Thursday, December 25, 2008

Spreading The Message Of "Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward Men"...My Grandson, Drew

In celebrating the birth of Christ, Christians all over the world are spreading the message of "Peace On Earth, Good Will To Men."

Last night we had a family night to celebrate the birth of Christ. Son, Captain John, and his family were not here. (They are at an out of state military base preparing for their move to Germany and his deployment to Qatar. They made their Christmas trip home earlier this month.)

There was pulled pork and all the trimmings. Jim told his family story of Wee Bear, granddaughter Emily played the piano as we sang carols. The children listened pretty well during the reading of the journey to Bethlehem and birth of the Christ Child. Afterwards the cousins gifted the child whose name they had drawn.

In the background, there was the constant sound of a small DVD player. It played during the prayers. It played during the meal, and during the stories, and less noticeably during the gifting. It was our six-year-old grandson, Drew. He is autistic.

Drew...we may never really know you. You are smart. We know that. You don't like fireworks and probably never will...but you do like my Diet Dr. Pepper which you are not suppose to drink and I don't hide very well....You humble us all. My only son-in-law who has a pretty he-man job...talks to you gently. But, you won't look him or any of us in the eye. We try to come to you. But, you can not let us in. You are one of the innocents who will walk on earth with many who will reach out to you.

Christ reaches out to all of us. Sometimes there are special people who help us be a little more Christlike...a little better. Thank you, Drew. You are a wonderful Christmas present..every day.

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