Saturday, February 28, 2009
Update: The Stuths, The Court, And KING5 TV
(Please Cut and Paste KING 5 Video)
Yesterday, February 27, 2009, the court terminated the parental rights of the Stuth's daughter. This is a necessary step in order for the Stuths to adopt their sweet little granddaughter who had been in a miserable "foster-adopt" home for 17 months of neglect.
The attorney general's office has had a total change of attitude. Remember, these are the same people who repeatedly argued before the judge that the Stuth's were unqualified. These are the same people who withheld from the judge that there was an aunt and uncle who had passed an in home study and were desperate to keep their niece in the family. This is the same arm of Washington State government that failed to mention to Judge Kessler that the Stuth's granddaughter had been removed from the foster woman for cause!!!! And then argued... knowing the removal had occurred...that the three year old STILL be placed with the evil foster woman!
Thankfully, when Judge Kessler found out the foster woman had lost the two toddlers in her care he was equally angry about the deciet!
" matter." Right? The state vilifies a very decent Enumclaw Plateau couple...causes them to go through hell as they watch little "Lisa" deteriorate before their eyes...costs them tens of thousands of dollars...and almost succeeds in stealing their grandchild. "By gones be by gones."
"By gones be by gones?" That is what the AG's office wants. The AGs will make nice with the press and have a conscience as long as KING5 and Susannah Frame are watching.
And, they are watching.
What about all the other families that the state vilifies...lies about...and successfully steals their children as they tried so hard to do with the Stuths?
I am willing to say this...knowing that Mr. Wilson, a former AG employee, is interviewing these same AG's involved with the Stuth case. Yes...the same honest people who withheld information and bore false witness before a judge will be talking about me! Mr. Wilson...I don't lie. And, certainly I have never lied before a judge.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Ethics Board Poised To Quash Ability Of 147 Legislators To Report CPS Wrongdoings
Please note if you have linked here from the TNT that Tacoma News Tribune reporter, Joseph Turner, is doing another gratuitous bashing of me and now my blog. This blog is a place for statements by the author, comments on my own family, and adventures. It is beyond me why a reporter would criticize my willingness to be open. Please see:
Mr. Turner is a known Pam Roach detractor. The story here is that I challenged the system and won. Now, some want to punish me for that. They won't be able to do that. If Mr. Turner had any integrity he would investigate CPS and help straighten a system. The TNT is the best paper in the state. It does report about CPS abuse. Mr. Turner, why don't you spend your time trying to expose corruption rather than crucify someone who is? I have pledged to open government, something I think a good reporter would praise. Instead you want to intimidate. You are just part of the pack Joe.
One hundred and forty-seven legislators will be affected by the decision of the Senate Ethics Board. Each of us are asked from time to time for help from our constituency. Board decisions affect all of us. Can you imagine a board like this shutting down legislative review with a stroke of the pen...without a trial...hearing...or word from the body???
Will the entire legislative branch have to prove motives, submit everything in writing, be kept from exposing the lies and deceit that exists in the unrestrained areas of government?
When the "proved to be troubled" foster woman in the Stuth case (let's not forget here that this woman was touted by CPS as just being wonderful...they were wrong...I was right) filed an ethics complaint against me, she was coached to do so.
Who coached her? Someone or some entity that knew an ethics board even existed. And, someone who knew I was even writing a blog. I am guessing either a CPS worker or the evil CASA who railed against me in court when I showed an interest in the Stuth case and then quickly bowed out as soon as the press entered the picture. (He figured he could hoodwink judges but not me and Susannah Frame together.)
(Remember PRR readers...the CASA was an out-of-state attorney who is not a member of the WA bar. He was up here volunteering. He made his fortune in CA moving children in Marin County. I think he must have come up here to bad-mouth the Stuths, lie to them saying a judge had ordered them not to see their granddaughter, and promote a woman with "social" problems so bad that the children were removed. (He wanted to find a family just like the Stuths...troubled teen mother, not wealthy, healthy child around 3 years of age....)
I believe in open government. I believe in helping children and families.
More later on this setup to remove legislators from CPS oversight.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Pam Roach Plan Would Save Lives...Place Released Sex Offenders In Industrial Areas
Please cut and paste to see Pam Roach and others in the KING 5 news coverage prompted by the murder of a 13 year old Vancouver girl walking home through a field.
(This is the correct link. Please copy and paste.)
We need better GPS monitoring. Parents need to be ever vigilant. Sex predators should be kept in prison as long as possible. When they are released they should go to industrial areas, not neighborhoods!
I have been pushing this idea for a couple of years now. Government already owns the buildings. They can, as has been done under my suggestion in King County, convert industrial property to sex predator housing and relocate government workers to other offices.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
"Slumdog Millionaire"...Pam Survives The Opening Scene
I liked it because it portrayed an image of India that for the most expect. But you don't have the imagination to come up with the details.
This movie casts children, but it is not a child's movie. It is rated "R" for violence and sexual content. The opening scene is intense and involves mutilation of innocent children. You don't want to see this part because it is something that you know exists.
Those who see it will have a new depth in understanding the third world, and hopefully, a greater gratitude for American life.
The storyline of "poor guy triumphs" is lost for me. I did not focus on the fantasy as the reality was too overwhelming.
King County Assessor's Actions Add Up To Vehicular Assault...Why Was The Press 30 Days Late In Reporting It?
QUESTION?...Why did it take one month to report it? Why did the Seattle press hold this information? They haunt the halls of King County government and...the press routinely goes over traffic accident reports. There is no way they did not see this!
This "accident" (drunk crash) held up four lanes of traffic at 3 AM.
Coddling a drunk Democrat two weeks before a countywide election?
Why didn't the State Patrol let us know?
It ranks up there with the 14 year-old who weighted 47 pounds after being held captive by her sicko was two months before it was reported.
Let's bet he does what former State Supreme Court Justice Bobbe Bridge did when caught drunk driving. He will not resign. He will fill out his term. Let's hope it is from a jail cell!
President Obama Said Something I Have Never Heard A Democrat Say
Now that I am on the Senate Education Committee I have purposefully mentioned it many times publicly.
Sometimes educators and liberals will list all the important things that contribute to a child's education but they NEVER say what President Obama did in tonight's Joint Session of Congress.
I have never heard a Democrat say this! This was the single most important message of the night.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ethics Board's Mike O'Connell Reveals His Attitude And Just Maybe His Bias
Let's, however, know that this man probably recommended an expansion of the unfit foster mother's complaint against me and this blog, and then hired an investigator without telling me he was moving forward. He said he would inform me of developments. (Let's go hunt while she continues to write!)He also said he would call to set up an interview which he never did. No one has.
I would not be printing this email exchange but for two reasons. First, someone out there decided to write me saying what a nice guy Mike O'Connell is. Fine. This is not about nice. But let the email speak for itself. Secondly, I think witch hunts should be public.
Remember the story line. The foster mother in the Stuth case filed an ethics complaint against me demanding that this blog (this bit of free speech) should be shut down. Remember that I never used the names in the case. Remember that she is the one with the restraining order out against the former lover with a gun and that she had the Stuth grandchild removed from her (for cause) at the very time the state continued to argue for termination and placement with this woman! Who and what should be investigated here????!!!! (And yes, the judge agreed with me.)
Mr. Mike O'Connell sent me a cover letter with the complaint. I called him. He used to be the Senate Republican counsel many years ago and I have regarded him as at least not an enemy. I have not had much occasion to communicate with him over the last 10 years. He is employed at the will of the Democrat Senate.
I told him I thought this complaint was ridiculous. That I had the constitutional right to have a blog just like anyone else. And, that though I could if I had chosen to do so...I used no names. And, I stated that I have free speech rights. And, that as a Senator I have the right and responsibility to demand that state government follow the law by placing children with qualified relatives. The foster woman's name had even been used in open court. His letter of notification clearly released her information and he said the complaint could be public (including her name). He told me that he didn't see anything wrong, but that he would let me know if it was otherwise.
He did not. He never notified me that the purvue of the complaint had been expanded. Why? Because the longer she blogs the greater the chance of finding something we can pin on her!
I called him before Christmas telling him I wanted to know what was happening. As if as a casual aside, O'Connell informed me that the Ethics Board was going to "expand the nature of the foster woman's complaint" and go interviewing looking for something (anything) I might have done wrong. I had to call him to be informed of this new and unusual development.
Really? Not enough to do?
As you know, I am just finishing up, Twilight, a book for teens and now a popular movie that I am reading along with my granddaughter. We learn there that the werewolves do not like light! They prefer the darkness.
Email #3
-----Original Message-----From: O'Connell, Mike Wed, 28 Jan 2009 7:23 am Subject: RE: CPS Wrongdoings
You have my sincere apology if my response seems angry and irrational because surely you know me better than that. I am neither. And, it seems, I was mistaken about your intentions regarding a meeting with Ken Wilson. I simply wanted to convey to you that you have an opportunity, if you choose, to be part of the preliminary investigation.
No message to the Board has been sent on this matter. Of course you may have an attorney or anyone else you may select to be present at the interview.
Would you prefer to give me some dates and times when you would be available or should I start with his schedule and provide some options for you to consider? Whichever you prefer.
Best Regards,
Email #2
From: pamroach@ Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:52 PMTo: O'Connell, Mike Subject: Re: Wrongdoings at CPS
Please indicate in my letter where I refused to be interviewed. Please indicate where I refused to participate. Please indicate when or what time I have refused an interview from Mr. Wilson. When has a request ever been put forward to me for an interview?
You have indicated to me that you have hired an investigator. That takes money. Taxpayer money. We are in a recession. The state is facing a multi-billion dollar deficit. I have offered you an opportunity to read the King County Superior Court judge's ruling in this matter. The judge is not a party. However, he has rendered that ruling. That ruling supports my good work in this matter and clearly states the illegal actions and harm perpetrated on my constituents by DSHS.
Your response to my initial letter seems to be angry and irrational. I would ask that you reflect upon your words and your tone. I demand that you not relay erroneous or inaccurate information to the board. If you persist on the position you have stated in this letter I will have to seek legal assistance to defend my rights. I look forward to a more rational and well thought response from you in the future. Pam Roach
Email #1
From: O'Connell, Mike To: Roach, Pam Sent: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 5:23 pm Subject: RE: Wrongdoings at CPS
As you identified in one of our phone messages, one of the issues raised in the complaint is breach of confidentiality. This allegation involves your relationship with DSHS personnel and perhaps others. The other allegation, which we also discussed, was whether you wrongfully used you position or public resources – this could also involve your relationship with DSHS personnel and perhaps others. As you say, there may be nothing here in the end and I appreciate that it can be frustrating to be the subject of a complaint but a “witch hunt” seems a curious descriptor of a process established in law. Before a case may be dismissed the matter must be investigated. If this were not the fact then all that quasi-judicial boards would have to do would be to gather a statement from the respondent and dismiss the case or, in the alternative, gather a statement from the complainant and proceed to a hearing. Granted, a much simpler process.
Earlier you seemed eager to be interviewed – in fact, you insisted upon it and made me promise it would happen. You complained that in the past and on more than one occasion you have been refused the opportunity to tell your story. An interview would have given you an opportunity to help Mr. Wilson put his report together, with everyone’s perspectives included, before being considered by the Board. You have chosen not to participate and since there are no compulsory orders in effect at this time it is certainly your right to refuse.
I will inform Mr. Wilson and the Board that you have declined . As I mentioned earlier the Board meets on February 19 and the progress of the investigation will be a subject for a non-public, executive session. At some point the Board will determine it has enough information from the investigation to answer the question of whether or not there is reasonable cause to believe the Act has been violated. The Board will issue a public order on the question of reasonable cause, either dismis sing the case for lack of reasonable cause or finding reasonable cause and ordering a public hearing.
Best Regards,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Plant A Fruit Tree...Someone Will Thank You
This was a gift to the future.
I have doorbelled thousands and thousands of homes and have noticed only a few front yard fruit trees. With the small backyards of growth management I would expect to see land used more productively in the front.
Ornamentals and natural growth are great but their preference has been a mystery. Our yard is full of natural northwest undercover...trees, ferns, etc. But, we also dabble in agriculture. We try to pass that on as it was given to us.
The kids planted peas and onion sets this weekend. The chicks will be here in early March. My grown sons are selecting their giant pumpkin seeds right now. It is a guy thing...pumpkin competition.
Of course, in our family it will be Melanie lifting the giant pumpkins onto the truck!
Please post your food gardening ideas here. How do you have a garden in an apartment, your kitchen window, elevated boxes, tires, or traditional plot? How do you involve the family? I will get some pictures and document our garden. It should be a fun summer!
Democrats Move To Make It Easier For Druggies To Hook Your Kids...WA State
Drug abuse has cost us all a great deal. It affects everyone. You change your behavior because of it. You lock your house more certainly for fear of burglary. (Druggies hunt for things to hock). You move your mail to a P.O. box or a neighborhood lock box. (Druggies want your ID). You guard your kids more closely. More of your health care and tax dollars are diverted to cover the costs of others who abuse drugs at the expense of covering eyeglasses or teaching important languages in schools. (So, you pay even more for what you need.)
We can argue whether or not the "war on drugs" has worked. If the goal is to rid our country and state of drug abuse then it has failed. The question is...would we be better off if we had no drug prevention policies? I believe we need tough laws and enforcement. I also believe we need treatment. I believe in helping people both by treatment, punishment, and by prevention.
Drug overdose callers may get legal immunity (This is a link to TV coverage. Please click.)
This session Democrats again want to weaken the enforcement arm of our efforts to stem advances in illegal drug use. They want to cause prosecution problems. Immunity issues, as this bill is written, would favor the lawbreakers under the guise of saving lives. The Franklin proposal is not the law passed by New Mexico. Washington lawmakers want to expand on New Mexico's recently passed law that was aimed only at reducing deaths from illegal drug overdoses. Washington State Democrats would open huge holes in the prosecution of drug crimes by setting new rules regarding immunity.
The New Mexico law is MUCH tighter. It's goal is to save lives only. And, there is no evidence that it has helped! Our legislature is happy to use it as an example of what "states" have done elsewhere when, in fact, they would expand upon the New Mexico enactment. The WA proposal is a wide open immunity plan for drug users! Prosecutors testified against the bill.
And, there is yet another bad druggie bill. The "No Slammer for Forty Grammer."
The Democrats, with the help of Spokane Republican Senator Bob McCaslin, have also passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee a bill to reduce from felony to misdemeanor the possession of up to 40 grams of marijuana. Possession of a one quart clump would never get court time. (Now, that's is a nice message to send our young people! Have all you want. Just a clump at a time.) The bill is sponsored by Sen. Jeannie Kohl-Wells, and three other downtown Seattle liberals. Committee vote: "NO": Roach (R)and Carroll (R); Hargrove (D) abstained; Voting "Yes," Chair Klein (D), McDermott (D), Kohl-Wells (D), Omig (D), and McCaslin (R).
If McCaslin had voted "No" the vote would not have received the majority needed to leave the committee. Four votes does not get you there! Seth Dawson, former Snohomish County prosecutor, drug counseling advocate, and Democrat, testified against this bill.
Governor's Council On Substance Abuse
Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Co-author Juvenile Justice Reform Act
Former Chair, Senate Law and Justice Committee
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Senator Pam Roach On Grandmaing
It didn't feel like I was lagging behind. I just knew one thing...he was was better than me!
"Grandma, come on! I need your help!"
I was tucked back into the recesses of the leather couch, tense, nervous, waiting for an alien to blast me. Tonight I played "Halo" with my seven-year-old friend. I am sure I played some role as he begged me to keep playing...even when the brownies were ready.
Last Saturday I devoted the day to my beautiful granddaughter, Emily (10). She didn't know it.
But, when I go to her championship basketball game next Saturday, I will return her copy of Twilight that I just read. The reward will be the discussion we have. The book is wildly popular among young girls. The movie is out already. It is a piece of "adolescent literature" and not my current reading. But, perhaps her next book will be one of my choosing. This is better than a book club.
For Valentine's Day Cammie (3) and I made and decorated sugar cookies. She wore the baker's hat and matching apron that I gave her at Christmas. Gymnast mom, Melanie, thought she was was just the cutest.
Tomorrow on the Olympia campus...look for Ethan and me walking together, talking. He has yet another day off from school and Rep. Roach and I are splitting the day with him.
My goal?
Yes, I want to teach my grandkids whatever I can. And, of course, I want to love them and have fun. But right now I am interested in creating memories. I want them to remember me. In the end that is really all I can give.
Senator Roach Has Long Talk With CPS High-up And New Case Introduced
Lots was validated. The department knew that the judge in the Stuth case had not been informed of the emergency removal of little "Lisa" from the foster woman just the night before they argued for placement with the foster woman.
The department has no care what-so-ever that they get their facts wrong in these cases or that they withhold information from the judge. It makes them move faster to take the child. They want to steal a child faster!
Such is a new case of which I have been made aware. CPS lured a grandmother and 3 year-old to their offices...promising Christmas presents for the child... and a routine evaluation for the grandmother in the process of adoption.
The child was escorted down the hall for her gifts. The grandmother was escorted into a room where she was informed she would never see her granddaughter again!
The grandparents did get to see their little granddaughter (who had been promised would be theirs by the mother's wishes and the state). On two Fridays for 45 minutes they were allowed to see her. At the parting their "Lisa" screamed and kicked and was absolutely hysterical at being pulled away from her "parents." Aren't you all proud of the work CPS is doing? What kind of harm are they doing to this child?!
The state is moving very quickly. Last week there was a hearing to which the grandparents were not invited. They found out about it one day prior through a friend. They were not even informed!!! The state's plan is to have someone else's 3 year-old placed, permanently, within 3 weeks!
What is wrong with the grandparents?
1. The state says they stole a computer from Swedish Hospital.
The computer was surplussed along with 100 others and given away. (They have the receipt.)
2. They don't make enough money.
She is a pre-school teacher and the grandfather works at the school district as support staff.
3. Third sin? Their daughter has been on drugs.
Yes, that is true. And, she would not have the child. The child has been with the grandparents for 3 years. Besides, the fact is that she has been clean and sober with counseling.
"Families First" in WA State? I don't think so.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Updates On What People Do For Fun
I have taken a few days rest from the blog. It is harder to find the time during session. And, I like to write from home...late at night. (It is 11:28 PM as I start this entry.) Conditions have to be right! :o)
Updates On What People Do For Fun:
* Captain John and his family had a big farewell here at the farm before departing for their tour of duty in Germany. I had flown two weekends in a row to visit them at their stateside base prior to their leaving. I wanted to. I could. So, I did. Those were my least expensive visits for a long time.
* I spent all day on Saturday curled up with a book, in a big cushy chair, by the picture window here at the farm. I never left the house. I had been thinking about how great it would be just to spend a whole day reading. I wanted to. I could. So, I did.
* Congress passed a $780 Billion spending package. They wanted to. They could. So, they did.
* CPS called a good grandmother and her three-year-old granddaughter to their offices. Grandma had had the girl since birth. The mother had terminated parental rights in order for her parents to legally receive the child. CPS said: " We will take 'Lilly' down the hall for some Christmas presents while we talk with you." Lilly went down the hall. The grandma (a pre-school teacher) went into the windowless room. Then, CPS said to Grandma, "That was the last time you will ever see your granddaughter." CPS took Lilly. They placed her is a foster adopt house. There was never a good-bye. (Can you imagine?) CPS did this because they wanted to. They could. And, they did.
* Last Friday I noticed "Sophie's Choice" was showing on TV. I had read the book but never seen the movie. (That's because of a little rule I have that is generally kept. Since the book is usually better I don't want to spoil it by seeing the movie.*) I made an exception on Friday night...I found that I remembered very little of the story. Really, I only remembered one scene from the book. Sophie was in a line with a Nazi watching her with her son and daughter. The Nazi forced her to choose between them...which one would live...which one she could keep. Her six year old daughter screamed. In absolute terror she screamed as her mother cried out in anguish. All I could think of was "Lilly." People do good or evil because they want to and they can. I believe they enjoy their choices.
(* In The Thornbirds and all Harry Potter books...I read ahead of the TV mini-series and the movies. Sometimes the movies are a compliment. I admit it.)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
"Families First" Rally A Success....Washington Families United Did A Great Job!

White Male Construction Workers...Where You And Your Families Are In The Line
The plan is the same. Pay off all debt including the house. Put away an emergency fund. Plant fruit trees. Plant a garden. Store a three month supply of food for your family. Learn to do with less.
I hate to seem partisan so soon into the new administration. But right out of the starting gate this clip is a little telling.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Senate Ethics Board Witch Hunting To Hang Senator Pam Roach
Without any idea what they are looking for....Senate Ethics Board counsel, Mike O'Connel, says he is currently "researching" the past ethics renderings and the state law for what I might have done wrong.
(Yes, Dear Readers....they are on the hunt. And, they intend to find SOMETHING... ANYTHING to punish me.)
But even though his research has not been completed...even though they have not told ME what they think I may have violated....the board has already hired and has sent out a "Mr. Wilson" to interview CPS, DSHS, and Attorney General people that I contacted in the last 11 months trying to help the Stuth family and formulate legislation to correct the wrongs from happening again.
Concepts like "Kangaroo Court"...and "Star Chamber" come to mind.
So as it turns out...Mr. Wilson used to work for the AG. Yes, that is true. So, how unbiased do we think he will be? I had no say in who the interviewer would be. I have not been notified to get an attorney. Mr. W has not spoken to me first so I might give him some direction. And, what do you want to bet I will not have a name with my accusers?
Now Pam Roach will get the same treatment as so many good families have gotten. They want me to have to get a lawyer! They want to find an ethics violation that they know I will have to spend time and money to fight. Just like some of the people that have so persecuted the Stuths (see previous PPR) the Ethics Board has sent out a man with an order: "Find SOMETHING that Roach has done wrong." Lucky Mr. W. He will be paid long as he finds someone to interview... If CPS lied to the court and they did....I wonder what they will say about me!
More on this later. It will be a public lynching. You will read about it here. I will not cower to this intimidation, retribution, waste of taxpayer funds, and political payback. I believe I will give my first speech on this at the rally.
I want everyone to know what is happening. The light of day should shine on this action just like it should shine on CPS violations.
Legislation Will Be A Topic Of The Rally

The banner is hung.... And the shirts are printed (the front side is a very positive: "Families First...That's The Law" message). 50 of the shirts have already been sold. There are 100 for the rally and the group is asking $20 to cover expenses. I think that is a real bargain!
The press release is out. "Families First" leaders have been working to get the word out. There will be legislators speaking and the public will have a chance to tell their stories. We all plan to keep our remarks succinct so we have a chance to learn and get to know each other.
You might want to bring calling cards so you can pass them out to new friends. Put your email address on them. Let's work together.