Friday, July 23, 2010

A Message From Democrat Dave On Important Matters

The letter below came to me yesterday. There is no "standing" in court for any family except the troubled parent who is about to have their child taken. The law says biological family is first in line for placement. That state lies in the court room about relatives, takes the child, and adopts the child to an "oh, I want a blue-eyed one" foster adopt woman. Susannah Frame of KING 5 has exposed the lying in court. How about the rest of the press?

Take a look at a new website This is the Metropolitan
Democratic Club of Seattle, which will feature a discussion at noon on
Wednesday, August 11 between me and Rep. Ruth Kagi. I intend to use the
opportunity to plug for jury trials. No time for a bunch of horror stories,
though I want one clear example of lives not ruined if there had been a jury to
require provable facts and consider the entire story, not a one-sided
presentation by social workers and AAGs in front of a kangaroo "family" court.
The Wolcott and Tillett stories are classic examples. Would Timothy be willing
to tell a little of his life as a forced ward of the state? I will touch
briefly on the Tillett story, telling enough disgusting details to show why
Prosecuting Attorney Russ Hauge would not even attempt to persuade a criminal
jury to convict your brother and sister-in-law. Your family got no justice
either way. You lost your nephew forever, and there was no
"not guilty" finding to clear the family name. The MDC, founded originally by
a whole bunch of Democratic lawyers, should find this unbelievable and
intolerable. {Dave}

My thought on this? Be at the meeting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pam, as a Democrat who loves you, I will be at this meeting. Ruth Kagi is my Representative and we have had discussions about this issue and my case. I am wondering if there is a way for people not in the Seattle area who cannot make it to this meeting to post questions I can submit to Ruth. I am active in the Democrats, so I would be happy to take my fellow citizens' concerns to this meeting no matter what their political affiliation, because I am a supporter of Pam's good work.

I want to tell all readers I have heard from progressive family court lawyers that Pam "gets it". They say they are glad Pam is there speaking because many progressives do not "get it" like Pam does.

I want you all and Pam to know that even though I am a Dem, I support Pam Roach and her supporters with all my heart! Pam speaks for us when my Dems have terrible on the issue of CPS and Family Preservation. Since Rep Kagi chairs the Children's Services Committee, it seems to me she is representing more than her district and I would be happy as a Dem to stand with ALL people concerned about Family Preservation and grandparents' rights.

Email me at: mntleo2 AT Yahoo DOT com, put "Ruth Kagi" in the subject line so I know who you are and ask away. I plan to make an appointment with Ruth soon and it would be good to hear from constituents to take with me to let her know that this time we do not want a "speaking to the choir" discussion with this Dave Wood.

The part in the meeting announcement that interests me is they want to discuss "troubled families" when so many kids who are taken are *not* in any "troubled family". If anything families become "troubled" when CPS and DSHS gets through with them after trampling on the Constitution after decimating children and entire families because they are so focused on getting funding off the backs of little kids, just as long as they pocket the $1000s of dollars in funding they get for every kid that is taken. Who cares about any stinkin' Constitution or kid when there is so much money at stake?

Cat in Seattle