are so focused on getting funding off the backs of little kids, just as long as they pocket the $1000s of dollars in funding they get for every kid that is taken. Who cares about any stinkin' Constitution or kid when there is so much money at stake?
Cat in Seattle
Friday, July 23, 2010
A Message From Democrat Dave On Important Matters
The letter below came to me yesterday. There is no "standing" in court for any family except the troubled parent who is about to have their child taken. The law says biological family is first in line for placement. That state lies in the court room about relatives, takes the child, and adopts the child to an "oh, I want a blue-eyed one" foster adopt woman. Susannah Frame of KING 5 has exposed the lying in court. How about the rest of the press?
My thought on this? Be at the meeting!
Take a look at a new website www.metrodems.org This is the Metropolitan
Democratic Club of Seattle, which will feature a discussion at noon on
Wednesday, August 11 between me and Rep. Ruth Kagi. I intend to use the
opportunity to plug for jury trials. No time for a bunch of horror stories,
though I want one clear example of lives not ruined if there had been a jury to
require provable facts and consider the entire story, not a one-sided
presentation by social workers and AAGs in front of a kangaroo "family" court.
The Wolcott and Tillett stories are classic examples. Would Timothy be willing
to tell a little of his life as a forced ward of the state? I will touch
briefly on the Tillett story, telling enough disgusting details to show why
Prosecuting Attorney Russ Hauge would not even attempt to persuade a criminal
jury to convict your brother and sister-in-law. Your family got no justice
either way. You lost your nephew forever, and there was no
"not guilty" finding to clear the family name. The MDC, founded originally by
a whole bunch of Democratic lawyers, should find this unbelievable and
intolerable. {Dave}
My thought on this? Be at the meeting!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Business Leaders Support Pam Roach...She Stands Up For A Strong Economy
The economy is the biggest issue of this campaign cycle. I have been endorsed by both business and labor...but right now I will focus on business. It is always interesting to me that organizations like the Seattle Muni-League and some newspapers never seem to look at or take direction from what ordinary citizens think about me. But, we know this....small business is the engine of the state's economy.
I received the WA Retail Assn.'s endorsement yesterday and they said:
"We believe you would protect the rights of retailers from too much government regulation and over taxation." Indeed, that is what I have been doing for my time in office.
Association of WA Business (100% rating)
National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
Washington Retail Association
Seattle King County Realtors
WA State Veterinary Association
WA Restaurant Association
WA State Farm Bureau
Pierce County Sportsmen’s Council
Rental Housing Association of Puget Sound
Master Builders of Pierce CountyPierce County Affordable Housing Council
And many, many more!
I received the WA Retail Assn.'s endorsement yesterday and they said:
"We believe you would protect the rights of retailers from too much government regulation and over taxation." Indeed, that is what I have been doing for my time in office.
I am grateful to the men and women who dare to open a business...to compete in the free market place...who recognize my hard work for our economy.Pam's endorsement's include:
Association of WA Business (100% rating)
National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
Washington Retail Association
Seattle King County Realtors
WA State Veterinary Association
WA Restaurant Association
WA State Farm Bureau
Pierce County Sportsmen’s Council
Rental Housing Association of Puget Sound
Master Builders of Pierce CountyPierce County Affordable Housing Council
And many, many more!
Summer Without Grandkids
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
And What They Don't Know...YET
From a very nice grandfather who does not know yet. He writes to me:
"Thank you for your effort in assisting our family in this matter. We will be sending all of the pertinent information ASAP. As a family we are also interested in improving the system so other other families hopefully don't endure what we have to in the past five months. By the way, I have not be able to see my granddaughter since she was picked up in March. We tried and have been denied by CPS." {signed}
The Stuths were denied for months! No reason except for a lie on the part of the CASA.
Please attend my July 24th fundraiser. You may respond to this blog with name and I will include you. $35 for a couple/$25 for a single and kids are free!
Live band, petting zoo, and lots of promising elected officials!
"Thank you for your effort in assisting our family in this matter. We will be sending all of the pertinent information ASAP. As a family we are also interested in improving the system so other other families hopefully don't endure what we have to in the past five months. By the way, I have not be able to see my granddaughter since she was picked up in March. We tried and have been denied by CPS." {signed}
The Stuths were denied for months! No reason except for a lie on the part of the CASA.
Please attend my July 24th fundraiser. You may respond to this blog with name and I will include you. $35 for a couple/$25 for a single and kids are free!
Live band, petting zoo, and lots of promising elected officials!
Seattle Muni League...Stacked
If you run for office in King County the Municipal League sends you a Q and A and makes calls to learn about you...etc. OK. It is so liberal that years ago then Senator Kent Pullen of the 47th District led a Republican boycott. That shaped them up for a while.
This year I asked to see who was on the panel to interview me. They actually sent a response. Of the 8 or so...none were Republican. Most were self described ultra libbers. So, I decided not to go. (Actually, I had already decided not to go:o)Instead I made a few comments here and there as only I can do.
I won't spend time going into it. But, part of my theory after watching the group is that they will give a great rating to a Republican only if that Republican is already the projected winner. They will never give a Republican a great rating if there is a tough opponent.
The News Tribune had something on this as did the Times although I have not seen that yet. (Campaigning keeps your time focused on other things.) All this is somewhere in the press. And, this year there was encouragement on the part of the Senate Republicans not to participate until the League was more balance. a letter e Here is what one reader wrote to my email.
This year I asked to see who was on the panel to interview me. They actually sent a response. Of the 8 or so...none were Republican. Most were self described ultra libbers. So, I decided not to go. (Actually, I had already decided not to go:o)Instead I made a few comments here and there as only I can do.
I won't spend time going into it. But, part of my theory after watching the group is that they will give a great rating to a Republican only if that Republican is already the projected winner. They will never give a Republican a great rating if there is a tough opponent.
The News Tribune had something on this as did the Times although I have not seen that yet. (Campaigning keeps your time focused on other things.) All this is somewhere in the press. And, this year there was encouragement on the part of the Senate Republicans not to participate until the League was more balance. a letter e Here is what one reader wrote to my email.
"Hi, Senator Roach. You're correct about the Muni League candidate ratings.
I was on their candidate panel in 1999 and became totally dismayed at the process. I dropped my interest and trust in the Muni League immediately afterward. They have zero credibility with me.
The Muni League selected the questions the panelists asked of the candidates.
For instance when Greg Nickels, running for re-election to the county council, came in he was was polished and slick and had snappy, refined answers. I could not veer from the list to ask a serious question.
I couldn't ask questions in an effort to convince me that Nickels - or the other candidates - were genuine, sincere, forthwith and deserving of a council position.
In other words, why bother with a live candidate evaluations? They could have done it by written and mailed questionnaires to the candidates.
In my opinion it was one giant, pre-determined process that is geared toward the Muni League's political goals.
Hi, Senator Roach. You're correct about the Muni League candidate ratings.
I was on their candidate panel in 1999 and became totally dismayed at the process. I dropped my interest and trust in the Muni League immediately afterward. They have zero credibility with me.
The Muni League selected the questions the panelists asked of the candidates.
For instance when Greg Nickels, running for re-election to the county council, came in he was was polished and slick and had snappy, refined answers. I could not veer from the list to ask a serious question.
I couldn't ask questions in an effort to convince me that Nickels - or the other candidates - were genuine, sincere, forthwith and deserving of a council position.
In other words, why bother with a live candidate evaluations? They could have done it by written and mailed questionnaires to the candidates.
In my opinion it was one giant, pre-determined process that is geared toward the Muni League's political goals."
Monday, July 19, 2010
Reformed Daughter And Wonderful Grandparents...Willard Case
Message from the Willards:
Our daughter's appeal was denied. We now go to adoption court against the great-grandparents on August 5th. Our daughter is appealing now to the Supreme Court of Washington.
I am campaigning. That means this will be short. But, the story is one of CPS charging forward with their minds already made up. Lying to the judges...they have absolutely no cares for what they have done.
The Willard's daughter was promised by CPS that if she relinquished custody of her little girl (Lilly as reported here) that her parents would be able to adopt Lilly. (That was lie #1. They can not make that promise and there was no paperwork to make them hold to that.)
The state took Lilly and put her in foster adopt with the 26 year-old single woman who had put in an order for a blond blue-eyed little girl.
I entered the seen. You know...just trying to help. The foster adopt filed an ethics complaint with the Senate (something that CPS probably said would be fun for her to do). I won. There is actually nothing wrong with a legislator trying to help a citizen from a lying bureaucracy. Personally, I think more should get involved. But then...I think government people who lie should be held accountable.
The state did a second home study replacing some lies (the grandparents stole a computer, etc) with other lies (Mrs. Willard was on dialysis and had breast cancer, etc.). Nothing happened to anyone because of the lies told to a judge. Nothing good was ever said about the Willards in the home study.
While all this was happening the MOTHER, sobered up, started school, and got a job. She has her own place to live. She petitioned to have her child back in a timely manner. Lilly never would have been taken if the state had not promised that Lilly would go to her young (45ish) grandparents.
With my intervention and some special political connection of the great-grandmother, Lilly was placed with the wealthy GGPs. That is certainly better than having her with the unrelated foster woman. So, that at least is a plus.
The court, today, ruled that Lilly's mother can not have her back and there will be a adoption hearing for the GGPs who have had "Lilly" for many months. The mother will appeal this ruling from the Court of Appeals. She is appealing to the Supreme Court of WA.
Please see the case that was decided in this court just a few weeks ago. The case of AB is reported here in PRR. The system is just fine with the lies. For them the end justifies the means. But the mother and the Willards, the hundreds of friends that the Willards have, and at least one legislator....me....understand that this monster of a government agency helps kill kids (one a month) on one hand...and takes kids and redistributes them on the other.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Any Court For Perjury?
Thank you readers for being patient. I have been doing lots of campaign work. The following article interesting. Notice there is a WA State Patrol assignment to CPS. Also, if there actually CAN be prosecution...how about lying to a judge?
Social worker pleads innocent to impersonation
Kristin M. Kraemer, Herald staff writer
PASCO — A social worker pleaded innocent Tuesday to allegations she posed as an employee of the Franklin County Prosecutor's Office in order to get a paternity test for a client's case.
Rhonda Lee Peterson Johnson faces a Sept. 15 trial in Franklin County Superior Court for first-degree criminal impersonation.
Court documents allege the 56-year-old West Richland woman called a Tri-Cities laboratory and, after answering a series of security questions, asked that the genetic testing for a particular case be changed to a "motherless draw" instead of one involving both parents and the child.
She misrepresented herself by implying that she worked for the prosecutor's office when she gave its account number in ordering the change, documents said.
Johnson's job reportedly was to represent children in foster care as a social worker for the state Department of Social and Health Services. She worked for the Richland office of the Division of Children and Family Services.
In this dependency case, she was trying to help a couple get custody of their grandchild, documents said.
It is not known if Johnson still is employed as a social worker.
The allegations that first surfaced a year ago led to a 2 1/2-month-long investigation by Detective Vik Mauro in the Washington State Patrol's DSHS Special Investigations Unit in Olympia.
The charges were filed in mid-June by Columbia County Prosecutor Rea Culwell, who is acting as a special prosecutor because of the conflict with the Franklin County Prosecutor's Office.
According to a seven-page investigative report written by Mauro, the potential father of the child in Johnson's case was known but the mother was missing after failing to show up for testing.
The Child Support Division of the prosecutor's office had sent mouth swabs of the father and the child to LabCorp of Tri-Cities, but still needed a swab from the mother to complete the request for all-party genetic testing. The lab waits to do the testing until all samples are submitted.
In order to move the case through the system, Johnson allegedly wanted the tests done "the sooner the better" and asked for a motherless draw.
A motherless draw involves only genetically testing the father and the child, and not the mother to the child. The process is more expensive and the prosecutor's office has a policy not to do a motherless draw, except in cases where the mother cannot be located, lives in a distant state or is dead, the report said.
Deputy Prosecutor Erica Davis was handling the paternal dependency case and reportedly knew that the mother was around, so on June 1, 2009, she asked for a bench warrant on the mother. Within days of the warrant being issued, a relative of the mother called Davis and agreed to bring her in for testing at a scheduled time.
In the meantime, Johnson called the prosecutor's office, requesting a motherless draw. She was told by legal secretaries during two separate phone calls that it would not be authorized and that a warrant had been issued for the child's mother.
A week later, Johnson called LabCorp to have the order changed so the mother didn't need to be tested, the investigative report said.
The lab's receptionist asked Johnson on June 16, 2009, several random questions to identify the case, including the account number which is needed to proceed, the report said. It is believed Johnson knew the prosecutor's account number for the lab from previous cases.
The lab later received the samples to test all parties.
The prosecutor's office learned that the motherless draw had been done when it received the genetic test results, the report said. The results for testing all parties came in days later.
That is when employees with the prosecutor's office called LabCorp and discovered Johnson allegedly made the change without an attorney's authorization.
Mauro contacted Johnson on Oct. 7 during his investigation but she wouldn't talk to him. "Johnson made an utterance that she had a court order to obtain paternity," Mauro wrote in his report.
Janelle Carman of Walla Walla, Johnson's attorney, called Mauro the following day and said she had advised her client not to meet with him "until they have a better idea of what the allegations are."
Mauro said he looked through the DSHS case file and didn't find a court order directing Johnson to obtain paternity directly from LabCorp.
Johnson is out on her personal recognizance.
* Kristin M. Kraemer: 509-582-1531; kkraemer@tricityherald.com
Social worker pleads innocent to impersonation
Kristin M. Kraemer, Herald staff writer
PASCO — A social worker pleaded innocent Tuesday to allegations she posed as an employee of the Franklin County Prosecutor's Office in order to get a paternity test for a client's case.
Rhonda Lee Peterson Johnson faces a Sept. 15 trial in Franklin County Superior Court for first-degree criminal impersonation.
Court documents allege the 56-year-old West Richland woman called a Tri-Cities laboratory and, after answering a series of security questions, asked that the genetic testing for a particular case be changed to a "motherless draw" instead of one involving both parents and the child.
She misrepresented herself by implying that she worked for the prosecutor's office when she gave its account number in ordering the change, documents said.
Johnson's job reportedly was to represent children in foster care as a social worker for the state Department of Social and Health Services. She worked for the Richland office of the Division of Children and Family Services.
In this dependency case, she was trying to help a couple get custody of their grandchild, documents said.
It is not known if Johnson still is employed as a social worker.
The allegations that first surfaced a year ago led to a 2 1/2-month-long investigation by Detective Vik Mauro in the Washington State Patrol's DSHS Special Investigations Unit in Olympia.
The charges were filed in mid-June by Columbia County Prosecutor Rea Culwell, who is acting as a special prosecutor because of the conflict with the Franklin County Prosecutor's Office.
According to a seven-page investigative report written by Mauro, the potential father of the child in Johnson's case was known but the mother was missing after failing to show up for testing.
The Child Support Division of the prosecutor's office had sent mouth swabs of the father and the child to LabCorp of Tri-Cities, but still needed a swab from the mother to complete the request for all-party genetic testing. The lab waits to do the testing until all samples are submitted.
In order to move the case through the system, Johnson allegedly wanted the tests done "the sooner the better" and asked for a motherless draw.
A motherless draw involves only genetically testing the father and the child, and not the mother to the child. The process is more expensive and the prosecutor's office has a policy not to do a motherless draw, except in cases where the mother cannot be located, lives in a distant state or is dead, the report said.
Deputy Prosecutor Erica Davis was handling the paternal dependency case and reportedly knew that the mother was around, so on June 1, 2009, she asked for a bench warrant on the mother. Within days of the warrant being issued, a relative of the mother called Davis and agreed to bring her in for testing at a scheduled time.
In the meantime, Johnson called the prosecutor's office, requesting a motherless draw. She was told by legal secretaries during two separate phone calls that it would not be authorized and that a warrant had been issued for the child's mother.
A week later, Johnson called LabCorp to have the order changed so the mother didn't need to be tested, the investigative report said.
The lab's receptionist asked Johnson on June 16, 2009, several random questions to identify the case, including the account number which is needed to proceed, the report said. It is believed Johnson knew the prosecutor's account number for the lab from previous cases.
The lab later received the samples to test all parties.
The prosecutor's office learned that the motherless draw had been done when it received the genetic test results, the report said. The results for testing all parties came in days later.
That is when employees with the prosecutor's office called LabCorp and discovered Johnson allegedly made the change without an attorney's authorization.
Mauro contacted Johnson on Oct. 7 during his investigation but she wouldn't talk to him. "Johnson made an utterance that she had a court order to obtain paternity," Mauro wrote in his report.
Janelle Carman of Walla Walla, Johnson's attorney, called Mauro the following day and said she had advised her client not to meet with him "until they have a better idea of what the allegations are."
Mauro said he looked through the DSHS case file and didn't find a court order directing Johnson to obtain paternity directly from LabCorp.
Johnson is out on her personal recognizance.
* Kristin M. Kraemer: 509-582-1531; kkraemer@tricityherald.com
Friday, July 16, 2010
DSHS Held Accountable In 3 Year-Old's Death
This story that follows is oft repeated. We need to redirect our resources to protecting kids rather than stealing them from good families to give away to others. How is it that the state lies about the Stuths and Willards to take their granddaughters...but totally...TOTALLY...ignors the reports of real abuse. No one EVER said the Stuths or the Willards were abusive in any way. And yet, the state moved to take their precious little ones. And, on the other hand, abuses are reported and the child is allowed to stay in danger. THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN! WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE OVER THE DEATHS UNDER THE "WATCHFUL EYES" OF THE STATE?
Wash. to pay $2.1 million for child's death
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- The state Department of Social and Health Services will pay $2.1 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit filed in the case of a 3-year-old boy killed by his mother's boyfriend.
In Thursday's settlement in Pierce County Superior Court, the department admits no wrongdoing in the 2008 beating death of Michael Kekoa Ravenell and severe abuse of his younger sister by Noah Thomas.
The boy's father says the state ignored numerous warnings. Michael Ravenell says he reported suspected abuse to DSHS, alerting social workers to suspicious marks and bruising on his son's body.
Thomas pleaded guilty in 2009 to beating and strangling the boy, and throwing him against a wall and furniture, including a metal bed railing. He was sentenced to 50 years in prison
Wash. to pay $2.1 million for child's death
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- The state Department of Social and Health Services will pay $2.1 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit filed in the case of a 3-year-old boy killed by his mother's boyfriend.
In Thursday's settlement in Pierce County Superior Court, the department admits no wrongdoing in the 2008 beating death of Michael Kekoa Ravenell and severe abuse of his younger sister by Noah Thomas.
The boy's father says the state ignored numerous warnings. Michael Ravenell says he reported suspected abuse to DSHS, alerting social workers to suspicious marks and bruising on his son's body.
Thomas pleaded guilty in 2009 to beating and strangling the boy, and throwing him against a wall and furniture, including a metal bed railing. He was sentenced to 50 years in prison
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Roach Wins Court Case
My press release...printed story follows. Mine was short just to get moving.
Immediate Release
Contact Pam Roach
Roach Wins Court Decision In Voters Pamphlet Challenge
Today State Senator Pam Roach won, in total, her challege to a voter's pamphlet statement submitted by a minor opponent.
Judge Thomas McPhee, Thurston County Superior Court Judge ruled that Matt Richardson's statements were "false and not true." He said Richarson's statements were with "reckless disragard," and that the statements met the level of "defamation per se" as referenced in the statue but went on to say they met the critieria for the highest standard (Sullivan Standard) of defamation.
Judge McPhee stated that Mr. Richardson was asking for different standards to be applied to a challenger than to that of an incumbent. The judge told Richardson that someone running for public office should have a higher standard of truthfulness and that his statements were false.
Roach sponsored the legislation that was argued in court today.
Judge rules in favor of Roach; Richardson forced to change voter pamphlet statement
Bonney Lake-Sumner Courier-Herald Reporter
Jul 09 2010, 4:47 PM
A Thurston County Superior Court Judge ruled Friday that Sumner councilmember and 31st District Senate candidate Matt Richardson's voter pamphlet statement is untrue and must be changed.
Judge Thomas McPhee wasted little time in making his ruling in favor of Sen. Pam Roach (R-Auburn) on all three counts she brought forward.
"The false statements fit the definition of libel and slander that are in the statue," McPhee said, adding that in the context of a voter's pamphlet the false statements work to deprive Roach of public confidence.
The case stems from a complaint brought forth by Roach challenging as false three statements made in the statement Richardson submitted to the Secretary of State's office for publication.
According to the Revised Code of Washington (29A.32.090), a candidate's statement "shall not contain false or misleading statements about the candidate's opponent."
The statement references sanctions the Republican Caucus leveled against Roach earlier this year. Roach was thrown out of the Republican Caucus in January because of "hostile behavior" toward staff. {It is really too bad I was not afforded a judge in this case! But, that's another story.}
In his statement, Richardson wrote “Unfortunately, the permanent sanctions against Pam Roach prevent her from contact with Senate staff, and more critically, from meeting with other Republicans.”
Roach challenged Richardson on three points: First, she states the sanctions against her are not permanent, but subject to alteration by Roach and the senior leadership; second, she states there is no sanction preventing her from working with Senate staff; and third, Roach states there is no sanction that prevents her with meeting with other Republicans.
McPhee ruled in Roach's favor on all three points.
Because the sanctions against Roach can be altered, McPhee ruled they were not "permanent." McPhee said it appropriate to mention the sanctions, "but to characterize as permanent is incorrect; it's false."
As far as contact with senate staff, McPhee also ruled that is false. Though the sanctions state Roach may not deal with members of the Senate Republican Caucus, she is not barred from talking to all staff. She is also not barred from talking to Republicans, simply from having a voice in the Caucus or entering the caucus room.
In an affidavit delivered to the court today, Richardson said he never intended to personally defame Roach, but argued that his statements were true in the context of the sanctions. Richardson argued that because the leadership has made no indication of removing the sanctions, they are effectively permanent. He also said that the statements about republicans and staffing are true in context of the sanctions.
McPhee dismissed Richardson;s arguments and said that a person seeking elected office has a "higher duty" than an ordinary citizen to make sure statements in the voter pamphlet are accurate.
Because Richardson "so obviously violated" these points, it amounted to "reckless disregard" and therefore meets the libel or slander standard put forth in the statute.
"The voter's pamphlet statement should be edited to withdraw or change the three statements I have identified," McPhee said.
Richardson immediately produced a replacement paragraph for the pamphlet, but McPhee made some minor changes to that before approving it. McPhee struck the word "continuing" before sanctions and added the word "republican" before "Senate caucus staff."
After the decision, Richardson said his original statement grew out of having to obey the pamphlet's 200-word limit.
"I think my statement is kind of a victim of having to use limited words," he said.
Richardson stressed that only two words had to be changed in his statement.
Roach called the decision a "pure victory" and emphasized that the judge used the phrase "reckless disregard" in describing Richardson's statement.
"There is a high standard if you're going to be an elected individual and he's demonstrated he doesn't do that," she said.
Bonney Lake-Sumner Courier-Herald Reporter Brian Beckley can be reached at bbeckley@courierherald.com.
No Commentsemail letter print follow share
Immediate Release
Contact Pam Roach
Roach Wins Court Decision In Voters Pamphlet Challenge
Today State Senator Pam Roach won, in total, her challege to a voter's pamphlet statement submitted by a minor opponent.
Judge Thomas McPhee, Thurston County Superior Court Judge ruled that Matt Richardson's statements were "false and not true." He said Richarson's statements were with "reckless disragard," and that the statements met the level of "defamation per se" as referenced in the statue but went on to say they met the critieria for the highest standard (Sullivan Standard) of defamation.
Judge McPhee stated that Mr. Richardson was asking for different standards to be applied to a challenger than to that of an incumbent. The judge told Richardson that someone running for public office should have a higher standard of truthfulness and that his statements were false.
Roach sponsored the legislation that was argued in court today.
Judge rules in favor of Roach; Richardson forced to change voter pamphlet statement
Bonney Lake-Sumner Courier-Herald Reporter
Jul 09 2010, 4:47 PM
A Thurston County Superior Court Judge ruled Friday that Sumner councilmember and 31st District Senate candidate Matt Richardson's voter pamphlet statement is untrue and must be changed.
Judge Thomas McPhee wasted little time in making his ruling in favor of Sen. Pam Roach (R-Auburn) on all three counts she brought forward.
"The false statements fit the definition of libel and slander that are in the statue," McPhee said, adding that in the context of a voter's pamphlet the false statements work to deprive Roach of public confidence.
The case stems from a complaint brought forth by Roach challenging as false three statements made in the statement Richardson submitted to the Secretary of State's office for publication.
According to the Revised Code of Washington (29A.32.090), a candidate's statement "shall not contain false or misleading statements about the candidate's opponent."
The statement references sanctions the Republican Caucus leveled against Roach earlier this year. Roach was thrown out of the Republican Caucus in January because of "hostile behavior" toward staff. {It is really too bad I was not afforded a judge in this case! But, that's another story.}
In his statement, Richardson wrote “Unfortunately, the permanent sanctions against Pam Roach prevent her from contact with Senate staff, and more critically, from meeting with other Republicans.”
Roach challenged Richardson on three points: First, she states the sanctions against her are not permanent, but subject to alteration by Roach and the senior leadership; second, she states there is no sanction preventing her from working with Senate staff; and third, Roach states there is no sanction that prevents her with meeting with other Republicans.
McPhee ruled in Roach's favor on all three points.
Because the sanctions against Roach can be altered, McPhee ruled they were not "permanent." McPhee said it appropriate to mention the sanctions, "but to characterize as permanent is incorrect; it's false."
As far as contact with senate staff, McPhee also ruled that is false. Though the sanctions state Roach may not deal with members of the Senate Republican Caucus, she is not barred from talking to all staff. She is also not barred from talking to Republicans, simply from having a voice in the Caucus or entering the caucus room.
In an affidavit delivered to the court today, Richardson said he never intended to personally defame Roach, but argued that his statements were true in the context of the sanctions. Richardson argued that because the leadership has made no indication of removing the sanctions, they are effectively permanent. He also said that the statements about republicans and staffing are true in context of the sanctions.
McPhee dismissed Richardson;s arguments and said that a person seeking elected office has a "higher duty" than an ordinary citizen to make sure statements in the voter pamphlet are accurate.
Because Richardson "so obviously violated" these points, it amounted to "reckless disregard" and therefore meets the libel or slander standard put forth in the statute.
"The voter's pamphlet statement should be edited to withdraw or change the three statements I have identified," McPhee said.
Richardson immediately produced a replacement paragraph for the pamphlet, but McPhee made some minor changes to that before approving it. McPhee struck the word "continuing" before sanctions and added the word "republican" before "Senate caucus staff."
After the decision, Richardson said his original statement grew out of having to obey the pamphlet's 200-word limit.
"I think my statement is kind of a victim of having to use limited words," he said.
Richardson stressed that only two words had to be changed in his statement.
Roach called the decision a "pure victory" and emphasized that the judge used the phrase "reckless disregard" in describing Richardson's statement.
"There is a high standard if you're going to be an elected individual and he's demonstrated he doesn't do that," she said.
Bonney Lake-Sumner Courier-Herald Reporter Brian Beckley can be reached at bbeckley@courierherald.com.
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Saturday, July 3, 2010
I-1053 Will Reinstate the 2/3 Vote Requirement To Raise Taxes
Turning in 230,000 signatures, guaranteeing I-1053 a place on the November ballot are Sen. Pam Roach, activist Tim Eyman and Sen. Don Benton. Roach, Benton, Ken Morse (tea party leader) and 6 others are co-sponsors. The measure is supported by the Seattle Times, the Farm Bureau, the Association of WA Business, etc.
I fought hard this session the keep the majority party from removing the voter approved I-960 which first gave the legislature the 2/3 majority restraint to raising taxes. In the end...you don't win when Democrats have 31 votes and Republicans have 18.

Sen. Pam Roach (R-Auburn), Tim Eyman, Sen. Don Benton (R-Vancouver)
I fought hard this session the keep the majority party from removing the voter approved I-960 which first gave the legislature the 2/3 majority restraint to raising taxes. In the end...you don't win when Democrats have 31 votes and Republicans have 18.

Sen. Pam Roach (R-Auburn), Tim Eyman, Sen. Don Benton (R-Vancouver)
"The measure would re-tie the straitjacket that Democratic state legislators wrestled their way out of this year, which kept them from raising taxes in Olympia without super majorities. 'It's going to pass in November and those safeguards will be reinstated,' Sen. Pam Roach said." (Tacoma News Tribune, 7-2-10 story by Jordan Schrader)Yes...I got to keep the T-shirt
Three Doorbelling Stories
I love to doorbell. Good thing...since it is a BIG part of a campaign effort.
#1. Knock, knock...and who should come to the door but Yvonne Ward. Ward, a trial lawyer, ran against me in '02 and I guess that wasn't enough fun...so she ran against me again in '06.
2006 was a big year for Democrats. The WA Senate Republican Caucus lost six incumbents. They lost the largest percentage of any caucus in the nation! The '06 race with Ward could be likened to women's wrestling (if there is such a thing!) When it was over I was standing tall, my hands over-head and my heel on her throat holding her down.(That is the visual on this!)
So there I am on her doorstep!
We had a very nice conversation! Anyone listening would never have believed the battles. I like a fighter and I think she does too. No hard feelings.
#2. I doorbelled 33rd Pl. S.E. in Auburn on Friday afternoon. Today, I went back to the neighborhood to finish up and there were TV crews right where I had been the day before. Last night 2 women (one pregnant) and a man were shot in the one house I passed over...it looked like anyone who might be living there was probably not a voter. According to the neighbors many shots were fired. Auburn police answered the 911 call and apprehended the suspects. It was a drug house.
#3. I had dinner on Thursday night at the Longhorn BBQ with supporters of the Auburn Foodbank. (I am a former board member.) While there I sat by a man I had doorbelled. "Yes, I remember where you live," I said. I took a pen and napkin...drew his neighborhood, and marked the house where he lived. I even mentioned what he had been doing:o) Your mind works like a map...I can go down the streets in my mind and remember the people, the conversations, the weather that day. It is like reading a book to think about it. Now...if I can just find my glasses!
#1. Knock, knock...and who should come to the door but Yvonne Ward. Ward, a trial lawyer, ran against me in '02 and I guess that wasn't enough fun...so she ran against me again in '06.
2006 was a big year for Democrats. The WA Senate Republican Caucus lost six incumbents. They lost the largest percentage of any caucus in the nation! The '06 race with Ward could be likened to women's wrestling (if there is such a thing!) When it was over I was standing tall, my hands over-head and my heel on her throat holding her down.(That is the visual on this!)
So there I am on her doorstep!
We had a very nice conversation! Anyone listening would never have believed the battles. I like a fighter and I think she does too. No hard feelings.
#2. I doorbelled 33rd Pl. S.E. in Auburn on Friday afternoon. Today, I went back to the neighborhood to finish up and there were TV crews right where I had been the day before. Last night 2 women (one pregnant) and a man were shot in the one house I passed over...it looked like anyone who might be living there was probably not a voter. According to the neighbors many shots were fired. Auburn police answered the 911 call and apprehended the suspects. It was a drug house.
#3. I had dinner on Thursday night at the Longhorn BBQ with supporters of the Auburn Foodbank. (I am a former board member.) While there I sat by a man I had doorbelled. "Yes, I remember where you live," I said. I took a pen and napkin...drew his neighborhood, and marked the house where he lived. I even mentioned what he had been doing:o) Your mind works like a map...I can go down the streets in my mind and remember the people, the conversations, the weather that day. It is like reading a book to think about it. Now...if I can just find my glasses!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Warm Wind For Roach and Others
"Conservatives, Republicans and Tea Party sympathizers are excited about voting in 2010; others not so much." (KING5 poll)
I was in the home of a Sumner, WA couple the other night. He asked me what I thought of the tea party. I smiled and told him I was a part of that 20 years ago.
Open and Responsible Government, Constitutional Principles, NO on Taxes...live within our means, individual responsibility....You can tell it at the door!
I was in the home of a Sumner, WA couple the other night. He asked me what I thought of the tea party. I smiled and told him I was a part of that 20 years ago.
Open and Responsible Government, Constitutional Principles, NO on Taxes...live within our means, individual responsibility....You can tell it at the door!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Another Theft Of A Child In The Making???
A reader writes:
The Stuth Case and The Willard Case (soon you will all learn the outcome) were cases that I documented from beginning to end. These were both brutal battles with a lying bureaucracy that aimed to move a child from loving, qualified grandparents into the home of a single woman. In both cases the child was a little girl aged 3 and she was non drug affected. Her grandparents did not have a great deal of money. I followed both cases...and put in much personal time in the interest of trying to "right a wrong." It is very clear that the heads of government have absolutely no intention of changing the way they do business.
If the grandfather who wrote this will contact my office I have a few questions.
.... if anyone can help me please. I am a single grandfather who has been the relative placement for his grandchild since she was born and this has been for several years. But I am being blocked and lied about and railroaded at every turn. I can not afford a lawyer and have no idea how to proceed without losing what is left of my family. If anyone can help me please!
The Stuth Case and The Willard Case (soon you will all learn the outcome) were cases that I documented from beginning to end. These were both brutal battles with a lying bureaucracy that aimed to move a child from loving, qualified grandparents into the home of a single woman. In both cases the child was a little girl aged 3 and she was non drug affected. Her grandparents did not have a great deal of money. I followed both cases...and put in much personal time in the interest of trying to "right a wrong." It is very clear that the heads of government have absolutely no intention of changing the way they do business.
If the grandfather who wrote this will contact my office I have a few questions.
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