Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Reader Writes About The Redistribution Of Children

A PRR Reader writes:

"...The bottom line is that when the wrongdoing is there, whether it be the caseworker or supervisor, someone needs to hold them accountable. The only reason our neice was taken from us is because somebody else wanted her. NOT another family member but someone the caseworker chose. To SendSamHome, don`t give up. We won`t even if we`re still fighing a year from now. If we give up, they win!!"


Anonymous said...

We've been "fighting" for going on 8 years now. We've spent over 50k easy. We've had 6 lawyers, 2 currently, including Deane Minor and Tim Farris. We've had 3 "full" reviews and 1 by a private judge, all which all found in our favor. We've met with practically every level of DSHS and government including Gov. Gregoire (I think 3 times in fact). I dont even want to begin to think what the taxpayers has paid for all this.

Absolutely no progress has been made. In fact I think the kids are worse off because now the walls are up and the wagons and circled and no truth is going to leak out.

Anonymous said...

Our love and prayers goes out to every family fighting the "system". Don't ever stop fighting...those children are waiting for you!

Anonymous said...

There has to be a "chink" in their armor some where. Something this big has got to have a soft spot. We need to find that. They make plenty of mistakes but, haven't really been called on for that. They laughingly pay the law suits because its the taxpayers money. It doesn't really hurt them. Maybe we need a private investigator on all of them and see if they can pass the "sniff" test.
Maybe if each community(I mean those who have been hurt by cps)got together and hired a private investigator, I bet they could dig up some real dirt.
They do it to us, why not turn the tables on them.
Just a thought...

Anonymous said...

My son will NEVER hear the words, your mother gave up on you.

Things are going well.

Stacy Trussell said...

It seems as things may be headed in the right direction for us. We have heard but not yet had it verified, that the caseworker is no longer with the department. I will call our neice Alexis as not if but WHEN we get her back, that will be her middle name. I`m tired of not having a name to go with our story. We`ve also heard that a prior caseworker is back on the case as of today. Is so, he is awesome! Alexis`s bio mom has a new attorney willing to do his job. (The baby`s parents both want her with us)I think the attorneys are putting in a motion today for a hearing and with a total of 5 attorneys, 2 vgals,and a favorable adoption home study things look good. There has been a 12 year old cousin involved in all this too which makes the story too long to try to explain but I got notified yesterday that her placement isn`t working out and finally someone is willing to listen to this little girl. She`s been crying for us. So to her foster mom Jennifer, if you read this, thank you for listening to her. We miss both girls!!

Anonymous said...

They do have a chink in their armor! It's called the public eye! But mind you, you are going against a huge system with bottomless pockets. You MUST have impeckable documentation, keep a calander and make notes of every little detail no matter how trivial you may think. And use every means possible to get it in the public eye. They will try to intimidate you to silence you, DON"T let that happen! They are stealing your children! It's a rough road, no doubt about it. But remember, it always the darkest before the light. These are just my sugestions. And yes, I been down that road and won. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Erm..if often wondered what people think what they will do with said information once they get. The public "eye" is useless in a system where public officials have blanket legal immunity and a job that where its impractical and costly for their employer to fire them. Or that we have anyone in the bullpen waiting or for that matter willing to replace them. Its not like all the starvation and abuse cases weren't supervised by family court judges and several lawyers..so there is no help there.

Your drumbeat seems to be lacking facts..what did you do "on that road" that "won"?