Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"Good Morning America" Calls The Grandparents!

The Stuth Story is going national !


Anonymous said...

Dear Senator Roach,

I cannot think of a better way to get the message out, than an appearance on GMA. How utterly wonderful for them!

I hope the invitation was extended to you as well. Your part in this was not exactly what I would call insignificant.

Keep us all posted on everything. I like to read your blog with my morning coffee.

Your energy starts my day off.


CC Tillett

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!!
Thank you Senator this is so what we need, to go national! The Stuths are carrying the torch to the nation.
Let the country see what can be done with a brave Senator to enlist the aid of the media and fight for the rights of the common people. Now it needs to "snowball!" I hope they (cps) don't even have time to circle their wagons!!

Anonymous said...

This is great news!

This story is the very epitome of the fraud CPS is committing regarding the law requiring Reasonable Efforts and Kinship Preference.

CPS is a Pandemic Plague upon the land.

Leonard Henderson, co-founder
American Family Rights Association
Until Every Child Comes Home ©
The Voice of America's Families ©

Bobby said...

Thank God the judge used some common sense. Its about time this little girl is back with her loving grandparents and her mother. Grandparents and family should be considered first before even thinking of foster care. I think we should be cautiously optimistic about this case at this point. GROWS is trying to get a grandparents visitation rights bill passed this session of the legislature.

Bob Rudolph
Chair Granparents Rights of Washington State (GROWS).

Anonymous said...

You rock Pam.

Anonymous said...

Not only should this go public for other families...I would like to see a public apology from the scum who hurt this little girl. ALL of them!

Anonymous said...

Thank you senator for taking a risk and supporting this family. Please make sure those attorneys get an ethics complaint filed against their actions. I have yet to hear or read anything positive about CPS. It is clear that the next battle should be CPS, the nazi's who have destroyed children and families not only in Washington state, but through out the nation