Monday, February 1, 2010

Attorney General Rob McKenna Endorses Pam Roach For Reelection

State Attorney General Rob McKenna has given me an early endorsement for reelection and will be attending one of my fundraisers during the campaign season. (More later on this.)

Thanks for your support, Rob.


Aaron said...

Congrats Senator Roach! This is one of the hundreds due your way...GO GET 'EM on the campaign trail and keep up the good work.

mark supanich said...

Pam. I agree with the others. You should consider running for Governor. I have spent quite a bit of time in the past several years in Olympia. You are one of the very few legislators that will stand up for what they believe in. Most are afraid of of the special interest groups. It may be too late for many of them to do what they are paid to do. People in America as well as in this state are fed up with the way our government is destroying our once great nation. Soon I believe you will see many more new faces running for those seats that have stayed the same for years. I also belive many that are out of work would love to have the job at half the pay. I guess free speach is in some other constitution. Mark Supanich Washington Families United

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know as a voter and fellow Washington State resident, I back you fully.
I have ran locally for a seat in Black Diamond on their City council. But unfortunately did not win.The economy is in the crapper and choosing family and work was a priority that I could not overlook and did not leave me anytime to campain door to door.
Your outspoken nature and down to earth attitude are greatly needed in the uptight political world we are all facing.
There are too many lobbiest trying to edge out what is needed most in this socety and we are facing tough times that will call for tough decisions and in and of that a person in which tough leadership is a requirement not an option.
So next time someone sticks up their coattails at you...kick them in the arse!
I look forward to your successes and watching the positive change you will bring to our evergreen state.
Sincerely, Paula Boyd

Anonymous said...

Senator Roach,
First I want to congratulate you, I feel that you deserve this. Next I know that you are busy at this time of year but I do miss your daily blog. Thank you again for all that you do to help the children.
Grandma in Vancouver