Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Captain John...Reinforcements Are On The Way

The family is going into action! The first of this year's three family additions is due in a couple of weeks.

Grandma Kitty has by now arrived in Germany. Her eldest married my penultimate so Kitty is younger than me. She has by now given big hugs to our granddaughter, Sadie (4), and our grandson, Jack (2). She has read them books, played Candyland, changed a few Pampers, and knelt by the bed for night time prayer. In a week or so she will fill in for my son who is in Qatar. She will drive to the hospital and be there for the birth. I am so grateful that she is such a truly wonderful and talented person. Thank you, Kitty. We just love Claire. You did a great job!

Kitty leaves Germany the day before I arrive. I will read books to Sadie and Jack, play Candyland, change Pampers, and kneel at the bedside for prayer. Kitty and I are grandmas.

((Let us all pray for the family unit. It is being attacked by government (impossible taxes and illegal taking of children), the media (selective sensational news), and Hollywood (poor role models). Families must work very hard to pass on their own values and keep government from taking away our liberties.))

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