Monday, March 29, 2010

A Reminder From Costco: Self Reliance Is Important

Last year at this time I encouraged everyone to plant a garden and execute a plan for self preparedness. I am reminded of that again. My on-line ad from Costco features freeze dried food for two. Start from seed and then freeze or can...or....forget the do-it-yourself stuff and just buy it and forget about it knowing you have squirreled something away. (You can't eat your gold or silver.)

Shelf Reliance THRIVE
3-month, 2-person Food Supply
2,515 Total Servings
54 #10 Cans
Item # 491491
Shipping & Handling included *

Shelf Reliance THRIVE
Fruit Variety Pack

Shelf Reliance THRIVE
Vegetable Variety Pack

Shelf Reliance THRIVE
Protein & Wheat Variety Pack


Anonymous said...

For the budget conscious, plan on 90 cans of vegetables 90 cans of fruit, dryed milk, nuts, beans, rice and sesame seed oil, peanut butter, tuna fish, flour, canned chicken, herbs and spices. Buy all of them by 20 items each per month and in a year, you will have most of what you need. Try and get canned goods at 2 for $1 whenever possible.

Anonymous said...

got it all covered 2 freezers still have canning left over and some butternut squash still viable , I go jhere and there whenever I see a sale to stock up on canned goods , I can feed the whole neighborhood LOL buzy putting in a garden to feed 10 year round with grenhouses to keep cold crops going all winter , im in zone 5