(There was a big picture in the paper addition. Jan Smith is a very articulate grandmother who is fighting for state law to be enforced.)
KING 5 was on hand to record the first ever "Families First " rally with a story first up on the 5 o'clock news. The Olympian ran a huge picture and story of the event. There was at least one heckler in the crowd...and word came from within DSHS that a counter demonstration was scuttled (the better side of decorum, I suppose?).
Thanks to all who came and to Dave Wood, and Washington Families United.
More to come...
Pam, where can I find someone loke you in the Chicagoland area? janet.dolan755@yahoo.com
Thank you so very much for bringing these issues forward.Untill you have lived thru the horror of what the agency can do when facts are distorted and social workers are on a witch hunt you believe c.p.s. actually does protect children.I was one of those foster parents who thought I was saving the world one child at a time.Trust me I know better now.
Washington State systematically destroys families. I hope that with Pam Roach's support, perhaps as soon as five or six years, families will begin to be treated like they are human beings. With rights! And feelings! The state has an uncanny ability to keep the child with the abuser, no matter what relation that person is to the child. Every day, another family falls victim to Washington State. In 2009, the state will do little more than create more lawsuits for itself. And behind the lawsuits are the children and families they hurt! Remember the word systematic, these people are an unthinking, uncaring machine.
Senator could someone start a blog called "Families First-Stop CPS Abuse" so that people could write comments to it as they do on your site and on KING 5.It is a great forum for everyone to speak to and we need a place that accepts comments immediately so that if a person makes a comment someone else can answer it in real time.
I'm a Newbie and don't have the expertise in such matters.
Just a thought.
Dear Senator Roach,
Just a few words on Senate House Bill 5811. GREAT! WONDERFUL! BRILLIANT!
We are going to try to rally for supporters on the 19th at 3:30.
Washington Families United will be there in support and will follow this closely.
CC Tillett
It's time for another rally. cps is still cunducting business as usual! time to investigate kittitas dshs!
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