Wednesday, December 17, 2008

DSHS Acting Fast To Steal Girl From Fit Family

This is a ver batum email I just received. The department knows the medical records are out and this is their answer:

"Pam, Just got off the phone with Gia. She is worthless! According to her, we are to blame for Alexis's failure to thrive. That is why she was not returned to us last August. I told her, if thats the case why did you give placement to us for the next ten months? And why were all the medical, social workers, and casa's reports glowing for the time period we had placement? She could not give me an answer for that. According to the new casa they are planning to get termination on Monday. They sent Lisa's (Lisa is actually the name of the mother. I have been using it as the name of the granddaughter) attorney adoption papers for Lisa to sign off stating sign this and get minimal visits, or go through trial and get no visits what so ever."
Doug (Grandfather)

Please see previous PPR for the link to the KING 5 TV coverage of this truly awful story. CPS is most certainly stealing this child!


Anonymous said...

Who should we readers contact?Is there anyone outside of Washington State?This state can't just rip her from an entire family with positive homestudies.

Anonymous said...

Pam how can this be? Where is King 5 now? They are needed badly to help save this child. They are stealing her right out from under everyone's noses. Oh I bet they are getting a real laugh out of this and rolling in the filth of their power. What about the medical reports , will the judge do something about them? This is a call if ever there was one. This is an outrage!

Anonymous said...

This is what I feared all along. When this started and Anne Marie was concerned for her daughter and granddaughter I told her to report what was going on to anyone who would listen. When the state started to push back I was scared that I had pushed her into something, and that they would retaliate. Now they have come up with the ultimate. They have sacrificed this baby to get even with them for rocking the boat, or they have sold her to the highest bidder. I'm just sick. If Lisa was not a caring mother would she ride the bus for 3 hours to visit her daughter? If her grandparents were not loving and caring people would they take time off from their jobs to drive to Seattle from Enumclaw to see their granddaughter. I don't think that what is bothering Anne Marie and Doug is anger or hurt at what has transpired as much as it is fear. Fear for the life and well being of Alexis and Lisa...Doo

Anonymous said...

Alexis will ultimately die at the hands of the foster mother if she is allowed to adopt that child.

Every social worker, every attorney generals office employee, every official who reads this; this child's blood is on your hands.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Lisa have a lawyer? We have a similar case here in AL where a young single mother (who didn't have any family support, but who has a wonderful church who got behind her) was having her children placed for adoption but her lawyer advised her not to sign (yes, I believe, even under threat of not being able to see them again) and went to bat for her in court and she got her children back(or at least CPS was removed from the case and they were removed from the foster home CPS placed them in) only under the supervision of the court which is much more family-friendly that CPS.

Anonymous said...

I think your question about contacting someone outside of the state is important. We need to contact the FBI and the Feds. We may need to contact the national FBI because I think the locals may be tainted. All of us have enough info to contact the local FBI. It will take about 10 reports all saying the same thing to get them moving. I will file a complaint with them today. Please, everyone else do the same. Also, fax something to your congressman and legislators. There are two free faxes that can be used online if you don't have access to one. Faxes are more likely to get read than emails.