(I am out of town...yes...again...and so I must rely on others a bit more. Please verify the mention here of a June 2nd rally for Poca and plan to attend. We need momentum! Do not miss a single opportunity!)
"We, too are going through this after having our niece for 18 months. She is almost 3. We are meeting with a new attorney on Wednesday but what good does it do when the Judge doesn't care about the child`s feelings? It`s always one accusation after another from the caseworker with no proof to back anything up. The caseworker has made it clear that she has an adoptive home for this little girl. We are her family and she needs us as much as we need her. We will not give up. We need as many people as possible to come to the rally for little Poca on June 2nd. This may not only help the Langleys but us as well as others fighting this horrible system that is supposed to be protecting children. Our niece was never harmed in any way with us and is now being emotionally destroyed. Please come to the rally at the Denny Juvenile Justice Center on June 2nd. King 5 will be there and you may be able to tell your story."
Anon. Reader
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Honduras Earthquake
Please pray for Hondurans and others around the world. My group was right at that spot just a few days ago. We know the people. There are, indeed, faces to all those in pain around the world and here at home.
Lily's Placement Hearing On Tuesday
There was no outcome but there were some items of note.
The maternal grandparents again took off work and ferried in from Orcas Island to be in the Skagit County Courtroom. There was no foster person present. There was no paternal great-grandmother there.
There was a GAL (Guardian Ad Litum), like a CASA. The GAL was asked by the judge if the three-year-old, Lily, has bonded to the great grandma. Yes, certainly, was the tenor of the response.
I am wondering again about the varasity of the CASA/GAL people. If a person has only seen a 3 year-old once since birth up until a couple of visits in the last month...can there be a bonding???? Who in the world is this GAL to make such a statement? Well, we will never know. We don't get to know who they are.
But, I'll bet she has never seen Lily with her grandparents. And, I will bet she is not a shrink and has has no degree or credintial to make any such statement in a courtroom.
No wonder the CASA folks came down in droves (to Olympia this session) to protect the secrecy of their program volunteers. These volunteers act as God in a courtroom and God knows who and what they do outside the courtroom. I wonder if this one was also hand picked by DSHS for this removal....
The maternal grandparents again took off work and ferried in from Orcas Island to be in the Skagit County Courtroom. There was no foster person present. There was no paternal great-grandmother there.
There was a GAL (Guardian Ad Litum), like a CASA. The GAL was asked by the judge if the three-year-old, Lily, has bonded to the great grandma. Yes, certainly, was the tenor of the response.
I am wondering again about the varasity of the CASA/GAL people. If a person has only seen a 3 year-old once since birth up until a couple of visits in the last month...can there be a bonding???? Who in the world is this GAL to make such a statement? Well, we will never know. We don't get to know who they are.
But, I'll bet she has never seen Lily with her grandparents. And, I will bet she is not a shrink and has has no degree or credintial to make any such statement in a courtroom.
No wonder the CASA folks came down in droves (to Olympia this session) to protect the secrecy of their program volunteers. These volunteers act as God in a courtroom and God knows who and what they do outside the courtroom. I wonder if this one was also hand picked by DSHS for this removal....
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
New Post: Letter From Lily's Grandmother To DSHS And Copied To Me
Posted With Permission and girl's name changed to Lily
"As of today, May 26th, 2009 I have not heard a thing from anybody regarding anything. I am writing this in pure frustration.
Last Friday, our visit with Lily was beautiful because we get to see her, but awful in so many other ways. First, we were able to meet her in a park, actually Lions park. This was very bitter sweet for the three of us as Lily, Andy and I along with other Lion members raised the money and did all the work on the playground including put in the new playground equipment. As we were doing this last summer, who would have thought we would be having SUPERVISED VISITATIONS at the playground we had built for other children.
Upon seeing Lily we immediately observed a severe cut under her chin that was probably a couple of days old. It was long and deep and probably should have required a doctor to look at it at the time. Lily said it hurt but she did not see a doctor. She continues to have the rash she has had since she left our care. She had visible bruises all over her in fact the one by her elbow looked just like a hand had grabbed her. Again, I am a teacher and know how bumps happen, but these all raised questions in my mind. She never had ANYTHING while in our care over 3 years.
When I asked if she had seen her great grandmother, she said "No, she does not have time for me, she went away on a big airplane".
Tomorrow is supposed to be a placement hearing at the Skagit County Courthouse at 9:30am. However, we were to have a pre-placement meeting two weeks ago that they cancelled the day before it was to happen. I was told it would be re-scheduled BEFORE she was moved. So, I have no idea what is going on and apparently {Great Grandma} is on vacation again.
We have been waiting since April the 8th on 3 motions to be decided on in the courts. To date, we have spent almost $15,000.00 in legal costs and still have never been heard by a judge. This is incredible. We have a new attorney, Alisa Maples, whom I have talked to for months and really believe she has a wonderful heart and will serve Lily well. We meet with her on June 5th.
As far as DSHS goes, they promised we would hear no later than 10 days after they got my paperwork. My faxed response went in on April 28th, 2009 and my hand delivered response went to them on May 8th. But as of today, almost a month later, nothing from the adoption unit about a new home study.
In the last 4 1/2 months since Lily has been out of our care we have been devastated. However, during that time I have received a promotion at work from Lead Teacher to Lead Teacher and Educational Coordinator for the school. Andy and I have put in countless hours on Lions projects including eyeglass distribution for over seas projects. We both have received more community awards and I am presently being appointed a Human Services County Council position. Today I am working on our preschool graduation for Thursday, which Lily should be participating in. Do you know what kind of torture this is to teach every day in a classroom with her empty desk? Andy is head custodian at Madison elementary where Madison was named after? (OK, so her name is not Lily. ED) We take care of many children...on a field trip whale watching.... but can't have our own granddaughter? We have no criminal history and are being treated like felons by DSHS?
As I was bringing out my red dishes this weekend for dinner, I remember the social worker coming to our home to do her party. Yes, I had three Home Interior parties at my house in Anacortes from a Social Worker at DSHS who loved our house so much, it was so lovely, well kept and decorated so nicely she wanted me to hostess her Home Interior parties. I did three parties last year for her. Do you think that will ever be brought up? Or will she be fired....
It is more than clear who is in the wrong here.... but the point is will Madison be returned home or be unhappy in limbo for the rest of her life until she can come home at 16 or so.....? Last Friday she asked me " Grandma, can you and Papa and I go to heaven and walk and talk and live with Jesus so we can live together again and be happy? You said there is no sadness or pain in heaven. We need to fly there".
So, this is what has been done in the 'BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD'"
This letter was written to a few DSHS workers and copied to me. I called the new DSHS director Susan Dreyfus and shared it with her.
"As of today, May 26th, 2009 I have not heard a thing from anybody regarding anything. I am writing this in pure frustration.
Last Friday, our visit with Lily was beautiful because we get to see her, but awful in so many other ways. First, we were able to meet her in a park, actually Lions park. This was very bitter sweet for the three of us as Lily, Andy and I along with other Lion members raised the money and did all the work on the playground including put in the new playground equipment. As we were doing this last summer, who would have thought we would be having SUPERVISED VISITATIONS at the playground we had built for other children.
Upon seeing Lily we immediately observed a severe cut under her chin that was probably a couple of days old. It was long and deep and probably should have required a doctor to look at it at the time. Lily said it hurt but she did not see a doctor. She continues to have the rash she has had since she left our care. She had visible bruises all over her in fact the one by her elbow looked just like a hand had grabbed her. Again, I am a teacher and know how bumps happen, but these all raised questions in my mind. She never had ANYTHING while in our care over 3 years.
When I asked if she had seen her great grandmother, she said "No, she does not have time for me, she went away on a big airplane".
Tomorrow is supposed to be a placement hearing at the Skagit County Courthouse at 9:30am. However, we were to have a pre-placement meeting two weeks ago that they cancelled the day before it was to happen. I was told it would be re-scheduled BEFORE she was moved. So, I have no idea what is going on and apparently {Great Grandma} is on vacation again.
We have been waiting since April the 8th on 3 motions to be decided on in the courts. To date, we have spent almost $15,000.00 in legal costs and still have never been heard by a judge. This is incredible. We have a new attorney, Alisa Maples, whom I have talked to for months and really believe she has a wonderful heart and will serve Lily well. We meet with her on June 5th.
As far as DSHS goes, they promised we would hear no later than 10 days after they got my paperwork. My faxed response went in on April 28th, 2009 and my hand delivered response went to them on May 8th. But as of today, almost a month later, nothing from the adoption unit about a new home study.
In the last 4 1/2 months since Lily has been out of our care we have been devastated. However, during that time I have received a promotion at work from Lead Teacher to Lead Teacher and Educational Coordinator for the school. Andy and I have put in countless hours on Lions projects including eyeglass distribution for over seas projects. We both have received more community awards and I am presently being appointed a Human Services County Council position. Today I am working on our preschool graduation for Thursday, which Lily should be participating in. Do you know what kind of torture this is to teach every day in a classroom with her empty desk? Andy is head custodian at Madison elementary where Madison was named after? (OK, so her name is not Lily. ED) We take care of many children...on a field trip whale watching.... but can't have our own granddaughter? We have no criminal history and are being treated like felons by DSHS?
As I was bringing out my red dishes this weekend for dinner, I remember the social worker coming to our home to do her party. Yes, I had three Home Interior parties at my house in Anacortes from a Social Worker at DSHS who loved our house so much, it was so lovely, well kept and decorated so nicely she wanted me to hostess her Home Interior parties. I did three parties last year for her. Do you think that will ever be brought up? Or will she be fired....
It is more than clear who is in the wrong here.... but the point is will Madison be returned home or be unhappy in limbo for the rest of her life until she can come home at 16 or so.....? Last Friday she asked me " Grandma, can you and Papa and I go to heaven and walk and talk and live with Jesus so we can live together again and be happy? You said there is no sadness or pain in heaven. We need to fly there".
So, this is what has been done in the 'BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD'"
This letter was written to a few DSHS workers and copied to me. I called the new DSHS director Susan Dreyfus and shared it with her.
Lily In Danger Again...Attempt To Cover Up The Condition Of The Child

(This is a recent cut on Lily's chin...it came with bruises...and no explanation.)
BRIEF HISTORY... The following is an unsigned comment to this blog. It is regarding little 3 year-old Lily who was taken without justification from her grandparents shortly after Christmas. The department lied about the grandparents by saying they stole a computer and had no heating in their house. Lily was put into foster care, a rich great grandmother stepped up to take the child, and the child after spending some time with the GGM is now back in foster care. (Please read previous PPRs for background.)
Try to comprehend what this person is saying!!!! Person XX believes that non relatives have a right to someone else's child and will lie to make everyone feel better. My guess is that this is yet a new foster parent or a social worker already on the case.
"Lily is a friend of mine and she is not suffering or miserable. She is a happy, energetic, three year old. The children in the system are the victims. The foster mom and great grandmother are seeing to it that Lily is safe and loved, and that her transitions are done according to her well being, and not what the system wants. I don't know the grandparents personally, but they have been adversarial to the foster mom from the start, never trying to make anything but their visits the best they can be under these unfortunate circumstances." Anonymous
The rich paternal great grandmother was never a part of Lily's life (saw her only once since birth) but at least was a biological relative. She has never been in the home of the maternal grandparents. She thought the couple was fine until she listened to the lies of CPS. The grands are on the opposite financial ends...the grandparents have no accumulated wealth and in this economy have suffered...and are now renting. (I find this a really interesting form of discrimination that is playing out against the grandparents. If Lily were with young natural parents no one would think a thing about the parents renting and finances would not be a part of the consideration. The state does not yank kids from families without money...OR DOES IT?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Can Colville CPS Conceivably Cure Current Calamities?
DSHS: Stevens County will get new social worker, more changes in response to critical reports
May 21st, 2009
by Niki Sullivan
The Department of Social and Health Services has created 30- and 60-day action plans for the Colville DSHS office, after dozens of complaints alleged illegal and shoddy activity there. DSHS says their operation engendered an “environment of mistrust” that affected how the office operated in the community.
“We are taking action immediately to improve the practice of the Colville office and reaching out to community partners to better serve the children and families in the area, ”said interim Assistant Secretary Randy Hart.
The “roadmap” is below.
Within 30 days:
1. Review the internal Children’s Administration internal report and the Office of Family and Children’s Ombudsman report and issue a detailed response by June 15, 2009.
2. Re-establish the Child Welfare Overview Committee meetings and meet on a quarterly basis with judges, Court Appointed Special Advocates, public defenders, and Kids First director, and social workers for education, with the purpose of collaboration, communication, information sharing and cross training.
3. Continue to participate in the Table of 10 meetings that include CASA, Stevens County public defender, Kids First director, assistant attorney general and court administrator. Improve child welfare services within the community by focusing on cross training and collaboration with community partners.
4. Area administrator will engage a member of the Colville medical community regarding participation as the facilitator of the north county Child Protection Team.
5. Consult with the University of Washington School of Law’s Court Improvement Training Academy on developing an agenda for a “town hall” meeting to give an overview of child welfare system to foster community meetings with stakeholders focusing on improving community relationships.
6. Area administrator to continue to meet with Stevens County CASA supervisor on a weekly basis to improve overall communication.
7. Hire an additional Social Worker III to reduce social worker caseload in Stevens County.
8. Collaborate with juvenile court personnel to define and outline the process for family reconciliation services, child in need of services, at-risk youth and providing packets to the court clerk and juvenile personnel defining this process.
And within 60 days:
1. Area administrator assigned to the Colville office on a full-time basis.
2. Conduct team building meetings for the staff in the Colville and Republic offices to improve overall staff relationships and morale.
3. Request a mediator to work with the Court Appointed Special Advocate and Division of Children and Family personnel to improve the overall working relationship.
4. Follow-up with Ombudsman Meinig to get additional input and suggestions for consultation.
5. Develop a Community Advisory Board as outlined by the Family to Family Program.
6. Recruit local providers for client services including medical, mental health, parent-child development, visitation, transportation for visitation and services.
7. Provide community partners and Children’s Administration staff with “lessons learned” training from previous fatality and critical incidents.
8. Area administrator to schedule individual meetings with other relevant community partners to solicit feedback, build relationships, develop effective communication strategies and procedures to address concerns.
May 21st, 2009
by Niki Sullivan
The Department of Social and Health Services has created 30- and 60-day action plans for the Colville DSHS office, after dozens of complaints alleged illegal and shoddy activity there. DSHS says their operation engendered an “environment of mistrust” that affected how the office operated in the community.
“We are taking action immediately to improve the practice of the Colville office and reaching out to community partners to better serve the children and families in the area, ”said interim Assistant Secretary Randy Hart.
The “roadmap” is below.
Within 30 days:
1. Review the internal Children’s Administration internal report and the Office of Family and Children’s Ombudsman report and issue a detailed response by June 15, 2009.
2. Re-establish the Child Welfare Overview Committee meetings and meet on a quarterly basis with judges, Court Appointed Special Advocates, public defenders, and Kids First director, and social workers for education, with the purpose of collaboration, communication, information sharing and cross training.
3. Continue to participate in the Table of 10 meetings that include CASA, Stevens County public defender, Kids First director, assistant attorney general and court administrator. Improve child welfare services within the community by focusing on cross training and collaboration with community partners.
4. Area administrator will engage a member of the Colville medical community regarding participation as the facilitator of the north county Child Protection Team.
5. Consult with the University of Washington School of Law’s Court Improvement Training Academy on developing an agenda for a “town hall” meeting to give an overview of child welfare system to foster community meetings with stakeholders focusing on improving community relationships.
6. Area administrator to continue to meet with Stevens County CASA supervisor on a weekly basis to improve overall communication.
7. Hire an additional Social Worker III to reduce social worker caseload in Stevens County.
8. Collaborate with juvenile court personnel to define and outline the process for family reconciliation services, child in need of services, at-risk youth and providing packets to the court clerk and juvenile personnel defining this process.
And within 60 days:
1. Area administrator assigned to the Colville office on a full-time basis.
2. Conduct team building meetings for the staff in the Colville and Republic offices to improve overall staff relationships and morale.
3. Request a mediator to work with the Court Appointed Special Advocate and Division of Children and Family personnel to improve the overall working relationship.
4. Follow-up with Ombudsman Meinig to get additional input and suggestions for consultation.
5. Develop a Community Advisory Board as outlined by the Family to Family Program.
6. Recruit local providers for client services including medical, mental health, parent-child development, visitation, transportation for visitation and services.
7. Provide community partners and Children’s Administration staff with “lessons learned” training from previous fatality and critical incidents.
8. Area administrator to schedule individual meetings with other relevant community partners to solicit feedback, build relationships, develop effective communication strategies and procedures to address concerns.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Big Week In Honduras...Helping and Habitating
I really thought I would get to a computer sooner but it didn't happen.
I just got in from a dive off the Cayous Cochinos (Pig Islands)...Cuyous Grande to be specific. We are on leg three of the trip...R&R. This location is amazing not only because of the beauty of this preserve but because there are NO tourists.
The dive boat goes out a couple of times a day and Rep. Dan and grandson Ethan and I are on the boat.
The optometrists came off of three long days that I hosted through my non-profit 501 c-3. I will write again on Monday to catch up on everything.
At times I have been trying to see this adventure/humanitarian effort through the eyes of my 8 year-old grandchild. At each stop he has made new friends, running through the ruins at Copan with Daniel...Playing soccer at one of my sites with Dario...and finally meeting Enrique and Kessler the two young Garifina boys that I worry so much about.
Right now Ethan is looking forward to finding an even bigger pink boa (known only to this island) and identifying some of the many many species of fish we are seeing. Let's just say that he is NOT asking to play the Nintendo DSi that I brought along :o)
I just got in from a dive off the Cayous Cochinos (Pig Islands)...Cuyous Grande to be specific. We are on leg three of the trip...R&R. This location is amazing not only because of the beauty of this preserve but because there are NO tourists.
The dive boat goes out a couple of times a day and Rep. Dan and grandson Ethan and I are on the boat.
The optometrists came off of three long days that I hosted through my non-profit 501 c-3. I will write again on Monday to catch up on everything.
At times I have been trying to see this adventure/humanitarian effort through the eyes of my 8 year-old grandchild. At each stop he has made new friends, running through the ruins at Copan with Daniel...Playing soccer at one of my sites with Dario...and finally meeting Enrique and Kessler the two young Garifina boys that I worry so much about.
Right now Ethan is looking forward to finding an even bigger pink boa (known only to this island) and identifying some of the many many species of fish we are seeing. Let's just say that he is NOT asking to play the Nintendo DSi that I brought along :o)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Jim Makes Brownies
Ask and you shall receive...at least in the kitchen.
This will be the first time I have led a group to Honduras. I took someone from Pierce College once and others interested in the project. But this time I am taking the project. The immediate purpose of this trip will be eye care.
But, as an aside we must take in the surroundings and Honduras is the land of cocoa! This is where they get the bean! That incredible pod inside of a pod. Separate it. Dry it. Crush and powder it. Mix it with sugar and milk or butter and there you have it.
Representative Dan Roach will join this trip. Dan is fluent in Spanish and loves to serve. And, as an extra treat for me...Ethan will be with us too. I have some special kids there he will meet.
But, in our room at night...we will sneak out the chocolate brownies that Grandpa just made. He made them for us...because he loves us.
This will be the first time I have led a group to Honduras. I took someone from Pierce College once and others interested in the project. But this time I am taking the project. The immediate purpose of this trip will be eye care.
But, as an aside we must take in the surroundings and Honduras is the land of cocoa! This is where they get the bean! That incredible pod inside of a pod. Separate it. Dry it. Crush and powder it. Mix it with sugar and milk or butter and there you have it.
Representative Dan Roach will join this trip. Dan is fluent in Spanish and loves to serve. And, as an extra treat for me...Ethan will be with us too. I have some special kids there he will meet.
But, in our room at night...we will sneak out the chocolate brownies that Grandpa just made. He made them for us...because he loves us.
Spokesman Review Asks The Question... We Know The Answer
May 10, 2009 in Opinion
Our View: Is it just Colville with child welfare office problems?
The Spokesman-Review
The job of protecting children who are wards of the state can be confusing, contentious and highly subjective. Are children being properly raised? Are their emotional and physical needs being met? Is discipline needed? Is the choice or degree of discipline appropriate?
These are not easy decisions, but what ought to be obvious to all involved professionals is that the children’s interests are paramount. However, clashes are inevitable when foster families, school officials, health care providers, criminal justice personnel, court-appointed watchdogs and state case workers all have input.
Breakdowns in this coordinated effort are at the heart of the problem with the Washington Division of Children and Family Services regional office in Colville, according to two recently released reviews. One probe was conducted by the Office of the Family and Children’s Ombudsman and another by the Department of Social and Health Services Children’s Administration.
Both found an erosion of confidence between community professionals and the state’s child welfare office. The ombudsman said this contentiousness was putting some children at risk. It hasn’t helped that attitudes became hardened after some infamous cases, chief among them the death of Tyler DeLeon, who succumbed to dehydration after long-term abuse by his adoptive mother.
The ombudsman’s report found instances where DCFS has not complied with state law or its own policies. Both reports highlight what appears to be the larger issue, which is general distrust. The Colville office, in particular, seems to be suffering from a fortress mentality, which has hurt communication and collaboration.
As one medical professional noted: “the level of trust has deteriorated to a level that I hesitate to even get involved with the child welfare system but certainly if the lines of communication were open and more productive, cooperation could certainly begin to happen again.”
Even workers within the Colville office noted difficulties in dealing with their supervisors.
To repair the damage, the ombudsman’s office recommends professional mediation for disputes and a diverse local advisory board to inject impartiality. Those are good starting points for the Colville office, but the state agency ought to consider whether these problems are also plaguing its other operations.
Our View: Is it just Colville with child welfare office problems?
The Spokesman-Review
The job of protecting children who are wards of the state can be confusing, contentious and highly subjective. Are children being properly raised? Are their emotional and physical needs being met? Is discipline needed? Is the choice or degree of discipline appropriate?
These are not easy decisions, but what ought to be obvious to all involved professionals is that the children’s interests are paramount. However, clashes are inevitable when foster families, school officials, health care providers, criminal justice personnel, court-appointed watchdogs and state case workers all have input.
Breakdowns in this coordinated effort are at the heart of the problem with the Washington Division of Children and Family Services regional office in Colville, according to two recently released reviews. One probe was conducted by the Office of the Family and Children’s Ombudsman and another by the Department of Social and Health Services Children’s Administration.
Both found an erosion of confidence between community professionals and the state’s child welfare office. The ombudsman said this contentiousness was putting some children at risk. It hasn’t helped that attitudes became hardened after some infamous cases, chief among them the death of Tyler DeLeon, who succumbed to dehydration after long-term abuse by his adoptive mother.
The ombudsman’s report found instances where DCFS has not complied with state law or its own policies. Both reports highlight what appears to be the larger issue, which is general distrust. The Colville office, in particular, seems to be suffering from a fortress mentality, which has hurt communication and collaboration.
As one medical professional noted: “the level of trust has deteriorated to a level that I hesitate to even get involved with the child welfare system but certainly if the lines of communication were open and more productive, cooperation could certainly begin to happen again.”
Even workers within the Colville office noted difficulties in dealing with their supervisors.
To repair the damage, the ombudsman’s office recommends professional mediation for disputes and a diverse local advisory board to inject impartiality. Those are good starting points for the Colville office, but the state agency ought to consider whether these problems are also plaguing its other operations.
Gov. Gregoire Said: "Refocus On What Is Important" After Seeing Ombudsman's Report On Colville
Posted: Monday, May 11, 2009
Spokesman Review
Child Welfare System In Colville Faces Criticism
COLVILLE, WA - A new Ombudsman report is critical of the child welfare system in Colville, Washington. The report seems to confirm what community leaders have been saying for months. Austin Jenkins has this report.
It’s a spring evening in Colville. Leigh Roubideaux’s daughters - ages 7 and 4 – are playing on their swing set in their front yard. It was a very different picture last August. That’s when Roubideaux’s kids strayed into the busy street in front of their house. Someone called the police and soon Child Protective Services was knocking at the door. Roubideaux - who has developmental disabilities – remembers that day well.
Leigh Roubideaux, Mother: “I was petrified. I was in tears.”
CPS took the kids away. It took three weeks and the support of friends and neighbors – like local businesswoman Lisa Shinn - for Roubideaux to get her daughters back. Shinn thinks CPS discriminated against Roubideaux because of her disability and the fact she’s Native American.
Lisa Shinn: “We would all have our children taken away if someone saw them playing in the street everyone would have their children taken by CPS if that is the criteria.”
This is just one example of a litany of complaints against Children and Family Services in Northeast Washington. Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen sits in an easy chair in his living room with two accordion files at his feet. In those files are the stories of people who feel they’ve been wronged by state child welfare officials.
Tim Rasmussen: “There’s a lot of human tragedy here. There’s a lot of tragic, tragic situations.”
For the past months – at the request of a state lawmaker - Rasmussen has collected accounts of what he calls a “pattern of misconduct” by the Colville, Washington office of Children and Family Services. In one of the more high profile cases, five children were removed from the home of a well-known foster family. A judge later called it a “slap in the face” and an “overreaction” that resulted in “tremendous upheaval” for the children. Rasmussen’s theory is that caseworkers overreacted because of something horrible that happened in Colville back in 2005. A 7-year-old boy named Tyler DeLeon was starved to death by his foster mother.
Tim Rasmussen: “What’s happening now is just a different chapter in the book if you would. Tyler DeLeon is one chapter and they missed the mark in one direction and in some of the current cases they appear to have missed the mark in another direction.”
Prosecutor Rasmussen recently wrote a letter to Governor Chris Gregoire that says he believes there’s a “culture of deceit and deception” within the Colville child welfare office. He’s even considering criminal charges against a CPS worker for violating a court order. Rasmussen isn’t the only one critical of Children and Family Services. Patty Markel runs the CASA program in Stevens County. These are the Court Appointed Special Advocates who represent the children in child dependency cases. She alleges that CPS caseworkers act in a “willy-nilly” fashion that’s personality driven and motivated by a fear of lawsuits.
Patty Markel: “What I see now is more liability-driven decision making. And that’s concerning because that’s not necessarily – this whole system is supposed to be about the best interests of children”
You hear a similar theme from Barry Bacon - a family physician in Colville. He says CPS workers often ignore the advice of local doctors like him. Instead, from what he’s seen, they take kids to Spokane – 70 miles away – to see the doctor.
Dr. Barry Bacon: “They would rather continue with their opinion and destroy a child rather than admit that they’ve made a mistake. It’s unbelievable. I mean it’s like the Wild West. They are a law unto themselves which is one of the biggest issues we have with them.”
The Department of Social and Health Services has reviewed the cases flagged by Prosecutor Rasmussen and in a recent report finds no wrongdoing by caseworkers. But in a separate investigation by state Ombudsman Mary Meinig, a disturbing portrait of the Colville office emerges. Over the past two years, the Ombudsman’s office has received 62 complaints regarding child welfare practices in the area. So far in 16 of those cases, the Ombudsman found, “violations of law, policy, procedure; clearly unreasonable actions; or simply poor social work practice.” Beyond that Meinig says her investigation revealed, a “culture of pervasive distrust” between CPS workers and other professionals in the community. But rather than pinning all the blame on CPS, Meinig says everyone involved needs to do a better job of working together.
Mary Meinig: “Our report says the kids are at-risk and families are at-risk because of the lack of trust, cooperation, collaboration and communication that’s going on within the community.”
The situation is so serious, Meinig believes, that the lives of vulnerable children are on the line.
Mary Meinig: “Well if it doesn’t improve I would say it would be a matter of time before we have an even more serious incidents – possible child fatality or near fatality.”
Meinig believes past tragedies are influencing the decisions made by CPS workers and have led to a climate of distrust. In haunting language, she writes the “ghosts of children past sit in the collective conscience as reminders of where the system failed.” But Meinig’s report has hope. She recommends several steps to start rebuilding trust including bringing outside professional mediators and creating a diverse community advisory board. How does Children and Family Services respond to all this?
Marty Butkovich, DSHS Regional Administrator: “Obviously relationships need to be improved.”
Marty Butkovich is the Administrator who oversees the Colville CPS office. He acknowledges there’s been a breakdown in communication. But he calls his staff “exceptional," and says he’s seen nothing to suggest his employees need to be disciplined or fired.
Marty Butkovich: “We’re not the bad guy. This is very difficult work, very emotional work and some very difficult decisions are being made as it relates to kids and people have strong feelings about some of those decisions and not always in agreement.”
As for whether a fear of lawsuits is driving decisions to take children away, Butkovich admits that does weigh on caseworkers’ minds.
Marty Butkovich: “Liability is something that is very obvious and tort and being sued and deaths – all the real bad things that are out there – can be in a social workers mind and if they’re stressed and tired and so ya it can be there.”
Department of Social and Health Services officials say they believe relations in Northeast Washington have improved over the past year but there’s still work to be done. The agency plans to put a corrective action plan into place.
The problems in Colville have even reached Governor Chris Gregoire. She said in response to the Ombudsman report she wants the agency to, “refocus on what’s important,” the children they’re charged with protecting
Spokesman Review
Child Welfare System In Colville Faces Criticism
COLVILLE, WA - A new Ombudsman report is critical of the child welfare system in Colville, Washington. The report seems to confirm what community leaders have been saying for months. Austin Jenkins has this report.
It’s a spring evening in Colville. Leigh Roubideaux’s daughters - ages 7 and 4 – are playing on their swing set in their front yard. It was a very different picture last August. That’s when Roubideaux’s kids strayed into the busy street in front of their house. Someone called the police and soon Child Protective Services was knocking at the door. Roubideaux - who has developmental disabilities – remembers that day well.
Leigh Roubideaux, Mother: “I was petrified. I was in tears.”
CPS took the kids away. It took three weeks and the support of friends and neighbors – like local businesswoman Lisa Shinn - for Roubideaux to get her daughters back. Shinn thinks CPS discriminated against Roubideaux because of her disability and the fact she’s Native American.
Lisa Shinn: “We would all have our children taken away if someone saw them playing in the street everyone would have their children taken by CPS if that is the criteria.”
This is just one example of a litany of complaints against Children and Family Services in Northeast Washington. Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen sits in an easy chair in his living room with two accordion files at his feet. In those files are the stories of people who feel they’ve been wronged by state child welfare officials.
Tim Rasmussen: “There’s a lot of human tragedy here. There’s a lot of tragic, tragic situations.”
For the past months – at the request of a state lawmaker - Rasmussen has collected accounts of what he calls a “pattern of misconduct” by the Colville, Washington office of Children and Family Services. In one of the more high profile cases, five children were removed from the home of a well-known foster family. A judge later called it a “slap in the face” and an “overreaction” that resulted in “tremendous upheaval” for the children. Rasmussen’s theory is that caseworkers overreacted because of something horrible that happened in Colville back in 2005. A 7-year-old boy named Tyler DeLeon was starved to death by his foster mother.
Tim Rasmussen: “What’s happening now is just a different chapter in the book if you would. Tyler DeLeon is one chapter and they missed the mark in one direction and in some of the current cases they appear to have missed the mark in another direction.”
Prosecutor Rasmussen recently wrote a letter to Governor Chris Gregoire that says he believes there’s a “culture of deceit and deception” within the Colville child welfare office. He’s even considering criminal charges against a CPS worker for violating a court order. Rasmussen isn’t the only one critical of Children and Family Services. Patty Markel runs the CASA program in Stevens County. These are the Court Appointed Special Advocates who represent the children in child dependency cases. She alleges that CPS caseworkers act in a “willy-nilly” fashion that’s personality driven and motivated by a fear of lawsuits.
Patty Markel: “What I see now is more liability-driven decision making. And that’s concerning because that’s not necessarily – this whole system is supposed to be about the best interests of children”
You hear a similar theme from Barry Bacon - a family physician in Colville. He says CPS workers often ignore the advice of local doctors like him. Instead, from what he’s seen, they take kids to Spokane – 70 miles away – to see the doctor.
Dr. Barry Bacon: “They would rather continue with their opinion and destroy a child rather than admit that they’ve made a mistake. It’s unbelievable. I mean it’s like the Wild West. They are a law unto themselves which is one of the biggest issues we have with them.”
The Department of Social and Health Services has reviewed the cases flagged by Prosecutor Rasmussen and in a recent report finds no wrongdoing by caseworkers. But in a separate investigation by state Ombudsman Mary Meinig, a disturbing portrait of the Colville office emerges. Over the past two years, the Ombudsman’s office has received 62 complaints regarding child welfare practices in the area. So far in 16 of those cases, the Ombudsman found, “violations of law, policy, procedure; clearly unreasonable actions; or simply poor social work practice.” Beyond that Meinig says her investigation revealed, a “culture of pervasive distrust” between CPS workers and other professionals in the community. But rather than pinning all the blame on CPS, Meinig says everyone involved needs to do a better job of working together.
Mary Meinig: “Our report says the kids are at-risk and families are at-risk because of the lack of trust, cooperation, collaboration and communication that’s going on within the community.”
The situation is so serious, Meinig believes, that the lives of vulnerable children are on the line.
Mary Meinig: “Well if it doesn’t improve I would say it would be a matter of time before we have an even more serious incidents – possible child fatality or near fatality.”
Meinig believes past tragedies are influencing the decisions made by CPS workers and have led to a climate of distrust. In haunting language, she writes the “ghosts of children past sit in the collective conscience as reminders of where the system failed.” But Meinig’s report has hope. She recommends several steps to start rebuilding trust including bringing outside professional mediators and creating a diverse community advisory board. How does Children and Family Services respond to all this?
Marty Butkovich, DSHS Regional Administrator: “Obviously relationships need to be improved.”
Marty Butkovich is the Administrator who oversees the Colville CPS office. He acknowledges there’s been a breakdown in communication. But he calls his staff “exceptional," and says he’s seen nothing to suggest his employees need to be disciplined or fired.
Marty Butkovich: “We’re not the bad guy. This is very difficult work, very emotional work and some very difficult decisions are being made as it relates to kids and people have strong feelings about some of those decisions and not always in agreement.”
As for whether a fear of lawsuits is driving decisions to take children away, Butkovich admits that does weigh on caseworkers’ minds.
Marty Butkovich: “Liability is something that is very obvious and tort and being sued and deaths – all the real bad things that are out there – can be in a social workers mind and if they’re stressed and tired and so ya it can be there.”
Department of Social and Health Services officials say they believe relations in Northeast Washington have improved over the past year but there’s still work to be done. The agency plans to put a corrective action plan into place.
The problems in Colville have even reached Governor Chris Gregoire. She said in response to the Ombudsman report she wants the agency to, “refocus on what’s important,” the children they’re charged with protecting
"I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane..." Destination Honduras
And, yes, I can play that on my new Taylor guitar.
After months of planning I will be leaving for the La Cieba area of Honduras. Every time I go some place my political enemies like to go after me. The last time that happened I did a whole hour on Dave Ross (KIRO) from a phone at an Internet cafe in La Cieba.
This time I am leading a group of 14 optometrists and their volunteers. La Escuela de Esperanza, the 501-c-3 I founded several years ago, is sponsoring them.
I will blog as I can and try to get some pictures for you. There will be some touring along with the distribution of hundreds of glasses. I have a great organization on the ground in Honduras and thanks to their help it should be a great trip. More later.
After months of planning I will be leaving for the La Cieba area of Honduras. Every time I go some place my political enemies like to go after me. The last time that happened I did a whole hour on Dave Ross (KIRO) from a phone at an Internet cafe in La Cieba.
This time I am leading a group of 14 optometrists and their volunteers. La Escuela de Esperanza, the 501-c-3 I founded several years ago, is sponsoring them.
I will blog as I can and try to get some pictures for you. There will be some touring along with the distribution of hundreds of glasses. I have a great organization on the ground in Honduras and thanks to their help it should be a great trip. More later.
Reality Check On Blog Comments
Just a few notes on blog comments:
I have many comments (over 150) that have not been posted. The most common reason for that is that while the content is sometimes very well thought out...there is a line that dings the governor or the AG in such a way that it detracts from the message.
Someone just commented that I was anti-Gregoire for a comment I made. As a matter of fact I think we have a very caring governor. I don't agree with how CPS is taking kids they should not be taking...through the lying, etc. But, while I am definitely mad at the system... and that it is not self-correcting or accountable...and it is secret...closed to public scrutiny....etc. I have made it a point to, if anything, shield her. I leave those personal attacks to those that want to make them to the person.
There is another category of comments that aren't printed, yet. When I get the time I will pull them up and run a side-by-side (me/you). I simply have not had the time and may never. I live a busy life and can't get to everything.
Then, some comments have been crude. It may have been only one person. They started right after the foster woman in the Stuth Case filed her complaint against me because of this blog. In time they became very crude...lesbian sex actually. And, I thought it was a bit threatening in that the frequency and crudeness escalated.
I emailed the latest one to Mr. O'Connell, Senate Ethics Board attorney and staffer. (This was about a month ago.) I suggested if the committee would come out with a finding that the messages might go away. I speculated that the writings were escalating because whomever was sending them was feeling embolden due to the fact that there had as yet been no determination. Oddly, after months of these things...and yes I still have them...they went away right after i made the phone call to O'Connell. The one I sent O'Connell was the last one. Also, oddly, there was no attempt to identify the sender. Usually when a State Senator is being harassed there is some attempt by the State Patrol or security to "get to the bottom" of it. Granted, I didn't ask for an investigation...but apparently none was needed. O'Connell said he made no phone calls to anyone after I reported this. Coincedance?
I have many comments (over 150) that have not been posted. The most common reason for that is that while the content is sometimes very well thought out...there is a line that dings the governor or the AG in such a way that it detracts from the message.
Someone just commented that I was anti-Gregoire for a comment I made. As a matter of fact I think we have a very caring governor. I don't agree with how CPS is taking kids they should not be taking...through the lying, etc. But, while I am definitely mad at the system... and that it is not self-correcting or accountable...and it is secret...closed to public scrutiny....etc. I have made it a point to, if anything, shield her. I leave those personal attacks to those that want to make them to the person.
There is another category of comments that aren't printed, yet. When I get the time I will pull them up and run a side-by-side (me/you). I simply have not had the time and may never. I live a busy life and can't get to everything.
Then, some comments have been crude. It may have been only one person. They started right after the foster woman in the Stuth Case filed her complaint against me because of this blog. In time they became very crude...lesbian sex actually. And, I thought it was a bit threatening in that the frequency and crudeness escalated.
I emailed the latest one to Mr. O'Connell, Senate Ethics Board attorney and staffer. (This was about a month ago.) I suggested if the committee would come out with a finding that the messages might go away. I speculated that the writings were escalating because whomever was sending them was feeling embolden due to the fact that there had as yet been no determination. Oddly, after months of these things...and yes I still have them...they went away right after i made the phone call to O'Connell. The one I sent O'Connell was the last one. Also, oddly, there was no attempt to identify the sender. Usually when a State Senator is being harassed there is some attempt by the State Patrol or security to "get to the bottom" of it. Granted, I didn't ask for an investigation...but apparently none was needed. O'Connell said he made no phone calls to anyone after I reported this. Coincedance?
Poca On TODAY SHOW...7AM Today...And, Gov. Gregoire Asks For A Review Of Poca's Case
Governor Christine Gregoire has ordered a third party investigation on the removal of little Poca from the Langley family. Poca had medical needs when she was given at birth to the Langleys who have raised her for four years. THE BIOLOGICAL FAMILY CAN NOT TAKE THE CHILD. NO ONE IS QUALIFIED. THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE.
The state moved in and took Poca...screaming...from the only family she has known. Why? Because they could. It was an exertion of their power over the foster family that CPS decided was too demanding of the system.
The free press has moved the mountain!
The state moved in and took Poca...screaming...from the only family she has known. Why? Because they could. It was an exertion of their power over the foster family that CPS decided was too demanding of the system.
The free press has moved the mountain!
Today, the TODAY SHOW is airing the story that first aired on KING5 (please see previous PRR or KING5.com)...From Snohomish County to the studios of New York!!!!
What Happens When A Social Worker Manipulates A Child During An Interview?
Answer: Nothing. In Washington State there are interview standards. But, since the records are closed...no one knows when the interviews are manipulated. And, those that do know are not talking.
Would anyone like to see the video?
Is it unethical to show it?
Is it unethical not to show it?
Is it unethical to manipulate a six-year-old's testimony?
Is it unethical to take a child from a family based on mind changing questioning?
By the way, the child in this video stuck to her story. She even comes back at the interviewer and says, "Who told you that?" And, "Who is that?" Someone she clearly does not even know! Playing with a child to confuse and get what you want is not ethical and it is why all interviews should be taped.
Would anyone like to see the video?
Is it unethical to show it?
Is it unethical not to show it?
Is it unethical to manipulate a six-year-old's testimony?
Is it unethical to take a child from a family based on mind changing questioning?
By the way, the child in this video stuck to her story. She even comes back at the interviewer and says, "Who told you that?" And, "Who is that?" Someone she clearly does not even know! Playing with a child to confuse and get what you want is not ethical and it is why all interviews should be taped.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
NEWS FLASH...CPS Taped Interview Of Six Year Old Shows Manipulation...Mr. Wilson does the same thing
A CD of a recent CPS child interview shows the social worker asking leading questions and attempting to put words in the mouth of the child. Frankly, I found the questions directed at a child to be not only leading but sexually explicit and "R" rated.
In any event, this stuff is made for TV.
You know, we have laws in this state about how we interview children. I really think it is not right to ask leading questions. Hmmmmmmmmm. More on this fun subject later. (I am wondering if this thing will end up on YouTube.)
This is not so unbelievable. Remember Mr. Wilson who interviewed me? He is the one the Senate Ethics Board sent out to determine if I had been unethical in this blog. A foster woman (whose name I never mentioned) thought she recognized herself in my writings. She had been tipped off by a CPS worker that I even had a blog.
*Restraining order against a former lover with a gun...check.
*Sent little Lisa to daycare with a black eye...check.
*Put the child in back to back state paid daycare while collecting big checks...check. ETC.
Mr. Wilson uses the same leading tactics to get people to say what he wants. He told people he interviewed that I had spoken for an hour in a courtroom before the judge who was dealing with "Lisa's" placement. He was either lying or had been lied to.
Truth: I was invited out of the courtroom audience to speak. I did. I read a statement. I answered maybe two questions. It took no more than 5 minutes.
I called Mr. O'Connell who staffs the Ethics Board and asked him if I could have additional interview time with Mr. Wilson. "Wilson," I said, "has his facts wrong. What other facts must he have wrong? We know he is interviewing people who have lied in the past."
I was told by Mr. O'Connell that there would not be another interview for me. (The first and only one was months ago!) Wilson did not interview the Stuths either. They were in the courtroom. I would have no opportunity to rebut or correct.
"But," he said. "If you would like you can submit your statement to us and the date you appeared in court." WHAT?
Can you even believe this?????
By the way...there is nothing unethical with me testifying in court at the judge's request.
(The Morning News Tribune just editorialized two days ago that legislators should open up their offices to public disclosure. They think anything that comes through a legislator's office should be public. This whole effort to string me up could get very interesting.)
Update On Placement Of Little Lily
As we left off in the story of 3 year old "Lily," CPS had taken her for no reason whatsoever. She was not being abused or neglected by her grandparents and her young mother had terminated parental rights with the understanding that the grandparents would be granted custody.
The state took Lily, screaming as she was. The state lied about the grandparents (who had no money to defend themselves). The state moved very quickly to permanently place Lily with a stranger. The state never asked about the existence other biological relatives before doing this. (They knew the dad was dead so there would be no trouble from him. They like it when the dad is out of the picture. Usually he has already terminated his rights.) THIS SCENARIO IS REPEATED OVER AND OVER ACROSS THE COUNTRY.
I learned Lily had a very wealthy great-grandmother on the father's side of the family. I called and informed several in the AG's office. I predicted that the GGM would get the child and that is what is happening. She personally knows several of the political decision makers. The department is looking for a way out...if they give the child back to the grandparents then they have admitted they were wrong...if they give the child to the GGM then they have placed with a bio and are off the hook.
I am claiming victory here since the girl was removed from the young single foster woman and her partner and placed with the GGM. The child is going to be with family. The family will have to sort things out.
I am not sure how this will end up but everyone agrees that if it had not been for the wealthy and well connected GGM Lily would already be gone. We give thanks that she and her husband are in the picture and fought for their GGD. That still does not address the situation of CPS stealing the child and going after the grandparents with lies and distortions. CPS is now focused on their lack of financial abilities.
One in 10 workers in Washington State is now unemployed. Wow...that means there are a lot of kids for CPS to harvest!
Axiom: Never trust CPS when there is the custody of a child involved. If you have a "troubled" daughter who is willing to terminate...get the placement in writing from the department. Once there is a termination they ALWAYS change their course (declared placement intention) IF the biological relatives have no money, the child is around three, and the child is healthy. Just count on that.
The state took Lily, screaming as she was. The state lied about the grandparents (who had no money to defend themselves). The state moved very quickly to permanently place Lily with a stranger. The state never asked about the existence other biological relatives before doing this. (They knew the dad was dead so there would be no trouble from him. They like it when the dad is out of the picture. Usually he has already terminated his rights.) THIS SCENARIO IS REPEATED OVER AND OVER ACROSS THE COUNTRY.
I learned Lily had a very wealthy great-grandmother on the father's side of the family. I called and informed several in the AG's office. I predicted that the GGM would get the child and that is what is happening. She personally knows several of the political decision makers. The department is looking for a way out...if they give the child back to the grandparents then they have admitted they were wrong...if they give the child to the GGM then they have placed with a bio and are off the hook.
I am claiming victory here since the girl was removed from the young single foster woman and her partner and placed with the GGM. The child is going to be with family. The family will have to sort things out.
Axiom: The older you are the less likely you are to outlive someone who is younger and, the fewer active years you have to live. GGM 66, GM 46, Lily 3.
I am not sure how this will end up but everyone agrees that if it had not been for the wealthy and well connected GGM Lily would already be gone. We give thanks that she and her husband are in the picture and fought for their GGD. That still does not address the situation of CPS stealing the child and going after the grandparents with lies and distortions. CPS is now focused on their lack of financial abilities.
One in 10 workers in Washington State is now unemployed. Wow...that means there are a lot of kids for CPS to harvest!
CASA ....Not All Are Bad...Keep That In Mind
Let me reset the stage here. I have run into a couple of really nefarious CASAs. I suspect they are the favorites of the department. But, having said that I also believe there are good ones. They are the ones who have no problem letting us know about their backgrounds. They are also the ones that are driven out. If they recommend placement with relatives they are told they are wrong and never asked again. And, yes, I have some that will SAY that publicly.
Snohomish County Citzens Rally To Support REAL Child Welfare---Foster Parents To Be On TODAY Show
Dozens rally for girl taken from foster home
01:40 PM PDT on Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Video: WA residents rally for Poca
Larger screenE-mail this clip
EVERETT, Wash. - Dozens of Snohomish County residents are rallying today for Poca, the 4-year-old taken last week from her longtime foster parents and the only home she's ever known.
About 60 people showed up outside the court where the decision was made to remove Poca from her foster home.
The group later moved to the DSHS building, where people were driving by and honking.
The KING 5 Investigators have been following the story of Poca for several weeks. Born with many special needs, Poca has been with Amy and Dick Langley four years.
People at today's rally told similar stories of retaliation. That's why they came out.
Others just say they were outraged when they saw the Poca's story on television.
Just yesterday the Langleys got to see Poca.
People at today's rally for 4-year-old Poca held signs up in front of the DSHS office in Everett.
A friend of the family told the rally about their visit.
"She kept asking Amy, 'why can't I go home?'" said Joyce Togstad. "She was asking for her sisters, she was asking for my daughter who's a friend of the Langleys, and I've just never seen anything like this in my life."
Poca's foster parents are on their way to New York right for an appearance tomorrow morning on the "Today Show." They hope to bring national attention to their fight for Poca.
01:40 PM PDT on Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Video: WA residents rally for Poca
Larger screenE-mail this clip
EVERETT, Wash. - Dozens of Snohomish County residents are rallying today for Poca, the 4-year-old taken last week from her longtime foster parents and the only home she's ever known.
About 60 people showed up outside the court where the decision was made to remove Poca from her foster home.
The group later moved to the DSHS building, where people were driving by and honking.
The KING 5 Investigators have been following the story of Poca for several weeks. Born with many special needs, Poca has been with Amy and Dick Langley four years.
People at today's rally told similar stories of retaliation. That's why they came out.
Others just say they were outraged when they saw the Poca's story on television.
Just yesterday the Langleys got to see Poca.
People at today's rally for 4-year-old Poca held signs up in front of the DSHS office in Everett.
A friend of the family told the rally about their visit.
"She kept asking Amy, 'why can't I go home?'" said Joyce Togstad. "She was asking for her sisters, she was asking for my daughter who's a friend of the Langleys, and I've just never seen anything like this in my life."
Poca's foster parents are on their way to New York right for an appearance tomorrow morning on the "Today Show." They hope to bring national attention to their fight for Poca.
Related Content
Investigators: State of Injustice
See KING5.com for related videoMay 6, 2009: Investigators: Little girl ripped from stable foster home
May 4, 2009: Investigators: Wave of support for foster parents following TV coverage
May 1, 2009: Investigators: Family says it’s target of DSHS retaliation
So why was she removed from their home? They believe it's in retaliation for being outspoken with how Poca's case has been handled by the courts.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunshine Committee Hears From CASA Who Testifies That Pam Roach Is Trying To Tear Down The System
Well, I guess someone over there is catching on! :o)
Just kidding. We need a system but it needs to be accountable. I want to tear down the wall of secrecy and lies that cost many families their children. And, I would like to save more children who have not been protected.
CPS issues are always close at hand. Today at the "Sunshine" Committee where we are charged with making recommendations to the legislature to remove exemptions from public disclosure, there was another run in with a CASA high up.
You should read the paper that they sent in saying Pam Roach this and Pam Roach that. Unbelievable really. Vilifying me is the only way they can try to get the monkey off their backs.
You see, I believe that the CASAs should not be exempt from public disclosure. We should know who they are. And we should be able to know their qualifications. What is wrong with that?
This full of fear (what is it she thinks she stands to lose??) woman testified there would be no more CASA volunteers if they were asked personal information. What a crock.
On another subject I also went on the record saying we need to make public the rotation schedule of the GALS and CASAs so we know if some are preferred over others. Social workers should not be able to ask for some over others. They should be paired randomly. That is how the system is suppose to work. No secret pals folks!
Just kidding. We need a system but it needs to be accountable. I want to tear down the wall of secrecy and lies that cost many families their children. And, I would like to save more children who have not been protected.
CPS issues are always close at hand. Today at the "Sunshine" Committee where we are charged with making recommendations to the legislature to remove exemptions from public disclosure, there was another run in with a CASA high up.
You should read the paper that they sent in saying Pam Roach this and Pam Roach that. Unbelievable really. Vilifying me is the only way they can try to get the monkey off their backs.
You see, I believe that the CASAs should not be exempt from public disclosure. We should know who they are. And we should be able to know their qualifications. What is wrong with that?
This full of fear (what is it she thinks she stands to lose??) woman testified there would be no more CASA volunteers if they were asked personal information. What a crock.
On another subject I also went on the record saying we need to make public the rotation schedule of the GALS and CASAs so we know if some are preferred over others. Social workers should not be able to ask for some over others. They should be paired randomly. That is how the system is suppose to work. No secret pals folks!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Open Governmenat Has ALWAYS Been The Best For The Citizens To Whom Government Is Responsible
Reader Writes:
As a member of the State's "Public Records Exemptions Accountability Committee," known as the "Sunshine Committee," along with most committee members I have advocated for public accountability that can ONLY come with public scrutiny. And, of course, without openness we can not have review. This is not a difficult concept except when there are those in government who fight against openness. They actually believe they are superior and should be making all the calls when it comes to children. They fight to keep the system closed. They want their significant powers in tact. In America, this is more than misplaced judgement.
"The State cannot say how many foster children die each year, even though a state law that took effect in 2004 requires counties to release the names, dates of birth, and dates of death for these children. The new law is not being followed by all. There's no way to get more information without going to the courts. It's extraordinarily difficult for the public to learn who in the system is dying and why. There is absolutely no reason why an advocacy group, a newspaper, an elected official, or any other concerned member of the public should have to go to court to find out what happened when a foster youth dies. The Department of Social Services keeps all names confidential. Imagine -- our state's most vulnerable children, betrayed by a state system that was supposed to protect them -- and we have no idea who they are."
As a member of the State's "Public Records Exemptions Accountability Committee," known as the "Sunshine Committee," along with most committee members I have advocated for public accountability that can ONLY come with public scrutiny. And, of course, without openness we can not have review. This is not a difficult concept except when there are those in government who fight against openness. They actually believe they are superior and should be making all the calls when it comes to children. They fight to keep the system closed. They want their significant powers in tact. In America, this is more than misplaced judgement.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday Visit To The Stuths, A Baptism, and A Call From Qatar
With session over, a trip to Honduras getting closer and a holiday...it has been a wonderful weekend!
Seeing The Stuths
On Saturday I had a really warm and wonderful visit with the Stuths. These are warm and wonderful people so that all made sense! It was so good to see them and their 3 year-old granddaughter who was so sweet! What a doll! We exchanged gifts and I have something to cherish. It represents love, and determination, and meaning to life.
Later in the day I attended the baptism of my grandson. The family gathered and shared a spiritual experience as families should. Added dimension and depth of purpose in life adds to a person's understanding of the basic questions: Where did I come from and why am I here?
New Guitar
Afterwards, I drove with the top down to Ted Brown Music and picked up a baby Taylor guitar. I needed something that will travel well. Then I darted to REI for something I ordered, picked up a bucket of KFC and back to the family for dinner at Dan's.
Mother's Day Call Made The Day Complete
It was a sunny day and that means it was a perfect day in western Washington! We BBQ'd, kids played. I called my mom and we passed the phone around for 30 minutes. The men barbecued the steak and salmon. I turned on the speakers and went for the guitar. The girls sang "Five Speckled Frogs Sitting On A Speckled Log." Surly you know the tune! I accompanied with my new baby Taylor. And, after everyone had gone and the house was quite...I settled in to Desperate Housewives when the phone rang. I had no idea that I would hear from John. Thanks kids. What a great Mother's Day. Jim will plant the new lilac tree and I love the new wireless mouse.
Seeing The Stuths
On Saturday I had a really warm and wonderful visit with the Stuths. These are warm and wonderful people so that all made sense! It was so good to see them and their 3 year-old granddaughter who was so sweet! What a doll! We exchanged gifts and I have something to cherish. It represents love, and determination, and meaning to life.
Later in the day I attended the baptism of my grandson. The family gathered and shared a spiritual experience as families should. Added dimension and depth of purpose in life adds to a person's understanding of the basic questions: Where did I come from and why am I here?
New Guitar
Afterwards, I drove with the top down to Ted Brown Music and picked up a baby Taylor guitar. I needed something that will travel well. Then I darted to REI for something I ordered, picked up a bucket of KFC and back to the family for dinner at Dan's.
Mother's Day Call Made The Day Complete
It was a sunny day and that means it was a perfect day in western Washington! We BBQ'd, kids played. I called my mom and we passed the phone around for 30 minutes. The men barbecued the steak and salmon. I turned on the speakers and went for the guitar. The girls sang "Five Speckled Frogs Sitting On A Speckled Log." Surly you know the tune! I accompanied with my new baby Taylor. And, after everyone had gone and the house was quite...I settled in to Desperate Housewives when the phone rang. I had no idea that I would hear from John. Thanks kids. What a great Mother's Day. Jim will plant the new lilac tree and I love the new wireless mouse.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mother's Day 2009
It is risky business to be a mom.
You enter the process not knowing so much. Will my child be healthy and whole? Can I be an example of what I teach...because I do teach by example? Will I outlive my child? Will my child honor me...as in "thou shalt honor thy mother...?" Will my child be happy?
To all the mothers out there: Let today remind us that our job is never over. We will always love our children and always give to them. (It is my greatest joy to give...and my family surely knows that.)
I have an expanded role as I am a grandmother. But, wherever we are in the process of mothering...today is a day for mothers and grandmothers to take time for a little reflection. And then, in our own ways, we continue.
You enter the process not knowing so much. Will my child be healthy and whole? Can I be an example of what I teach...because I do teach by example? Will I outlive my child? Will my child honor me...as in "thou shalt honor thy mother...?" Will my child be happy?
To all the mothers out there: Let today remind us that our job is never over. We will always love our children and always give to them. (It is my greatest joy to give...and my family surely knows that.)
I have an expanded role as I am a grandmother. But, wherever we are in the process of mothering...today is a day for mothers and grandmothers to take time for a little reflection. And then, in our own ways, we continue.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Miriam Nichole Roach...Born May 8th Near USAF Air Base, Spangdahlem, Germany
Big sister, Sadie (4) holds her new sister.
It's a GIRL!
Miriam Nichole Roach was born at 12:15 PM Central European Time and weighed in at 7 lbs 2 oz. Mother and baby are doing fine and Claire has told John that Miriam looks like him. No red hair was reported however. Like many deployed fathers, John was in contact by phone during the delivery.
Dear Miriam,
You are such a blessing to our family. With open arms we welcome you, will love you always, and pledge to do all we can to help you reach your potential in life.
You are blessed with wonderful and very special parents. You will find that everyday will provide teaching moments that through their good lives they have prepared for you.
Your parents will teach you first about a loving Heavenly Father who will guide you through life if you are humble and will let Him. Your parents will teach you the priorities of life which will help you have the joy in living that you so deserve. Having the ability to choose good over evil will bring blessings, not necessarily wealth or popularity, or fame...but the true peace that comes from being honest with yourself and others.
We pray for your health and well being. Grandma will spend a few days in Honduras and then hold you in her arms. I love you, Miriam.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Stork Does Flyby With Stunning Maneuvers...
This has never been seen before! The stork has flown in low... and at top speed, done a double loop flyby right before the conning tower!
Where the heck is the wing-man?
Where the heck is the wing-man?
Baby Still In A Holding Pattern At Spangdahlem Air Base
My new grandchild has not yet landed at this small USAF Base in Spangdahlem, Germany.
I understand there will be some inducements. Dad in Qatar is trying to feel the pain. Says his first trimester in Doha has gone well so far.
I understand there will be some inducements. Dad in Qatar is trying to feel the pain. Says his first trimester in Doha has gone well so far.
Spokane Paper: Ombudsman's Report Of Colville CPS Wrongdoings
May 7, 2009 in City
Reports fault Colville child services
Separate reviews agree on some issues
Kevin Graman
Staff writer
Tags: Children and Family Services Child welfare Colville
Two separate reports, both critical of the state’s child welfare system in northeastern Washington, were released Wednesday by agencies investigating an unusually high number of complaints against the Colville office of the Washington Division of Children and Family Services.
A 10-month investigation by the Office of the Family and Children’s Ombudsman has found “a widespread crisis of confidence by the community in the child welfare system … that puts children and families at risk of harm.”
The Department of Social and Health Services Children’s Administration released its own report, which agreed with the ombudsman’s finding on a number of issues, but focused on a “systemic lack of communication and cooperation among all parties involved” in the welfare of dependent children.
The nearly simultaneous release of the two documents was apparently coincidence, said Mary Meinig, director of the ombudsman’s office, which is an independent watchdog over government agencies that have responsibility for child welfare.
Last June, Meinig’s office was asked by DSHS to review child welfare practices in the Colville office in response to concerns raised by state Rep. Joel Kretz and the advocacy group Washington Families United.
The Colville office covers Ferry, Pend Oreille and Stevens counties, where residents, including a grandparents’ support group, complained about child placement decisions.
Then, in March, Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen wrote to Gov. Chris Gregoire and other state officials to state his concerns about alleged misconduct and corruption in the Colville office of the Division of Children and Family Services.
Rasmussen’s letter included allegations that Child Protective Services workers attempted to keep children from contacting their court-appointed advocates and “shopped” for health care and mental health care providers who would support their objectives in child placement.
Relatives were not notified or considered for placement of children, the prosecutor wrote. Other relatives had children taken from them and placed in foster care.
The ombudsman’s report supports some of these allegations.
Between Jan. 1, 2007, and March 31, 2009, the ombudsman’s office received 62 complaints regarding practices in the Colville office, of which 44 investigations have been completed. Of these the ombudsman found 16 adverse findings against the office, including violations of law, policy, procedure, “or simply poor social work practice.”
“These complaints had merit,” Meinig said. “Children were removed from placement for less than child abuse and neglect, which raises questions about how we are looking at relative placement.”
A Washington Families United spokeswoman said the problems cited in the ombudsman’s report in regard to the Colville office are present throughout the state.
“There is no one to hold these people accountable,” families advocate Linda Harris said.
In its report, Meinig’s office made several recommendations, including:
•That an outside professional mediation service address issues needing repair in the Colville area.
•That a diverse community board advises the Division of Children and Family Services.
•That the judiciary take leadership in addressing accountability, particularly in the appointment of mutually agreed-upon care providers.
The report also stressed the importance of keeping children with relatives in the absence of abuse or neglect, a clear violation of a court order, or imminent risk
of harm.
Children’s Administration concurred with many of the ombudsman’s recommendations. But while Meinig’s office laid much of the responsibility with the child welfare agency, the Children’s Administration report focused largely on the strained relationship between the Colville office and the Stevens County Court Appointed Special Advocate Office.
“Both reviews identified similar areas needing improvement and provides an opportunity,” said Randy Hart, Children’s Administration interim assistant secretary. “We will work with our partners to implement the recommendations as appropriate.”
Contact Kevin Graman at kevingr@spokesman.com or (509) 459-5433.
Reports fault Colville child services
Separate reviews agree on some issues
Kevin Graman
Staff writer
Tags: Children and Family Services Child welfare Colville
Two separate reports, both critical of the state’s child welfare system in northeastern Washington, were released Wednesday by agencies investigating an unusually high number of complaints against the Colville office of the Washington Division of Children and Family Services.
A 10-month investigation by the Office of the Family and Children’s Ombudsman has found “a widespread crisis of confidence by the community in the child welfare system … that puts children and families at risk of harm.”
The Department of Social and Health Services Children’s Administration released its own report, which agreed with the ombudsman’s finding on a number of issues, but focused on a “systemic lack of communication and cooperation among all parties involved” in the welfare of dependent children.
The nearly simultaneous release of the two documents was apparently coincidence, said Mary Meinig, director of the ombudsman’s office, which is an independent watchdog over government agencies that have responsibility for child welfare.
Last June, Meinig’s office was asked by DSHS to review child welfare practices in the Colville office in response to concerns raised by state Rep. Joel Kretz and the advocacy group Washington Families United.
The Colville office covers Ferry, Pend Oreille and Stevens counties, where residents, including a grandparents’ support group, complained about child placement decisions.
Then, in March, Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen wrote to Gov. Chris Gregoire and other state officials to state his concerns about alleged misconduct and corruption in the Colville office of the Division of Children and Family Services.
Rasmussen’s letter included allegations that Child Protective Services workers attempted to keep children from contacting their court-appointed advocates and “shopped” for health care and mental health care providers who would support their objectives in child placement.
Relatives were not notified or considered for placement of children, the prosecutor wrote. Other relatives had children taken from them and placed in foster care.
The ombudsman’s report supports some of these allegations.
Between Jan. 1, 2007, and March 31, 2009, the ombudsman’s office received 62 complaints regarding practices in the Colville office, of which 44 investigations have been completed. Of these the ombudsman found 16 adverse findings against the office, including violations of law, policy, procedure, “or simply poor social work practice.”
“These complaints had merit,” Meinig said. “Children were removed from placement for less than child abuse and neglect, which raises questions about how we are looking at relative placement.”
A Washington Families United spokeswoman said the problems cited in the ombudsman’s report in regard to the Colville office are present throughout the state.
“There is no one to hold these people accountable,” families advocate Linda Harris said.
In its report, Meinig’s office made several recommendations, including:
•That an outside professional mediation service address issues needing repair in the Colville area.
•That a diverse community board advises the Division of Children and Family Services.
•That the judiciary take leadership in addressing accountability, particularly in the appointment of mutually agreed-upon care providers.
The report also stressed the importance of keeping children with relatives in the absence of abuse or neglect, a clear violation of a court order, or imminent risk
of harm.
Children’s Administration concurred with many of the ombudsman’s recommendations. But while Meinig’s office laid much of the responsibility with the child welfare agency, the Children’s Administration report focused largely on the strained relationship between the Colville office and the Stevens County Court Appointed Special Advocate Office.
“Both reviews identified similar areas needing improvement and provides an opportunity,” said Randy Hart, Children’s Administration interim assistant secretary. “We will work with our partners to implement the recommendations as appropriate.”
Contact Kevin Graman at kevingr@spokesman.com or (509) 459-5433.
State Ombudsman Report On Colville CPS Office
Thank you Colville reader for the links to State Ombudsman Mary Meinig's report on the truly bad things going on in that office. (Please see press release from DSHS and the full report.) The Spokesman Review will report on this.
"Loss of Trust: A Crisis of Confidence In the Child Welfare System in Colville"
"It really looks good. My question about a couple of statements made in the report was the Judaical, Medical and Social Services and CASA all admitted to knowing what they were doing was wrong, yet they continued doing so which shows intent to violate the law have no remorse for the harm they have caused to the children and families. Are they going to be prosecuted?" Lola Bailey, President, National Committee of Grandparents for Children's Rights
"Loss of Trust: A Crisis of Confidence In the Child Welfare System in Colville"
"It really looks good. My question about a couple of statements made in the report was the Judaical, Medical and Social Services and CASA all admitted to knowing what they were doing was wrong, yet they continued doing so which shows intent to violate the law have no remorse for the harm they have caused to the children and families. Are they going to be prosecuted?" Lola Bailey, President, National Committee of Grandparents for Children's Rights
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Just Got A Call From Germany...Number 11 On The Way
It is nighttime here but morning there. Claire called and her number 3 is on the way. I called the rest of the family and emailed John my best wishes and prayers. Grandma Kitty got there only two days (not the 2 weeks as thought) before the birth.
I will let you know...they have one girl and one boy so didn't ask :o)
6:13 AM Got up and logged on first thing. No word at all. I emailed John last night and he emailed back that he was making frequent phone calls to Claire. That is the way they share the birth during deployment I have just learned.
I will let you know...they have one girl and one boy so didn't ask :o)
6:13 AM Got up and logged on first thing. No word at all. I emailed John last night and he emailed back that he was making frequent phone calls to Claire. That is the way they share the birth during deployment I have just learned.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Captain John...Reinforcements Are On The Way
The family is going into action! The first of this year's three family additions is due in a couple of weeks.
Grandma Kitty has by now arrived in Germany. Her eldest married my penultimate so Kitty is younger than me. She has by now given big hugs to our granddaughter, Sadie (4), and our grandson, Jack (2). She has read them books, played Candyland, changed a few Pampers, and knelt by the bed for night time prayer. In a week or so she will fill in for my son who is in Qatar. She will drive to the hospital and be there for the birth. I am so grateful that she is such a truly wonderful and talented person. Thank you, Kitty. We just love Claire. You did a great job!
Kitty leaves Germany the day before I arrive. I will read books to Sadie and Jack, play Candyland, change Pampers, and kneel at the bedside for prayer. Kitty and I are grandmas.
((Let us all pray for the family unit. It is being attacked by government (impossible taxes and illegal taking of children), the media (selective sensational news), and Hollywood (poor role models). Families must work very hard to pass on their own values and keep government from taking away our liberties.))
Grandma Kitty has by now arrived in Germany. Her eldest married my penultimate so Kitty is younger than me. She has by now given big hugs to our granddaughter, Sadie (4), and our grandson, Jack (2). She has read them books, played Candyland, changed a few Pampers, and knelt by the bed for night time prayer. In a week or so she will fill in for my son who is in Qatar. She will drive to the hospital and be there for the birth. I am so grateful that she is such a truly wonderful and talented person. Thank you, Kitty. We just love Claire. You did a great job!
Kitty leaves Germany the day before I arrive. I will read books to Sadie and Jack, play Candyland, change Pampers, and kneel at the bedside for prayer. Kitty and I are grandmas.
((Let us all pray for the family unit. It is being attacked by government (impossible taxes and illegal taking of children), the media (selective sensational news), and Hollywood (poor role models). Families must work very hard to pass on their own values and keep government from taking away our liberties.))
Reader Gets It Wrong. Foster Caregivers Should NOT Have Kids Call Them MOM or DAD
Some things just need correcting. I would not publish the comment that follows without a response.
Reader...You are just wrong. Adults teach a child what they are to be called. Auntie, Grandma, Pam or "______." It is cruel to let a child call you "Mom" unless you are the mother...or unless you adopt the child. You set the child up for just exactly what you say you would want to avoid and more.
What a terrible loss for the child when he/she is reunited with their parent and feel they are leaving their mother and father. No wonder some will kick the floor and scream.
And, how confusing to the child it must be to have many "Mothers." What kind of cruelty is that? In and out, in and out, in and out of familial relationships always tentative with the label of mother or dad.
Reader writes:"Raising a child from a baby, they're going to call a foster parent what the other children call them. Unless you start telling a child "you can't call me that", which would be cruel. These kids already feel isolated enough that they don't need to be purposefully isolated more. I don't think fosters should encourage it, or make them, but if a child starts doing it on their own there shouldn't be a problem with it. Or with continuing it. I seriously doubt that Poca thinks of those foster parents as anything other than "mommy and daddy"."
The goal is always reunification with the biological family. That is the law. We should work toward making that transition as easy as possible if it is to occur. You are right about one thing. Poca does feel that her foster caregivers are her parents because that is how they have taught the child. Think of it this way...what IF Poca had a family that could take her home? What if she had grandparents or an aunt? How would you feel if the foster woman in the Stuth Case told the Stuth's grand daughter that she must be called "Mommy"? And in our second study case...should the foster person in the life of little Lily be called "Mother?" Isn't that confusing to the child and maddening to the biological family? Tell the child the truth. Losing Santa is hard enough.
(The real focus on the story of Poca is that CPS is retaliating against the foster parents and in doing so are hurting the child. The sin is that CPS prefers to show its power for the sake of it. The sin is that again...the child is not the first consideration.)
Reader...You are just wrong. Adults teach a child what they are to be called. Auntie, Grandma, Pam or "______." It is cruel to let a child call you "Mom" unless you are the mother...or unless you adopt the child. You set the child up for just exactly what you say you would want to avoid and more.
What a terrible loss for the child when he/she is reunited with their parent and feel they are leaving their mother and father. No wonder some will kick the floor and scream.
And, how confusing to the child it must be to have many "Mothers." What kind of cruelty is that? In and out, in and out, in and out of familial relationships always tentative with the label of mother or dad.
Reader writes:"Raising a child from a baby, they're going to call a foster parent what the other children call them. Unless you start telling a child "you can't call me that", which would be cruel. These kids already feel isolated enough that they don't need to be purposefully isolated more. I don't think fosters should encourage it, or make them, but if a child starts doing it on their own there shouldn't be a problem with it. Or with continuing it. I seriously doubt that Poca thinks of those foster parents as anything other than "mommy and daddy"."
The goal is always reunification with the biological family. That is the law. We should work toward making that transition as easy as possible if it is to occur. You are right about one thing. Poca does feel that her foster caregivers are her parents because that is how they have taught the child. Think of it this way...what IF Poca had a family that could take her home? What if she had grandparents or an aunt? How would you feel if the foster woman in the Stuth Case told the Stuth's grand daughter that she must be called "Mommy"? And in our second study case...should the foster person in the life of little Lily be called "Mother?" Isn't that confusing to the child and maddening to the biological family? Tell the child the truth. Losing Santa is hard enough.
(The real focus on the story of Poca is that CPS is retaliating against the foster parents and in doing so are hurting the child. The sin is that CPS prefers to show its power for the sake of it. The sin is that again...the child is not the first consideration.)
It Is Time For Foster Parents And Relatives To Unite To Save Children From A Failed System
Both relatives and foster parents have come to me with their concerns. Their concerns are the same!
I am thinking of a name for the combined effort.....
I am thinking of a name for the combined effort.....
KING 5 and KTTH Hit State CPS For Failures In Foster Care
The system that is supposed to help children and families has is failed. While I certainly do not agree that foster parents should name themselves "Mommy" and "Daddy," neither do I believe the state should yank around foster parents like they do grandparents and other family members. Children and families suffer!
http://tinyurl.com/cvkktv via @addthis
Investigators: Wave of support for foster parents following TV coverage
12:11 AM PDT on Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Video: Wave of Support for foster parents following TV coverage
Larger screenE-mail this clip
A KING 5 investigation into how the state is failing a foster child is drawing public outrage.
Hundreds of viewers, online readers and even radio talk show hosts are demanding answers: Why is DSHS determined to take a child from her foster parents - the only place she's ever lived - after 4 years and thousands of dollars worth of failed attempts to reunite her with her birth-parents?
Today on KTTH Radio, 770 AM, talk show host David Boze spent an hour covering the KING 5 investigation into Poca.
Listeners weighed in, asking whom they could call to put pressure on the state.
Related Content
May 1, 2009: Investigators: Family says it’s target of DSHS retaliation
April 28, 2009: Investigators: State agency breaks laws, robs foster child of stable home
"This is a horrible, horrible injustice for this child," said one caller.
The listeners are furious the state is about to take Poca away from the only stable family she's ever known.
"Come on, this is the biggest no-brainer in the history of the earth," said Boze.
KING 5 aired the first investigations about Poca last week.
She was born a very sick premie who weighed just over just 2 pounds, with neurological challenges. Her parents had a history of drug and parenting problems.
The state chose Dick and Amy Langley of Snohomish County to take care of her, specifically because they've been successful foster parents to several drug-affected and medically fragile babies, like Poca, over the years.
While the Langleys raised Poca, year after year the state spent thousands of taxpayer dollars on programs to help the parents get her back.
Some of the services included drug and alcohol classes, drug rehabilitation, parenting classes, mental health counseling, anger management assessments, grief counseling and an in home health and education nurse.
In an effort to get children like Poca a stable home as soon as possible, by law, parents are supposed to have just over a year to get it together.
But a week ago, Judge Anita Farris of Snohomish County Superior Court made it clear that it's been nearly four years, and the state's efforts with the parents still are not working.
"I do know the parents are doing a lot that they're hiding and lying about specifically," said Judge Farris.
The parents have just had a third child taken away by Child Protective Services after he was beaten by a woman with a drug history, who was secretly living with Poca's biological parents.
"In addition, apparently this month, (the woman living with them) was either drunk or high while talking to the cps investigator, indicating she has drug and alcohol problems, living in the house, being allowed to care for their child alone," said Judge Farris.
Despite all that, the state is planning to take Poca away from the Langleys any day.
Amy Langely says it's traumatic for everyone in their family, including their four other children, Poca's foster sisters.
"Every moment we think is this her last breakfast? Is it our last meal, is it our last time tucking her in?" said Amy.
The Langleys believe the real reason Poca's leaving is because she and her husband are viewed as trouble-makers by the state. They've aggressively complained about how Poca's case has been handled.
"Now why would you move her? The only thing we know of is that they're mad at us," said Amy. "We just don't understand."
DSHS and the Attorney General's Office tell KING 5 there's nothing they can do. In March Judge Farris signed an order saying Poca cannot stay with the Langleys. It's unclear to the KING 5 Investigators why this order would be in effect, since the Langleys have a clean record of being long-time trusted foster parents for the state of Washington.
The plan now is to move Poca to another foster home, family friends of the biological parents, until the parents prove they can take care of her.
When KING 5 contacted the court, they said the state hasn't asked Judge Farris to change her mind.
"Any party can make any motion they wish before the court regarding placement of a child," wrote law clerk Bridgett Hogue. "All parties in (Poca's) case agreed to (her) removal and no party has made any motion to change that. The judicial code of ethical conduct prohibits a judge from discussing a pending case."
http://tinyurl.com/cvkktv via @addthis
Investigators: Wave of support for foster parents following TV coverage
12:11 AM PDT on Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Video: Wave of Support for foster parents following TV coverage
Larger screenE-mail this clip
A KING 5 investigation into how the state is failing a foster child is drawing public outrage.
Hundreds of viewers, online readers and even radio talk show hosts are demanding answers: Why is DSHS determined to take a child from her foster parents - the only place she's ever lived - after 4 years and thousands of dollars worth of failed attempts to reunite her with her birth-parents?
Today on KTTH Radio, 770 AM, talk show host David Boze spent an hour covering the KING 5 investigation into Poca.
Listeners weighed in, asking whom they could call to put pressure on the state.
Related Content
May 1, 2009: Investigators: Family says it’s target of DSHS retaliation
April 28, 2009: Investigators: State agency breaks laws, robs foster child of stable home
"This is a horrible, horrible injustice for this child," said one caller.
The listeners are furious the state is about to take Poca away from the only stable family she's ever known.
"Come on, this is the biggest no-brainer in the history of the earth," said Boze.
KING 5 aired the first investigations about Poca last week.
She was born a very sick premie who weighed just over just 2 pounds, with neurological challenges. Her parents had a history of drug and parenting problems.
The state chose Dick and Amy Langley of Snohomish County to take care of her, specifically because they've been successful foster parents to several drug-affected and medically fragile babies, like Poca, over the years.
While the Langleys raised Poca, year after year the state spent thousands of taxpayer dollars on programs to help the parents get her back.
Some of the services included drug and alcohol classes, drug rehabilitation, parenting classes, mental health counseling, anger management assessments, grief counseling and an in home health and education nurse.
In an effort to get children like Poca a stable home as soon as possible, by law, parents are supposed to have just over a year to get it together.
But a week ago, Judge Anita Farris of Snohomish County Superior Court made it clear that it's been nearly four years, and the state's efforts with the parents still are not working.
"I do know the parents are doing a lot that they're hiding and lying about specifically," said Judge Farris.
The parents have just had a third child taken away by Child Protective Services after he was beaten by a woman with a drug history, who was secretly living with Poca's biological parents.
"In addition, apparently this month, (the woman living with them) was either drunk or high while talking to the cps investigator, indicating she has drug and alcohol problems, living in the house, being allowed to care for their child alone," said Judge Farris.
Despite all that, the state is planning to take Poca away from the Langleys any day.
Amy Langely says it's traumatic for everyone in their family, including their four other children, Poca's foster sisters.
"Every moment we think is this her last breakfast? Is it our last meal, is it our last time tucking her in?" said Amy.
The Langleys believe the real reason Poca's leaving is because she and her husband are viewed as trouble-makers by the state. They've aggressively complained about how Poca's case has been handled.
"Now why would you move her? The only thing we know of is that they're mad at us," said Amy. "We just don't understand."
DSHS and the Attorney General's Office tell KING 5 there's nothing they can do. In March Judge Farris signed an order saying Poca cannot stay with the Langleys. It's unclear to the KING 5 Investigators why this order would be in effect, since the Langleys have a clean record of being long-time trusted foster parents for the state of Washington.
The plan now is to move Poca to another foster home, family friends of the biological parents, until the parents prove they can take care of her.
When KING 5 contacted the court, they said the state hasn't asked Judge Farris to change her mind.
"Any party can make any motion they wish before the court regarding placement of a child," wrote law clerk Bridgett Hogue. "All parties in (Poca's) case agreed to (her) removal and no party has made any motion to change that. The judicial code of ethical conduct prohibits a judge from discussing a pending case."
Gov. Gregoire On The U.S. Supreme Court?
No. She is too old.
This falls into the "nice to have a mention category."
This falls into the "nice to have a mention category."
Monday, May 4, 2009
Governor's Statement On KING5 Langley Foster Parent Case
I am a little puzzled about the department's quick disclosure in giving out information like they have here. Please tell the Senate Ethics Board. I wonder if they had a signed disclosure statement from the foster parents.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
News Release Listing | DSHS Main Page | Search | Contact Us | Privacy
Contact: Sherry Hill, 360-902-7892, hillsl@dshs.wa.gov
April 30, 2009
DSHS releases new information on the Langley foster home case
Olympia, WA -- A television news story aired Tuesday, April 28, regarding concerns expressed by foster parents Amy and Dick Langley about actions of the state involving a foster child in their care. The Department of Social and Health Services wants to ensure that anyone reporting on this story is aware of recent legal developments in this case.
The child is in the custody of DSHS pursuant to a dependency proceeding in Snohomish County Juvenile Court and her case is reviewed on an ongoing basis by a judge assigned to hear dependency cases. This judge ruled in March of this year that the foster parents in this case were "not an appropriate placement, based on the court's independent assessment of the evidence." The same judge ordered on Monday that the child be removed from the Langley home and placed into foster care with another family with whom the child is familiar. Children's Administration will comply with the judge's order.
This story reveals the complexity of family and placement issues that Children's Administration must deal with in every case. We have the same goal with every placement – we consider what is in the best interest of the child and where the child will thrive and be safe. Children's Administration must make reasonable efforts to reunify a child with the family if that is at all possible. However, family problems and issues can complicate and sometimes hinder, or halt reunification, and decision’s about a child's placement decision can be delayed or modified because of the change in circumstances.
An additional complexity to this case is that there was a parallel case involving the Langleys concerning their care of another child. Based on a finding from an investigation by Child Protective Services of the Division of Licensed Resources, the Department last year issued a from letter revoking the Langley’s foster care license. The Langleys appealed both the revocation and the finding. On Tuesday, April 28, an Administrative Law Judge determined that the report that lead to the investigation was "unfounded" and ruled that the Langley's foster care license should not be revoked.
While this is a new development, the Snohomish County Juvenile Court judge was fully aware of the finding and licensing appeal and considered them in her March ruling. The relevant provision of the judge's order of March 18, 2009 is: "Regardless of how the CAPTA/licensing hearing turns out the Langleys are not an appropriate placement, based on the court's independent assessment of the evidence. The court remains concerned regarding return home, but also recognizes [the child] cannot remain with the Langleys. The court also recognizes that it would be traumatic to place [the child] in an unknown foster home."
The court ordered that the child was to remain in the Langleys' care temporarily until a final determination could be made on a suitable placement for the child.
The Dependency Court judge evaluates recommendations from parties on child placement, including the child's biological parents and their attorneys, volunteer Guardian Ad Litems, medical and other community professionals, foster parents, DSHS, etc. Although foster parents are not parties in dependency cases, DSHS is required to notify them of hearings and they have the opportunity to present information to the court regarding children in their care. It is the responsibility of the judge to weigh all of the information and recommendations and to ultimately decide the issues relating to the child's placement and the rights of the parents.
After the March court order was issued, Children's Administration notified the court of issues with the birth parents that prevented their scheduled reunification with the child. Complying with the March 18th court order, Children's Administration searched for and found a suitable foster home for the child with a family with whom the child is familiar.
On Monday, April 27, 2009, the Juvenile Court judge issued the following order: "Prior orders entered in this matter shall remain in full force and effect…The child shall remain in DSHS-approved out-of-home care with the [name redacted for privacy] family."
DSHS does not discriminate and provides equal access to its programs and services for all persons without regard to race, color, gender, religion, creed, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, age, veteran's status or the presence of any physical, sensory or mental disability.
Gov. Gregoire's statement on foster care
05:49 PM PDT on Thursday, April 30, 2009
Gov. Chris Gregoire released the following statement today regarding foster care in Washington state:
“When a child is abused or neglected, finding that child a safe, permanent home and family is our highest moral and legal duty as a society.
“That demands decisions that are both carefully considered and timely. The sooner a child is placed in a safe, stable home the better it is for the child.
“As a former social worker, I can tell you that the issues and emotions in these case are always complex and the decisions almost never come down to simple choices of black or white, good or evil, as they are often portrayed.
“Child welfare professionals work with the courts and the families as the judicial system attempts to sort it all out and make crucial decisions about the child’s future.
“When it is in the best interests of the child, our first priority is to reunite the family. In fact, the law requires that we make reasonable efforts to reunify a child with the family if that is at all possible. When that’s not possible, we try to place the child with a relative. When neither option will work, we turn to the selfless people in our communities who serve as foster families and are willing to adopt another family’s child.
“I understand how people can come to different conclusions on what’s best for this or any child in these complex and contentious cases. But the ultimate decision, appropriately, comes from the court, as in this case.
“Today is the last day of Child Abuse Prevention Month and tomorrow begins Foster Care Month. That calendar confluence is a perfect time for you and all news media to encourage Washingtonians to report child abuse and neglect, to honor their neighbors who are foster parents, and to consider becoming foster parents themselves.”
(You may want to comment on the KING blog. PR)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
News Release Listing | DSHS Main Page | Search | Contact Us | Privacy
Contact: Sherry Hill, 360-902-7892, hillsl@dshs.wa.gov
April 30, 2009
DSHS releases new information on the Langley foster home case
Olympia, WA -- A television news story aired Tuesday, April 28, regarding concerns expressed by foster parents Amy and Dick Langley about actions of the state involving a foster child in their care. The Department of Social and Health Services wants to ensure that anyone reporting on this story is aware of recent legal developments in this case.
The child is in the custody of DSHS pursuant to a dependency proceeding in Snohomish County Juvenile Court and her case is reviewed on an ongoing basis by a judge assigned to hear dependency cases. This judge ruled in March of this year that the foster parents in this case were "not an appropriate placement, based on the court's independent assessment of the evidence." The same judge ordered on Monday that the child be removed from the Langley home and placed into foster care with another family with whom the child is familiar. Children's Administration will comply with the judge's order.
This story reveals the complexity of family and placement issues that Children's Administration must deal with in every case. We have the same goal with every placement – we consider what is in the best interest of the child and where the child will thrive and be safe. Children's Administration must make reasonable efforts to reunify a child with the family if that is at all possible. However, family problems and issues can complicate and sometimes hinder, or halt reunification, and decision’s about a child's placement decision can be delayed or modified because of the change in circumstances.
An additional complexity to this case is that there was a parallel case involving the Langleys concerning their care of another child. Based on a finding from an investigation by Child Protective Services of the Division of Licensed Resources, the Department last year issued a from letter revoking the Langley’s foster care license. The Langleys appealed both the revocation and the finding. On Tuesday, April 28, an Administrative Law Judge determined that the report that lead to the investigation was "unfounded" and ruled that the Langley's foster care license should not be revoked.
While this is a new development, the Snohomish County Juvenile Court judge was fully aware of the finding and licensing appeal and considered them in her March ruling. The relevant provision of the judge's order of March 18, 2009 is: "Regardless of how the CAPTA/licensing hearing turns out the Langleys are not an appropriate placement, based on the court's independent assessment of the evidence. The court remains concerned regarding return home, but also recognizes [the child] cannot remain with the Langleys. The court also recognizes that it would be traumatic to place [the child] in an unknown foster home."
The court ordered that the child was to remain in the Langleys' care temporarily until a final determination could be made on a suitable placement for the child.
The Dependency Court judge evaluates recommendations from parties on child placement, including the child's biological parents and their attorneys, volunteer Guardian Ad Litems, medical and other community professionals, foster parents, DSHS, etc. Although foster parents are not parties in dependency cases, DSHS is required to notify them of hearings and they have the opportunity to present information to the court regarding children in their care. It is the responsibility of the judge to weigh all of the information and recommendations and to ultimately decide the issues relating to the child's placement and the rights of the parents.
After the March court order was issued, Children's Administration notified the court of issues with the birth parents that prevented their scheduled reunification with the child. Complying with the March 18th court order, Children's Administration searched for and found a suitable foster home for the child with a family with whom the child is familiar.
On Monday, April 27, 2009, the Juvenile Court judge issued the following order: "Prior orders entered in this matter shall remain in full force and effect…The child shall remain in DSHS-approved out-of-home care with the [name redacted for privacy] family."
DSHS does not discriminate and provides equal access to its programs and services for all persons without regard to race, color, gender, religion, creed, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, age, veteran's status or the presence of any physical, sensory or mental disability.
Gov. Gregoire's statement on foster care
05:49 PM PDT on Thursday, April 30, 2009
Gov. Chris Gregoire released the following statement today regarding foster care in Washington state:
“When a child is abused or neglected, finding that child a safe, permanent home and family is our highest moral and legal duty as a society.
“That demands decisions that are both carefully considered and timely. The sooner a child is placed in a safe, stable home the better it is for the child.
“As a former social worker, I can tell you that the issues and emotions in these case are always complex and the decisions almost never come down to simple choices of black or white, good or evil, as they are often portrayed.
“Child welfare professionals work with the courts and the families as the judicial system attempts to sort it all out and make crucial decisions about the child’s future.
“When it is in the best interests of the child, our first priority is to reunite the family. In fact, the law requires that we make reasonable efforts to reunify a child with the family if that is at all possible. When that’s not possible, we try to place the child with a relative. When neither option will work, we turn to the selfless people in our communities who serve as foster families and are willing to adopt another family’s child.
“I understand how people can come to different conclusions on what’s best for this or any child in these complex and contentious cases. But the ultimate decision, appropriately, comes from the court, as in this case.
“Today is the last day of Child Abuse Prevention Month and tomorrow begins Foster Care Month. That calendar confluence is a perfect time for you and all news media to encourage Washingtonians to report child abuse and neglect, to honor their neighbors who are foster parents, and to consider becoming foster parents themselves.”
(You may want to comment on the KING blog. PR)
KING 5... Part II Of Foster Parents With 4 Year-Old
My guess is that KING 5 is obligated to balance their coverage to now show foster parents. There are many many great foster parents. The people in this story are, no doubt, good people. But why are the foster parents referring to themselves to the little four-year-old as "mommy and daddy"? They are caregivers, not the parents. Those terms, sans adoption, must be reserved for the parents.
Our state organization of foster parents have the same complaints that the families have. They are jerked around, lied to, and endure CPS decisions that hurt, not help, children and families.
Our state organization of foster parents have the same complaints that the families have. They are jerked around, lied to, and endure CPS decisions that hurt, not help, children and families.
PPR Reader Gone Under Cover In The System
I thought this was a great approach by one of our readers. If this person will identify themself I will publish about the experiences.
Okay.....THIS IS IT....I am done complaining about the CASA program and all its Guardian Ad Litems, I am done with being on the outside wondering what makes them tick or NOT, I am sick of waiting for the change and ready to BE THE CHANGE.
I am now in the CASA program to become a Volunteer Guardian Ad Litem. At least with me, there will never be a good family torn apart like mine and many other good families we all know of, EVER!
My training ----------(omitted by ED.). I will be reporting to you all --------omitted by ED).
This should be interesting to say the least. I am just done dancing their game and I joined them to beat them at their game...and I am looking so forward to doing this.
So, that's the newest scoop.
Okay.....THIS IS IT....I am done complaining about the CASA program and all its Guardian Ad Litems, I am done with being on the outside wondering what makes them tick or NOT, I am sick of waiting for the change and ready to BE THE CHANGE.
I am now in the CASA program to become a Volunteer Guardian Ad Litem. At least with me, there will never be a good family torn apart like mine and many other good families we all know of, EVER!
My training ----------(omitted by ED.). I will be reporting to you all --------omitted by ED).
This should be interesting to say the least. I am just done dancing their game and I joined them to beat them at their game...and I am looking so forward to doing this.
So, that's the newest scoop.
Statement From Gov. Gregoire On CPS
You may want to respond. Keep the comments short as they are more readable.
You may want to respond. Keep the comments short as they are more readable.
Foster Parents And Foster Adopt Parents...There Is A Difference
After the Stuth Case appeared on KING5 I was visited by some very interesting people. One couple represented foster parents on a state and national level. They, too, are concerned about the system. Most foster parents agree with the concerns aired on this blog from parents and loved ones of taken children.
A reader sent this YOUTube and it hits many of the points of concern. Remember...there is a difference between foster and foster-adopt. More on that later.
A reader sent this YOUTube and it hits many of the points of concern. Remember...there is a difference between foster and foster-adopt. More on that later.
Comment From Reader Sums Up A Large Part Of The Problem
Please see this WA State Supreme Court case heard last June the outcome of which addresses part of this reader's concern: What happens when the parents jump though all the hoops? (I will insert a link later today to the TVW June case that has been referenced earlier in this blog.)
(Note: Your step grandchild is already damaged by this. No child can be ripped from parents without damage. The question is: "Would it have been worse for the child to leave him in the home?" And, "Was there another relative qualified (and not falsely vilified) for placement?" Was he in a dangerous situation?
If he was is a difficult situation... there certainly is more psychological damage that comes from wrenching a child from parents than trying to correct a situation such as paying a heating bill or removing the druggie parent. And, biological placement outside the home is the law...not something to be lied about so the department can avoid it. It is easier on the child than placement with strangers.)
Please know that I do have faith in many social workers. I have none in the system or the administrators and elected officials who allow and condone the illegal distribution of other people's children. We are witnessing another form of socialism. The government is just redistributing another kind of wealth. Let's put more effort into helping the kids that need it and protecting them from truly evil parents. They do exist.)
Thank you for trying to help get some light on CPS. They have destroyed my faith in our system completely... My step grandson is in CPS custody and has been since May 2, 2008. We go to court again May 5th but I don't see much hope. His mother has done everything they have asked her to do and they are still saying it could be another six months. Her little boy is 3 years old and wants to come home so bad but what can we do? CPS has no checks and balances. No one checks up on them. They can write anything in their reports, say anything, and swear under oath its true and unbiased. They lie so much and all for the "good of the child." I don't even think they know what is good for a child. They come up with the stupidest things to comment on...they are more worried about candy than the psychological damage they are causing the child. Our baby needs to come home before he is mentally damaged by CPS. How do we get him home without just having him kidnapped? I'm so afraid for him. The more I research this subject the more freaked out I get.
(Note: Your step grandchild is already damaged by this. No child can be ripped from parents without damage. The question is: "Would it have been worse for the child to leave him in the home?" And, "Was there another relative qualified (and not falsely vilified) for placement?" Was he in a dangerous situation?
If he was is a difficult situation... there certainly is more psychological damage that comes from wrenching a child from parents than trying to correct a situation such as paying a heating bill or removing the druggie parent. And, biological placement outside the home is the law...not something to be lied about so the department can avoid it. It is easier on the child than placement with strangers.)
Please know that I do have faith in many social workers. I have none in the system or the administrators and elected officials who allow and condone the illegal distribution of other people's children. We are witnessing another form of socialism. The government is just redistributing another kind of wealth. Let's put more effort into helping the kids that need it and protecting them from truly evil parents. They do exist.)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Where In The World Has Pam Roach Been? And More Important Things Like Teaching Children To Read
Pam bought a B. B. King T-shirt on Beale St....she was in _________.
Not enough?
Pam went to the Gibson factory and bought four guitar picks.... she was in _______.
Got it? If not...
Pam visited the resting place of the King. She was in _______and visited _________.
While I was gone I received many comments. I will start work again in the morning. I returned this afternoon and will attend an Enumclaw auction tonight to help raise money for families wanting all-day kindergarten. I voted for the bill that defines all day kindergarten as part of basic education and was the only Senate Republican to do so. School is not mandatory at that age but early education gives kids a good start.
Pam bought a B. B. King T-shirt on Beale St....she was in _________.
Not enough?
Pam went to the Gibson factory and bought four guitar picks.... she was in _______.
Got it? If not...
Pam visited the resting place of the King. She was in _______and visited _________.
While I was gone I received many comments. I will start work again in the morning. I returned this afternoon and will attend an Enumclaw auction tonight to help raise money for families wanting all-day kindergarten. I voted for the bill that defines all day kindergarten as part of basic education and was the only Senate Republican to do so. School is not mandatory at that age but early education gives kids a good start.
BEST HINT ON EARLY EDUCATION: Teach your kids to read using phonics before they enter school. It worked great here. Start with the alphabet. Give the letters sounds. Study the "an" words, and the "ake" words, and the "ook" words, etc. It works!
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