(This is a recent cut on Lily's chin...it came with bruises...and no explanation.)
BRIEF HISTORY... The following is an unsigned comment to this blog. It is regarding little 3 year-old Lily who was taken without justification from her grandparents shortly after Christmas. The department lied about the grandparents by saying they stole a computer and had no heating in their house. Lily was put into foster care, a rich great grandmother stepped up to take the child, and the child after spending some time with the GGM is now back in foster care. (Please read previous PPRs for background.)
Try to comprehend what this person is saying!!!! Person XX believes that non relatives have a right to someone else's child and will lie to make everyone feel better. My guess is that this is yet a new foster parent or a social worker already on the case.
"Lily is a friend of mine and she is not suffering or miserable. She is a happy, energetic, three year old. The children in the system are the victims. The foster mom and great grandmother are seeing to it that Lily is safe and loved, and that her transitions are done according to her well being, and not what the system wants. I don't know the grandparents personally, but they have been adversarial to the foster mom from the start, never trying to make anything but their visits the best they can be under these unfortunate circumstances." Anonymous
The rich paternal great grandmother was never a part of Lily's life (saw her only once since birth) but at least was a biological relative. She has never been in the home of the maternal grandparents. She thought the couple was fine until she listened to the lies of CPS. The grands are on the opposite financial ends...the grandparents have no accumulated wealth and in this economy have suffered...and are now renting. (I find this a really interesting form of discrimination that is playing out against the grandparents. If Lily were with young natural parents no one would think a thing about the parents renting and finances would not be a part of the consideration. The state does not yank kids from families without money...OR DOES IT?
You need to watch Dr. Phil and his work with CASA. The Court puts a great deal on the weight of the CASA testimony. So, if you know a CASA, want a child... it is my bet that you would get that child without an egregious act by the parent.
Monday - May 25, 2009
Caught in the System
Over half a million kids live in foster care, and many are neglected, unloved and viewed as a paycheck by their new family. Dr. Phil takes a hard look at the harsh realities these forgotten kids face and sends an urgent message about the need to repair this ailing system. Jessica, 24, aged out of foster care six years ago after bouncing from one home to another. She says her childhood was so horrific that she witnessed the murder of her 5-year-old sister … by her mother and stepfather. Will Jessica find the strength to overcome her abusive past? Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s surprise for her! And, Dr. Phil and Robin are the national spokespersons for Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), which trains volunteers to watch over and advocate for abused and neglected children. Find out how Robin laid down the law at a recent CASA graduation. Then, Juan is 18 and has lived in 25 foster homes during his childhood. Now that he's been emancipated, he has no job, no identification and jumps from couch to couch. Can the young man get the tools he needs to turn his life around? Plus, find out how the New Orleans Saints head coach, Sean Payton, his wife, Beth, and The Dr. Phil Foundation scored a touchdown together!
This entire situation is just so sick!! It is an outrage.
One child after another and these are only the ones who get any press coverage...WHAT about the ones that we don't hear about? How many are they?
Look at Colville, the professionals stepped up to the plate. It took that for them to get any notice. We need that everywhere else in this state but, apparently the rest are satisfied with the pay they get. We need a Tim Rasmussen in every county.
Apparently they didn't damage Lily enough mentally now they have to add, what "physical abuse" too?!
Thank you Senator for bringing this to the front again for poor little Lily's sake.
I contacted the Snohomish County prosecuting attorney`s office because we are being retaliated against and I was told to call the police if I felt c.p.s. had done anything criminal. What a joke!! Somebody needs to make them accountable for what is being done to these children. Thank you Mary Meinig for the investigation you are doing on our case and also Kirk Pearson for contacting Susan Dreyfus for us. Maybe we will get some good news soon.
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