Today, WA Attorney General Rob McKenna was in the wings...(the area right off the floor of the Senate chambers).
His AG aide, Hunter Goodman, was talking with one of my colleagues.
"Yes." Goodman was telling my colleague about the budget. "The budget will mean 300 people in our office will lose their jobs!" I took that as my cue.
"How would you like to lose a child?"
.........My staff alerted me to the fact they were coming so I was ready. I handed him a picture of the awards Lilly's grandmother had received. "Your attorney is painting this good woman as someone who is a thief. I corrected this with CPS and yet this lie is still on the judge's desk."
Hunter took the pictures. Took the case number. Took a phone number.
He quickly took notes as I was reminding him of the Stuth Case. He did say he would follow up. Yes, I told him a few other things...and then went to vote. It all took three minutes.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Susan Dreyfus To Head DSHS
Welcome, Susan. The public is looking for accountability and fairness and protection of the vulnerable. In other words...we want our money's worth of goodness! I look forward to working with you. PAM
P.O. Box 40002 • Olympia, Washington 98504-0002 • (360) 902-4111
For Release:Immediate
Date: March 31, 2009 Phone:360-902-4136
Warm and Fuzzy Quotes Are Removed The facts, Mame, just the facts!"
Gov. Gregoire announces appointment of new DSHS secretary
OLYMPIA – Gov. Chris Gregoire today named Susan N. Dreyfus, a Wisconsin executive with more than a dozen years of leadership experience in both the private and public health sectors, to head Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services.
Dreyfus will join the agency, and the governor’s Cabinet, on May 18. She will visit today with DSHS staff and leadership and later with key legislators and stakeholders.
DSHS is Washington’s largest state agency, with more than 19,000 employees and a combined state and federal two-year budget of about $20 billion. Each year, more than 2 million Washington residents turn to the agency for help. Its five divisions are responsible for an array of social services, including medical assistance, mental health services, vocational rehabilitation, food assistance, child welfare, care for the frail elderly and disabled adults, child support enforcement, juvenile rehabilitation, and alcohol and substance abuse prevention and treatment.
A Wisconsin resident for the past 33 years, Dreyfus, 51, is executive vice president for strategy with Rogers Behavioral Health System, Inc., in the Milwaukee area. Prior to joining Rogers in 2007, Dreyfus served for five years as senior vice president and chief operating officer of the National Alliance for Children and Families and Families International. With the Alliance, Dreyfus consulted with nonprofit human service agencies across the country on a range of governance, organizational and program areas, including child welfare practice, system design and management, contracting, policy, and state and federal financing.
Dreyfus also served on the Wisconsin State Legislative Council on Adoptions to develop ways to streamline adoptive processes and protect the rights of children and parents.
(I am wondering if the streamlining is totally a good thing given how fast they are moving to take Lilly. ed)
In 1996, Dreyfus was appointed administrator of the Division of Children and Family Services within the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. For nearly seven years she led this office responsible for child welfare, regulation and licensing of child care facilities, youth development and other community programs. In this role, Dreyfus successfully led the state’s assumption of all child welfare responsibilities from Milwaukee County. She also championed a major redesign of physical and behavioral health services for children in out-of-home care provided by Medicaid.
Gregoire commended DSHS Interim Secretary Stan Marshburn, who has led the agency since January, when former Secretary Robin Arnold-Williams joined the Governor’s Office as director of Gregoire’s executive policy office.
Dreyfus is married with three adult children. She earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay and attended the Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Her annual salary is $163,056.
In Another Vile, Hateful Move...DSHS Smears Lilly's Grandparents Who Are Much Loved And Awarded Community Leaders

Within the department there is a mantra. Originally it was said by Lenin...or was it Hitler?
"Tell a lie often enough and the people believe it."
Here is the truth, loyal PRR reader, about the grandmother fighting for her beautiful little Lilly:
The department's favorite lines: "You only know one side of the story." Or, "You don't know everything WE know." What a crock.
How about it Mr. Hart? Don't you really think you should offer more than the retraction of just one of the lies about this couple whose granddaughter you are putting through emotional hell?
Did your subordinate include any of THIS in the DSHS report full of lies that is on the judge's desk?
What will happen to that subordinate for his report? Anything?
Mr. Hart, I think you know what your people want. They want someone else's child and are willing to fabricate lies about a family, throw them into debt, and emotionally and physically hurt a child to do so. CLEAN UP SHOP!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Notes From The Editor #3
Dear Readers,
Just a few notes.
* I have received a message from "DSHS Person X." She tells me I edited her comment. No. I did not. I swept the copy and pasted it right in the blog. In her new message she says I don't know anything. Well, I have the picture of the blisters on Lilly's bottom, Ms. X. I really don't think I have to say much more...
* Mr. Wilson is apparently back from the hospital and making appointments again. He has set a date to meet with my aide this week. Six months has gone by since the foster woman in the Stuth Case demanded that the Senate Ethics Committee make me shut down this blog. (That, of course, was before she lost her license.) Mr. Wilson is tasked with finding arguments for the Senate Ethics Committee as to why I should be punished for...I am not sure. There are no RCW's prohibiting my free speech!
* Sen. Karen Keiser also has a blog. (Mine was first...I am a trend setter you know.) She ragged on the Building Association of WA in hers. The difference between hers and mine? Keiser's is written by Senate staff on government time!
* Many of you have asked about the rag top. I am waiting for the weather to break! it drives so nice...I am depriving myself...maybe this week!
* Several readers have asked about forming a new group. There are wonderful leaders working hard right now. I would like to support them and help them build their numbers. Please...leaders...send me your contact info and I will publish it so people can reach you.
Just a few notes.
* I have received a message from "DSHS Person X." She tells me I edited her comment. No. I did not. I swept the copy and pasted it right in the blog. In her new message she says I don't know anything. Well, I have the picture of the blisters on Lilly's bottom, Ms. X. I really don't think I have to say much more...
* Mr. Wilson is apparently back from the hospital and making appointments again. He has set a date to meet with my aide this week. Six months has gone by since the foster woman in the Stuth Case demanded that the Senate Ethics Committee make me shut down this blog. (That, of course, was before she lost her license.) Mr. Wilson is tasked with finding arguments for the Senate Ethics Committee as to why I should be punished for...I am not sure. There are no RCW's prohibiting my free speech!
* Sen. Karen Keiser also has a blog. (Mine was first...I am a trend setter you know.) She ragged on the Building Association of WA in hers. The difference between hers and mine? Keiser's is written by Senate staff on government time!
* Many of you have asked about the rag top. I am waiting for the weather to break! it drives so nice...I am depriving myself...maybe this week!
* Several readers have asked about forming a new group. There are wonderful leaders working hard right now. I would like to support them and help them build their numbers. Please...leaders...send me your contact info and I will publish it so people can reach you.
Phone Conversation With DSHS Head Randy Hart...He Was More Concerned With The Leak In His Department Than Lilly's Wellness
We manned the phones. Randy had the speaker on and told me there were others in the room.
I "staffed up" by going to speaker and pulling my witnesses around me.
Head to head. DSHS Secretary Randy Hart in one corner....Senator Pam Roach in the other.
The first round was the only one. We went at it for ten minutes.
Hart said there would be a letter of apology sent to Lilly's grandparents and the report to the judge would be changed. He did agree that they did not steal a coomputer from Swedish Hospital as the lying social worker had reported.
"Well, that's not enough!" I said. "And, I reported this to you over a month ago and yet you have not taken it out of the report that sits on the judge's desk. You have lied about these people many times over!"
I gave many examples and told him about the blisters, etc. "You have damaged this little girl." (Please see yesterday's PRR. That is what I had to say to him.)
I told him there was nothing that these fine people had done wrong and that he needed to follow the law.
Mr. Hart was not happy to hear of the comment sent to PRR by DSHS Person X. I told him it was verbatim in this blog. He didn't like the leak....DSHS Person X....don't worry. He won't fire you. There is no correcting of anyone. So...go ahead and find more little children for the rest of your friends. How many requests come in to you each week? Three...four? Do you get paid on the side? Or, are these just little favors you have for a network of "your people?"
So, Person X was probably in the room. I am guessing "X" is female.
It was a long conversation. He knows I will not back down. He knows his department has been wrong. There was so much more but no time to share the information with you.
PS: We will have a hearing in Olympia on "CPS Abuse." Stayed tuned.
I "staffed up" by going to speaker and pulling my witnesses around me.
Head to head. DSHS Secretary Randy Hart in one corner....Senator Pam Roach in the other.
The first round was the only one. We went at it for ten minutes.
Hart said there would be a letter of apology sent to Lilly's grandparents and the report to the judge would be changed. He did agree that they did not steal a coomputer from Swedish Hospital as the lying social worker had reported.
"Well, that's not enough!" I said. "And, I reported this to you over a month ago and yet you have not taken it out of the report that sits on the judge's desk. You have lied about these people many times over!"
I gave many examples and told him about the blisters, etc. "You have damaged this little girl." (Please see yesterday's PRR. That is what I had to say to him.)
I told him there was nothing that these fine people had done wrong and that he needed to follow the law.
Mr. Hart was not happy to hear of the comment sent to PRR by DSHS Person X. I told him it was verbatim in this blog. He didn't like the leak....DSHS Person X....don't worry. He won't fire you. There is no correcting of anyone. So...go ahead and find more little children for the rest of your friends. How many requests come in to you each week? Three...four? Do you get paid on the side? Or, are these just little favors you have for a network of "your people?"
So, Person X was probably in the room. I am guessing "X" is female.
It was a long conversation. He knows I will not back down. He knows his department has been wrong. There was so much more but no time to share the information with you.
PS: We will have a hearing in Olympia on "CPS Abuse." Stayed tuned.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Little Lilly Arrives For Visit...Her Bottom Caked In Her Own Feces
Person X from DSHS seemed to want to correct me.
I stated that little 3 year and 3 month old Lilly showed up to meet with her grandparents smelling so badly that even the social worker who brought her to the visit didn't want to stand by her. And, that her hair was matted.
Truth....Lilly arrived with one of the four "drivers" that she has thus far had. (No consistency here... just throw her in the car with yet another stranger. Well, I guess that actually IS consistent, isn't it?)
Person X from DSHS says he/she knows the foster woman. I am not surprised as unlikely as that would be if the placements were random. There ought to be a law against any social worker acquiring a child for a friend. Most people have a problem with that. Person X... Some might call it trafficking.
On the day of the visit it went like this:
The driver and Lilly were already there when the grandparents arrived. Lilly ran to the grandparents.
"Grandma! Grandma!"
"Lilly!" And then, "Do we need to use the restroom?"
Lilly's grandmother is a pre-school fact she was her granddaughter's pre-school teacher UNTIL THE STATE WANTED LILLY FOR SOMEONE ELSE. She understands "accidents" even though Lilly has been potty trained for well over a year.
Lilly had "poop" down both legs and blisters. The grandmother had brought new Valentine Day present clothes. Grandpa went to the car for wipes. Lilly was cleaned up for the visit. They combed Lilly's hair and put a bow in it for the pictures. Yeah. Turns out they had a camera.
The front side of Lilly's pants were so dirty that they were turned around. Even with the tag now in the front the pants were dirty. Her new coat was dirty and it is a brown coat! Lilly's hands were chapped from not wearing gloves outside in the cold. Her grandpa has been putting lotion on them at the visits because they are not being treated.
Oh...did I mention that she had blisters on her bottom? Yes, yes. I guess I mentioned that under state care Lilly showed up with painful blisters on her bottom.
So, Person X. You obviously either believe everything your social workers write or you write the reports yourself.
DSHS Person X. You say that Lilly was underweight and that now she has gained weight.
Well, turns out one of her grandmothers is 4'11" and weighs 90 lbs. The grandparents who have raised Lilly have been very concerned about her. Lilly is pre-diabetic. They had been taking her to the doctor for wellness check-ups every month. As in EVERY MONTH!
DSHS Person X. The grandparents have a letter from Skagit Valley Medical Center with Lilly's health record. The record shows monthly visits. You want to keep that from the judge don't you? Your story is that the grandparents have not cared for Lilly. That is a lie.
Truth: The grandparents are very worried about Lilly. LILLY IS PRE-DIABETIC. Your foster woman is giving Lilly prepackaged peanut butter and JELLY sandwiches and Ding Dongs..."crap" as some parents would call it.
Truth: The grandparents deliver organic cheese and organic pears and 2 gallons of organic milk to Lilly when they visit. They do not feed her candy.
Lilly is very much like the Stuth's granddaughter. She is 3 years-old. She is beautiful and non-drug affected. She has ice blue eyes and blondish-red hair. She is made to order. This is the profile. This is what DSHS wants for someone else.
In this case the foster woman is 25 to 30 years old. She is absent much of the time for her work. The state (we all pay for this) drives her many miles to be taken care of by the foster woman's mother in Bellingham. That is one long trek for one small little girl. Whatever it takes. Right?
There are many very good foster parents in our state. And, there are many child services employees who care. It is the people at the top. That is where the problem lies.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Personal Attacks VS Debate...Defenders Of DSHS Take Things So Personally...Lighten Up And Defend Polices With Facts
All said in good spirit here...
See the KING5 reports for which I have so kindly provided links in this blog.
Read the Ombudsman's Report on CPS. Hello. Don't send anything more unless you can quote something good about CPS out of that report. You have it. Have you read it? I want to teach you how to debate. You need to face the issues straight on. If I say that lying about the theft of a computer is bad...then you tell me why it is NOT bad. Get it? You don't talk about warm, fuzzy things that have nothing to do with anything.
Read the PPR where I report on my meeting with our state's premiere foster parent leaders. They agree with me. And, CPS plays God over them too.
Recollect how just three months ago Secretary Robin Arnold-Williams and CPS Asst. Sec. Cheryl Steponme were relieved of duty.
Note how the House of Representatives passed out my original idea of 18 years ago to break up DSHS. (I am just one among dozens of legislators who view this agency as a disaster!)
Please know this. As a grandmother of 10 and soon to be 13, as the director of a non-profit about to lead a delegation of optometrists to Honduras, as a State Senator, etc.etc. ....I really only spend my time on what I deem to be important.
Gotta go now. Jim's birthday party is tomorrow. I bought him a carrot cake at Wagoner's in Olympia. It is decorated with a gentleman farmer standing in a field of carrots! It is very cool...I am practicing my guitar again so have to put in the time...have to tidy the house as we have four kids with spouses and 8 grand kids (locally) coming over! Stew...tossed salad...strawberries and bananas in Jello...garlic bread...Costco Mango Peach Salsa with chips...
See....I am no different than anyone else. I have a family. I have a voice. I love my country and my son, John who is serving in Qatar. I do not, ever, apologise for my passion. It is passion that gets you elected to office. It is passion that drives you to work for good people like the Stuths. I am so blessed and I know that comes from a variety of sources, God being the one who has looked on me with some sort of expectation. Have a great weekend. PR
All you defenders of the status quo at DSHS. You have to get off the Kool-Aide!
See the KING5 reports for which I have so kindly provided links in this blog.
Read the Ombudsman's Report on CPS. Hello. Don't send anything more unless you can quote something good about CPS out of that report. You have it. Have you read it? I want to teach you how to debate. You need to face the issues straight on. If I say that lying about the theft of a computer is bad...then you tell me why it is NOT bad. Get it? You don't talk about warm, fuzzy things that have nothing to do with anything.
Read the PPR where I report on my meeting with our state's premiere foster parent leaders. They agree with me. And, CPS plays God over them too.
Recollect how just three months ago Secretary Robin Arnold-Williams and CPS Asst. Sec. Cheryl Steponme were relieved of duty.
Note how the House of Representatives passed out my original idea of 18 years ago to break up DSHS. (I am just one among dozens of legislators who view this agency as a disaster!)
Please know this. As a grandmother of 10 and soon to be 13, as the director of a non-profit about to lead a delegation of optometrists to Honduras, as a State Senator, etc.etc. ....I really only spend my time on what I deem to be important.
Gotta go now. Jim's birthday party is tomorrow. I bought him a carrot cake at Wagoner's in Olympia. It is decorated with a gentleman farmer standing in a field of carrots! It is very cool...I am practicing my guitar again so have to put in the time...have to tidy the house as we have four kids with spouses and 8 grand kids (locally) coming over! Stew...tossed salad...strawberries and bananas in Jello...garlic bread...Costco Mango Peach Salsa with chips...
See....I am no different than anyone else. I have a family. I have a voice. I love my country and my son, John who is serving in Qatar. I do not, ever, apologise for my passion. It is passion that gets you elected to office. It is passion that drives you to work for good people like the Stuths. I am so blessed and I know that comes from a variety of sources, God being the one who has looked on me with some sort of expectation. Have a great weekend. PR
Attachment Disorder
Attachment Disorder starts with a huge sense of grief within the child. Think of little Lilly rocking back and forth in the car seat. And, instead of having someone she loves comforting her she is threatened by being told if she does not stop crying she will not see her grandmother.
It is safer and easier for Lilly to detach herself from the love rather than hang on to it. (This is Dr. Pam speaking. Just a little common sense here. (I say this to put the DSHS shrinks back to attention. They can't stand it when I am right.)
I knew a man by the name of Paul O. Snyder. He was one of the conservative stalwarts of 25 years ago. Former State Senator and King County Councilman Kent Pullen introduced me to him. Paul was executive director of Citizens Taxpayers Association. I am sure he has passed.
Turns out Paul was a strict parent and his teenage daughter did not want to live in the house under his rules any more. So, at 16 years old she went to the school counselor and asked to be removed and placed in foster care. That was what happened.
Not too much time had gone by when the Snyder family noticed a big change in her. Turns out she was receiving counseling from the government.
Paul won a major case against the State of Washington. The state was found to have committed alienation of affection. There was a financial award for the Snyder family. And, the case is still in textbooks across the country. But, they lost their daughter through the counseling that was given her by the government. The counselor told her that her parents belief in God, tight rules of no dating know the story...they were bad and terrible parents.
CPS uses alienation of affection to achieve a diagnosis of attachment disorder. It is part of how they approach the they have learned they can succeed in stealing a child to give it to someone else.
The following was sent to me yesterday and reminded me of the Snyder family:
It is safer and easier for Lilly to detach herself from the love rather than hang on to it. (This is Dr. Pam speaking. Just a little common sense here. (I say this to put the DSHS shrinks back to attention. They can't stand it when I am right.)
I knew a man by the name of Paul O. Snyder. He was one of the conservative stalwarts of 25 years ago. Former State Senator and King County Councilman Kent Pullen introduced me to him. Paul was executive director of Citizens Taxpayers Association. I am sure he has passed.
Turns out Paul was a strict parent and his teenage daughter did not want to live in the house under his rules any more. So, at 16 years old she went to the school counselor and asked to be removed and placed in foster care. That was what happened.
Not too much time had gone by when the Snyder family noticed a big change in her. Turns out she was receiving counseling from the government.
Paul won a major case against the State of Washington. The state was found to have committed alienation of affection. There was a financial award for the Snyder family. And, the case is still in textbooks across the country. But, they lost their daughter through the counseling that was given her by the government. The counselor told her that her parents belief in God, tight rules of no dating know the story...they were bad and terrible parents.
CPS uses alienation of affection to achieve a diagnosis of attachment disorder. It is part of how they approach the they have learned they can succeed in stealing a child to give it to someone else.
The following was sent to me yesterday and reminded me of the Snyder family:
"It isn't that difficult to know whether to remove or not to remove a child. Look around and see if the child is in eminent danger of mental or bodily harm that can not be corrected with the help of CPS. This is the only reason a child is to be removed from their home. If the parents are involved in drugs the child is in danger. If there is no food, give the family food stamps, if they need money management skills, teach them, if it is parenting skills enroll them in parenting classes.
I think everyone should know by now that it only takes 3 moves in foster care for some children to develop attachment disorder. It is not a culture or social issue it is what is in the best interest of the child."
Lola Bailey, President
National Committee of Grandparents
For Children's Rights
National Director
866-624-9900 Toll Free
304-652-4587 Home
Another Delusional DSHS Official Has No Grasp On Reality
Earlier this week I had a comment to this blog that I thought was really a laugh. I mean...if you don't just throw your head back and say, "Good grief! These people don't have a clue," then you really are just furious with righteous indignation. Then I guess I have to acknowledge that there are some who would just rather not concern themselves and in the case of politicians, the too careful.
I wrote about 3 year-old Lilly and how she was abducted by CPS. That is what it is, you know, when there has been no wrongdoing by the family and the state takes a child. I have personally uncovered many terrible lies about families that are made up by the department. Let's hold the liars accountable and fire them! Heads should roll!
So, I mentioned that when Lilly was allowed to visit a family member that she smelled so badly even the social worker couldn't get next to her! And, I said that she had matted hair.
Our gut-less DSHS high-up emailed in to praise the department and defend the foster woman...ala Stuth case???? That was one where the department defended the foster woman and demanded the judge award the Stuth's granddaughter to her up until her licence was REVOKED! It wasn't about the restraining order out against a former lover with a was about her serious personal problem that was so bad she showed up stumbling around in a hospital with an infant boy also given to her. I GUESS THE CAT WAS OUT OF THE BAG WHEN HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES (MANDATORY REPORTERS) WERE WITNESS TO THIS TRAVESTY THAT THE DEPARTMENT WAS PROMOTING.
So, when a self righteous DSHS high up writes this blog and condemns ME for saying Lilly had matted hair you really have to laugh!!!! Not a mention of the lie DSHS told about the grandparents having stolen a computer from Swedish Hospital when in fact the department actually gave them the computer through a program Swedish has set up to help foster parents. (Swedish gives outdated computers to DSHS for foster parents!) I talked with the program director myself about this who verified the computer was the one they were given. Gift? Set-up? Mistake?
Anonymous Person X from DSHS...What do you have to say about the lies???? I'll bet you never apologise or correct ANYTHING. I am right about that! Not a mention of the toddler rocking back and forth in her car seat being threatened with "If you cry you will not get to see your grandma." Can any real person...under any circumstance...see saying this to anyone...let alone a three-year-old who only weeks before was torn away from the only family she's ever known? NO. The answer is NO! Nobody treats kids like this. This practice is in itself abusive! And, anyone who condones it is outrageous!
Clearly, this person doesn't get it.
Person X: It is about the fact that there are lies. It is about the child not belonging to your wonderful friend. I can not believe you one way or the other about your friend. She/He/them are not the issue here. Besides, I received several comments from the department and another "anonymous" equally extolling the virtues of the foster woman in the Stuth Case. what a crock that was. You are completely missing the point. But, you are making mine. Lilly is a wonderful little girl precisely because she was treated so well and loved by her family! What? You think that happened because of your friend? Go read a book.
Here is the comment I received:
"Sen. Roach: I am appalled that an elected official would blog (of all things) such hearsay without checking all the facts first. We count on our public officials to be leaders of social reform, not to promote misinformation.
I do not work with Children’s Administration, but have worked professionally with Randy Hart many times. He was not the “head of the Skagit office” prior to his promotion as you say, but the Regional Administrator over 5 counties. Mr. Hart’s actions to improve the child welfare system in Region 3 were visionary and ALWAYS centered on the safety and well being of children. Our state is very fortunate to now have Randy Hart in Olympia setting policy and practice for the benefit of all WA children!
I do not claim whatsoever to know anything about why “Lilly” was removed from her grandparents or the actions of the social workers along the way. However, I can say FIRSTHAND that “Lilly” is currently placed in a loving, caring home. This precious little girl is a schoolmate and playmate of my young daughter and her foster mother is a dear friend. When Lilly came to the foster mom (January, not right before Christmas as you say) she was underweight; so underweight that my daughter’s hand-me-downs were too big for Lilly. Mind you, my daughter is a full year younger than Lilly! In the foster mom’s care, Lilly has actually gained weight. As I understand it, Lilly had a well-child check recently and the pediatrician believes Lilly is only now right on track with her weight and height. As for her hair, she does have coarse and difficult to manage hair. Even I thought on occasion that it looked messy; but NEVER matted! The foster mom took the time to learn how to manage this little angel’s hair which is ALWAYS clean and now, very pretty. I have NEVER, EVER known Lilly to smell as you describe. Little ones play hard – especially at preschool! Let us also remember that she has only be potty trained for a very short time (months at the time she came into care); young children to have accidents from time to time.
This foster mother is the caliber of person one rarely meets in life. Her character is impeccable, she is caring, compassionate, intelligent, and genuine. I would allow her to care for my daughter any day, any time. As I said, I do not know what brought Lilly to foster care. I wonder if you do. Have you read the home study? Have you read her file or court documents FIRSTHAND? Have you been to the home?
Rest assured, Lilly is safe, well cared for, and living in a developmentally enriching and nurturing environment. I am the LAST person to advocate for institutional or non-family care for children. However, when placement outside of the family is warranted, this is precisely the person who should be caring for our children when family cannot."
Person X....Please go back and link to KING5 to see the Stuth coverage. No one should ever have the kind of faith you have in government. PR
DSHS high-up with the department who responded to my blog: It is time for you to go. You have too many years in the agency to have any idea what is fair, normal, accountable, honest, etc. You are the kind of person who thinks lying justifies your intended goal. You play God because you can. You are evil and need to go. How about spending just a minute of your time or is it our time ($120,000 a year) and investigate why the lies are still on the judge's desk. Vile is the only word I have for actions that steal the child of another without cause.
Government bureaucrats (backed up by everyone who has a financial self interest of the pay-rolls/offs) are unrestrained except by the court. so, they go after kids from the middle to low income families. It is like picking fruit from a tree. The low hanging fruit are the kids whose parents or grandparents don't have resources. You go after children that can be easily grabbed because families are unable to fight. The harvest is year-round.
Here is another email that I received from Eastern Washington where there is some justice coming the way of families:
I corrected only a few errors in the text.
"Dear Senator Roach,
In our case involving 4 children, the Prosecutor knew about the lies, about CPS, and the the police department filed no report, period. Nothing was done- He said to go to CPS again the next time after more disclosure. Even though the CPS supervisor was busted on cocaine - fired. The Social worker lied and we were told was fired. The PD detective, my D-I-L said got fired. The Grant County S/W as well. All 4 of these government paid employee's do not have their jobs any longer. The PA I said and TRUST CPS to do THEIR job again (paid rather do it or not). Yes the PA answered. We left his office sad and very confused. Then we were told the PA did not do his job.
We are sick for these 4 kids and their wrecked lives. Risk should not be an option.
Why have legislators and laws if those in power as well as the judge do not have to follow them??? REALLY!!!
Bless you and your families,
(This was signed but I have removed the name to protect them from the department that rewards those who lie and punishes those who tell the truth.)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Inside The Caucus: Transportaion Discussed or Disgusted? What Are Republicans Told?
We had a discussion yesterday in our Senate Republican Caucus about the transportation budget that will be shortly put before us for a vote.
My freshman year Jeannette Haynor was the Senate Majority leader. We were in the majority by one vote. I had just won with something like 250 votes to spare. You could say that the effort of the people in the 31st District gave us that one vote majority. I was that 25th vote.
I wanted to make sure I darn well knew what the bill was before I voted.
One of the things we do in caucus is go over impending legislation. If you have been around awhile you see some of these concepts over and over and you pretty much know from the get-go if it is something you and your district will support.
But, laboring to understand all that was before me I had lots of questions.
Scott Barr was a state senator from the Wenatchee area. He had to be 75. He was a very wealthy guy. I later told him he ought to buy the press over there and we would at least have one that was conservative in the state.
When the House bills began coming over there was yet another batch of bills. In caucus the ranking member on each committee would, after discussion, give a recommendation on how to vote. I complained a bit because we were going over the bills at such a rapid pace and I still had questions.
The venerable Senator Scott Barr, sensing my frustration, turned to me and said: "Pam, in the Senate we have half the members and twice the trust."
Scott never bought the newspaper. And, I never stopped asking questions. In fact, I venture opinions more often than most. Turns out in today's caucus there is not near the discussion and less than half the trust.
We had a transportation presentation yesterday. (Coincidentally, we had been joined by the "Mainstream Republicans" who through former congressman Sid Morrison told us we needed more reasonable...from the left...candidates to win our races.) In that transportation presentation what was not stated was that our transportation ranking member was going to be doing a joint press conference with the transportation chair, Senator Mary Margaret Haugen, on the transportation budget. I guess the senate republicans gave agreement even before presenting to our caucus.
One western WA senator was VERY unhappy about the ferry plans for purchase, to the point of bringing in a tripod and easel to draw boat hulls of choice. I thought...this is the kind of presentation we should be having!!! Let's see what the heck is going on here! My point? NO CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION WERE PRESENTED. Members were left to really debate a plan that had already been accepted by others. This is not the free airing of issues and majority of the caucus approach that Haynor used to present a united front.
I happen to like the House suggestion that the land underneath the viaduct be sold to help pay for the Seattle viaduct replacement project. It was never discussed in our caucus. The House Republican plan was never discussed not because there would have been no support ...but because there WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPPORT FOR IT.
Even Congress has more coordination and effort than this!
There is a lot of national fact it actually IS the debate: What do these legislators know about really important subjects before they vote on them?
My freshman year Jeannette Haynor was the Senate Majority leader. We were in the majority by one vote. I had just won with something like 250 votes to spare. You could say that the effort of the people in the 31st District gave us that one vote majority. I was that 25th vote.
I wanted to make sure I darn well knew what the bill was before I voted.
One of the things we do in caucus is go over impending legislation. If you have been around awhile you see some of these concepts over and over and you pretty much know from the get-go if it is something you and your district will support.
But, laboring to understand all that was before me I had lots of questions.
Scott Barr was a state senator from the Wenatchee area. He had to be 75. He was a very wealthy guy. I later told him he ought to buy the press over there and we would at least have one that was conservative in the state.
When the House bills began coming over there was yet another batch of bills. In caucus the ranking member on each committee would, after discussion, give a recommendation on how to vote. I complained a bit because we were going over the bills at such a rapid pace and I still had questions.
The venerable Senator Scott Barr, sensing my frustration, turned to me and said: "Pam, in the Senate we have half the members and twice the trust."
Scott never bought the newspaper. And, I never stopped asking questions. In fact, I venture opinions more often than most. Turns out in today's caucus there is not near the discussion and less than half the trust.
We had a transportation presentation yesterday. (Coincidentally, we had been joined by the "Mainstream Republicans" who through former congressman Sid Morrison told us we needed more reasonable...from the left...candidates to win our races.) In that transportation presentation what was not stated was that our transportation ranking member was going to be doing a joint press conference with the transportation chair, Senator Mary Margaret Haugen, on the transportation budget. I guess the senate republicans gave agreement even before presenting to our caucus.
One western WA senator was VERY unhappy about the ferry plans for purchase, to the point of bringing in a tripod and easel to draw boat hulls of choice. I thought...this is the kind of presentation we should be having!!! Let's see what the heck is going on here! My point? NO CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION WERE PRESENTED. Members were left to really debate a plan that had already been accepted by others. This is not the free airing of issues and majority of the caucus approach that Haynor used to present a united front.
I happen to like the House suggestion that the land underneath the viaduct be sold to help pay for the Seattle viaduct replacement project. It was never discussed in our caucus. The House Republican plan was never discussed not because there would have been no support ...but because there WOULD HAVE BEEN SUPPORT FOR IT.
Even Congress has more coordination and effort than this!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Spokesman Review...Editorial Praises Work Of Prosecutor Rasmussen and Rep. Kretz...Go Get 'Em Guys!!!
The Spokesman-Review
March 25th 2009
Our View: Report On DSHS In Colville Warrants Review
Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen was asked by state Rep. Joel Kretz, R-Wauconda, to look into repeated complaints about the child-protection workers in the Department of Social and Health Services office in Colville, which serves Pend Oreille, Stevens and Ferry counties. What he discovered after several months is contained in a sharply worded letter sent to the governor, attorney general and about 30 lawmakers and state workers.
The blunt report is sure to raise temperatures, but cooler heads need to focus on the substance to determine whether the allegations are accurate. Rasmussen accuses the office of a pattern of abuse in which foster children are taken from homes for questionable reasons. To accomplish this, DSHS workers in the Colville office are accused of selectively choosing doctors and counselors who were amenable to the office’s agenda.
Rasmussen was the prosecutor who worked out the plea deal in the case of Tyler DeLeon, who died of dehydration in 2005 after undergoing long-term abuse from his adoptive mother, who is serving a six-year sentence. In that case, Rasmussen was critical of the state for acting too slowly, or not at all. His just-released report often alleges that DSHS is too aggressive in removing foster children from homes. He notes a judge’s outrage at the agency for removing five children from a family and a request to remove two more for what appeared to be financial reasons. He also accuses the state of conducting sexual abuse examinations of children when no allegations have been leveled and ignoring the advice of court-appointed advocates.
The reality of Child Protective Services is that case workers can be accused of being too intrusive or too hands-off. Whether children should be removed from homes is always going to be an emotional issue. Still, criticism should be taken seriously to bring about the best balance. DSHS hasn’t had much time to look at Rasmussen’s complaints, so it has yet to offer a substantive answer. Kretz isn’t convinced that the agency’s self-evaluation is working.
It is too soon to decide whether the Colville office is in need of a serious shake-up based on these latest allegations. But the office certainly came up short in the DeLeon case, so these charges merit a close look. Plus, the agency does have an ombudsman who hasn’t shied from leveling criticism in the past. For the sake of children, the adults need to set aside hurt feelings and embark on an objective review of the allegations. And the results of that inquiry should be made public.
(Thank you to those who sent this in to me. PR)
March 25th 2009
Our View: Report On DSHS In Colville Warrants Review
Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen was asked by state Rep. Joel Kretz, R-Wauconda, to look into repeated complaints about the child-protection workers in the Department of Social and Health Services office in Colville, which serves Pend Oreille, Stevens and Ferry counties. What he discovered after several months is contained in a sharply worded letter sent to the governor, attorney general and about 30 lawmakers and state workers.
The blunt report is sure to raise temperatures, but cooler heads need to focus on the substance to determine whether the allegations are accurate. Rasmussen accuses the office of a pattern of abuse in which foster children are taken from homes for questionable reasons. To accomplish this, DSHS workers in the Colville office are accused of selectively choosing doctors and counselors who were amenable to the office’s agenda.
Rasmussen was the prosecutor who worked out the plea deal in the case of Tyler DeLeon, who died of dehydration in 2005 after undergoing long-term abuse from his adoptive mother, who is serving a six-year sentence. In that case, Rasmussen was critical of the state for acting too slowly, or not at all. His just-released report often alleges that DSHS is too aggressive in removing foster children from homes. He notes a judge’s outrage at the agency for removing five children from a family and a request to remove two more for what appeared to be financial reasons. He also accuses the state of conducting sexual abuse examinations of children when no allegations have been leveled and ignoring the advice of court-appointed advocates.
The reality of Child Protective Services is that case workers can be accused of being too intrusive or too hands-off. Whether children should be removed from homes is always going to be an emotional issue. Still, criticism should be taken seriously to bring about the best balance. DSHS hasn’t had much time to look at Rasmussen’s complaints, so it has yet to offer a substantive answer. Kretz isn’t convinced that the agency’s self-evaluation is working.
It is too soon to decide whether the Colville office is in need of a serious shake-up based on these latest allegations. But the office certainly came up short in the DeLeon case, so these charges merit a close look. Plus, the agency does have an ombudsman who hasn’t shied from leveling criticism in the past. For the sake of children, the adults need to set aside hurt feelings and embark on an objective review of the allegations. And the results of that inquiry should be made public.
(Thank you to those who sent this in to me. PR)
Governor Making Changes At DSHS
I was talking with a very credible person within the governor's office this afternoon.
WA State, like others, is up to its neck in budget woes but our governor is also working hard to make some changes at DSHS. There is some notion of breaking up the huge bureaucracy. Right now there are only rumors but I did learn that it is the budget and CPS that are occupying the governor. I don't think she will mind saying this. In fact, with the public relations nightmare this agency has been I believe it is to the governor's advantage to let out information that she is going to address the department. Senator Jim Hargrove, chair of the Senate Human Services and Corrections Committee, has been working with the new plan.
Watch for a division in the department and an announcement of a couple of new people at the top. I think Randy Hart will be out. He is clearly part of the problem and does not have what it takes to "change the culture" of this accumulation of cyborg clones. The current top is the problem.
The governor's office agrees that DSHS needs to follow the law and place first with families. Etc. That my friends is the official word.
At the end of the conversation I offered to join the administration and help. that won't happen.
WA State, like others, is up to its neck in budget woes but our governor is also working hard to make some changes at DSHS. There is some notion of breaking up the huge bureaucracy. Right now there are only rumors but I did learn that it is the budget and CPS that are occupying the governor. I don't think she will mind saying this. In fact, with the public relations nightmare this agency has been I believe it is to the governor's advantage to let out information that she is going to address the department. Senator Jim Hargrove, chair of the Senate Human Services and Corrections Committee, has been working with the new plan.
Watch for a division in the department and an announcement of a couple of new people at the top. I think Randy Hart will be out. He is clearly part of the problem and does not have what it takes to "change the culture" of this accumulation of cyborg clones. The current top is the problem.
The governor's office agrees that DSHS needs to follow the law and place first with families. Etc. That my friends is the official word.
At the end of the conversation I offered to join the administration and help. that won't happen.
Saturday's Speech On CPS Abuses. What Do The Governor And The Attorney General Have In Common? Who Will Take The First Shot?
There were more than 100 people in attendance.
The Kitsap County Republican Party was holding it's annual Lincoln Day Dinner and I was the keynote speaker. It was a very warm and engaging crowd.
In Bremerton, it was also a "Go, Navy" crowd. I saved a mention of my son, John, being Air Force for the introductory remarks. It seemed safer than mentioning it around the table:o)
My speech was about CPS abuse. It was an assigned topic that is gaining interest because of news coverage. I talked about the Stuths and about the case in Skagit County and the lying about the theft of a computer, etc. Accountability/split DSHS (they cheered)/families first....
When I was done the county chair got up and said, "I am an attorney and early in my practice I worked some of the CPS cases. I can tell you that everything Senator Roach has said is absolutely true."
The speech was very well received. Afterwards a kind gentleman approached to say he battled with CPS to keep his grandchild. He, also, agreed 100%.
Former Rep, Lois McMahan received a special award. For those of you who know her...she has lost 100 lbs and suffers from severe dementia. The onset and progression of the disease has been rapid. She did not recognize me or talk to anyone. I gave her a hug. She is only 66.
HIGHLIGHTS: Currently, both top elected statewide officials have stayed out of the CPS wrongdoings. The status quo reigns. If the public begins to pressure they may have to turn on eachother to affix blame.
In the Q&A I mentioned to this group of Republicans that this was a potentially very big political issue. Recent polls show that citizens in Washington State are NOT satisfied with their service from government. They do not think that the money is spent well. The product is bad.
Both the top Democrat and the top Republican are the two people who have the most power in making changes.
The Democrat governor need merely give a directive to Mr. Hart. He will like his job...and make changes.
The Republican, Attorney General Rob McKenna can likewise reach into the bowels of his powerful bureaucracy and say he wants the state law followed. FAMILIES FIRST, It is very simple. He can also demand that only the truth be put before the court. It is the AG who defends CPS in court. It is the AG who is the legal counsel to DSHS...a behemoth of an agency. Millions go out in awards to wronged families.
Either top elected official has equal power to make changes.
Politically, I told the audience, this could be a big issue, especially since both statewide officials are already looking toward the 2012 gubernatorial race. Money matters get into a voter's pocket book. CPS issues get into their hearts and minds.
My opinion? Which ever party first goes after this issue has the chance to affix blame. The public is fuming mad about how this state treats its vulnerable children and on the other hand how CPS unnecessarily yanks kids from good and loving families like the Stuths.
PS...the speech was on video so there will be no lying about what I had to say...and also so I can go on YOUTube!
The Kitsap County Republican Party was holding it's annual Lincoln Day Dinner and I was the keynote speaker. It was a very warm and engaging crowd.
In Bremerton, it was also a "Go, Navy" crowd. I saved a mention of my son, John, being Air Force for the introductory remarks. It seemed safer than mentioning it around the table:o)
My speech was about CPS abuse. It was an assigned topic that is gaining interest because of news coverage. I talked about the Stuths and about the case in Skagit County and the lying about the theft of a computer, etc. Accountability/split DSHS (they cheered)/families first....
When I was done the county chair got up and said, "I am an attorney and early in my practice I worked some of the CPS cases. I can tell you that everything Senator Roach has said is absolutely true."
The speech was very well received. Afterwards a kind gentleman approached to say he battled with CPS to keep his grandchild. He, also, agreed 100%.
Former Rep, Lois McMahan received a special award. For those of you who know her...she has lost 100 lbs and suffers from severe dementia. The onset and progression of the disease has been rapid. She did not recognize me or talk to anyone. I gave her a hug. She is only 66.
HIGHLIGHTS: Currently, both top elected statewide officials have stayed out of the CPS wrongdoings. The status quo reigns. If the public begins to pressure they may have to turn on eachother to affix blame.
In the Q&A I mentioned to this group of Republicans that this was a potentially very big political issue. Recent polls show that citizens in Washington State are NOT satisfied with their service from government. They do not think that the money is spent well. The product is bad.
Both the top Democrat and the top Republican are the two people who have the most power in making changes.
The Democrat governor need merely give a directive to Mr. Hart. He will like his job...and make changes.
The Republican, Attorney General Rob McKenna can likewise reach into the bowels of his powerful bureaucracy and say he wants the state law followed. FAMILIES FIRST, It is very simple. He can also demand that only the truth be put before the court. It is the AG who defends CPS in court. It is the AG who is the legal counsel to DSHS...a behemoth of an agency. Millions go out in awards to wronged families.
Either top elected official has equal power to make changes.
Politically, I told the audience, this could be a big issue, especially since both statewide officials are already looking toward the 2012 gubernatorial race. Money matters get into a voter's pocket book. CPS issues get into their hearts and minds.
My opinion? Which ever party first goes after this issue has the chance to affix blame. The public is fuming mad about how this state treats its vulnerable children and on the other hand how CPS unnecessarily yanks kids from good and loving families like the Stuths.
PS...the speech was on video so there will be no lying about what I had to say...and also so I can go on YOUTube!
Mr. Wilson Goes To The Hospital
Investigator Wilson has had a mysterious accident/disease/self-induced malady/ or activated birth defect. No one seems to know when he will finish up his work. This is month number six. Certainly, we all wish him well. Hopefully, when he returns he will be cured of leading witnesses.
Best Wishes,
Best Wishes,
Roach Revisits College Days
What can I say?
I bought a new guitar!
The old Harmony sits in the stand.
The new blue Yamaha (electric/acoustic) is in the hard case. My fingers sting as I type. This thing is really fine. It self tunes! Sounds great with the amp!
I knew I wanted it when I saw it! Just like my car!
I bought a new guitar!
The old Harmony sits in the stand.
The new blue Yamaha (electric/acoustic) is in the hard case. My fingers sting as I type. This thing is really fine. It self tunes! Sounds great with the amp!
I knew I wanted it when I saw it! Just like my car!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Skagit County CPS Office Right In The Groove With Misdeeds...DSHS Head Randy Hart Does Not Return My Call
DSHS head Robin Arnold Williams leaves her position right before the scathing January report of DSHS woes is released by the ombudsman, Mary Meining.
Randy Hart becomes the new DSHS Secretary. We talk and he assures me that he, too, wants accountability in CPS. He had been the head of the Skagit County office before his promotion.
Skagit County, WA right before Christmas: Little three-year-old Lilly and her grandma go to CPS in Mt Vernon at the behest of a social worker. The goal is ostensibly to complete an adoption by the grandmother and grandfather of little Lilly whom they have raised since birth. Their daughter (with drug issues) had terminated parental rights with the understanding that her parents would have Lilly.
CPS had then...lured Grandma and Lilly to their offices by offering Christmas presents to Lilly and to Grandma they would give an interview necessary to proceed with adoption. With Lilly receiving presents down the hall...Grandma (44) is escorted to a room and told, "You will never see your granddaughter again."
Lilly, who was immediately swept away ...without a goodbye!!! put in foster care. She does get to visit Grandma. Shows up smelling so badly that even the social worker stands at a distance. She has lost weight. Her hair is snarled and matted.
The child is seen rocking back and forth in her car seat being told if she cries she will not be able to see Grandma. No comfort here...just threats!!! These vile jerks know nothing about children!!! They have no hearts. Mental cruelty is something only other people commit.
The grandmother is not told of important court proceedings by CPS. She finds out from a friend and shows up despite the very purposeful "non-invite" by the department. Proceeding in secrecy, the department decides to move quickly to take the child.
Social worker lies in report to the court. Among other things he claims the grandparents have stolen a computer from Swedish Hospital. (There was no police report but he reports this!) The computer was actually given to the grandparents by DSHS! It is not a matter of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing. The social worker just made up the story to then tell the judge the grandparents are unfit!!! The report to the judge still says they are thieves! Why aren't they being charged with lying to the judge???
The lying social worker's report to judge claims the grandparent's home has no heat! Who the heck would believe that???? The house has a wood stove and baseboard electric heating.
The Social worker has NEVER BEEN IN THE HOUSE and makes these outrageous claims!
Last week the department set up a meeting with the grandparents and their two lawyers. The attorneys drove to Skagit County from Seattle ($$$$$$$$$$$) and the grandparents took the ferry from the islands($)and time off of work ($$)to make the meeting. And...DSHS did not show up! No call. No explanation.....The social worker did not show up...left everyone waiting...$$$$$$. NEVER SHOWING UP
Yesterday morning I called Randy Hart and left a message describing to the aide the issues of the child's condition...threatening a 3 year-old with no visit if she cried...the NO SHOW CPS worker....the false accusation about theft of a computer...the lie about having no heat in the house...the fact that the lies in the report still lay on the judge's desk!
HE DOES NOT RETURN THE CALL. Mr. Hart: I regard myself as a whistle blower. Have you no time for that? What do you do when employees connive to get a child? You said you wanted accountability. Is the Skagit County social worker who told the judge the family has stolen a computer an old friend of yours? You know...from when you recently worked out of that office? Is this the kind of activity you condoned up there as the supervisor?
Little known fact: The department is now saying it wants to work toward reunifying the mother with Lilly! They are doing the same thing they did with the Stuths! Bank on the mother having "issues" and hoping she fails so they can place the child in foster adopt. They will minimize visits with the grandparents so they can claim Lilly no longer remembers them. They will claim the only place to place the child after the mother messes up is with the foster person. WE ALL KNOW THE GIG.
DSHS head Robin Arnold Williams leaves her position right before the scathing January report of DSHS woes is released by the ombudsman, Mary Meining.
Randy Hart becomes the new DSHS Secretary. We talk and he assures me that he, too, wants accountability in CPS. He had been the head of the Skagit County office before his promotion.
Skagit County, WA right before Christmas: Little three-year-old Lilly and her grandma go to CPS in Mt Vernon at the behest of a social worker. The goal is ostensibly to complete an adoption by the grandmother and grandfather of little Lilly whom they have raised since birth. Their daughter (with drug issues) had terminated parental rights with the understanding that her parents would have Lilly.
CPS had then...lured Grandma and Lilly to their offices by offering Christmas presents to Lilly and to Grandma they would give an interview necessary to proceed with adoption. With Lilly receiving presents down the hall...Grandma (44) is escorted to a room and told, "You will never see your granddaughter again."
Lilly, who was immediately swept away ...without a goodbye!!! put in foster care. She does get to visit Grandma. Shows up smelling so badly that even the social worker stands at a distance. She has lost weight. Her hair is snarled and matted.
The child is seen rocking back and forth in her car seat being told if she cries she will not be able to see Grandma. No comfort here...just threats!!! These vile jerks know nothing about children!!! They have no hearts. Mental cruelty is something only other people commit.
The grandmother is not told of important court proceedings by CPS. She finds out from a friend and shows up despite the very purposeful "non-invite" by the department. Proceeding in secrecy, the department decides to move quickly to take the child.
Social worker lies in report to the court. Among other things he claims the grandparents have stolen a computer from Swedish Hospital. (There was no police report but he reports this!) The computer was actually given to the grandparents by DSHS! It is not a matter of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing. The social worker just made up the story to then tell the judge the grandparents are unfit!!! The report to the judge still says they are thieves! Why aren't they being charged with lying to the judge???
The lying social worker's report to judge claims the grandparent's home has no heat! Who the heck would believe that???? The house has a wood stove and baseboard electric heating.
The Social worker has NEVER BEEN IN THE HOUSE and makes these outrageous claims!
Grandparents who are both employed at modest incomes are forced to get a lawyer. They are now being spent down. It is part of CPS's plan to discourage make them give break them while they fight for their baby.
Last week the department set up a meeting with the grandparents and their two lawyers. The attorneys drove to Skagit County from Seattle ($$$$$$$$$$$) and the grandparents took the ferry from the islands($)and time off of work ($$)to make the meeting. And...DSHS did not show up! No call. No explanation.....The social worker did not show up...left everyone waiting...$$$$$$. NEVER SHOWING UP
Yesterday morning I called Randy Hart and left a message describing to the aide the issues of the child's condition...threatening a 3 year-old with no visit if she cried...the NO SHOW CPS worker....the false accusation about theft of a computer...the lie about having no heat in the house...the fact that the lies in the report still lay on the judge's desk!
HE DOES NOT RETURN THE CALL. Mr. Hart: I regard myself as a whistle blower. Have you no time for that? What do you do when employees connive to get a child? You said you wanted accountability. Is the Skagit County social worker who told the judge the family has stolen a computer an old friend of yours? You know...from when you recently worked out of that office? Is this the kind of activity you condoned up there as the supervisor?
Little known fact: The department is now saying it wants to work toward reunifying the mother with Lilly! They are doing the same thing they did with the Stuths! Bank on the mother having "issues" and hoping she fails so they can place the child in foster adopt. They will minimize visits with the grandparents so they can claim Lilly no longer remembers them. They will claim the only place to place the child after the mother messes up is with the foster person. WE ALL KNOW THE GIG.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Washington State Rep. Joel Kretz... Fights For Justice In Eastern WA
Prosecutor alleges ‘pattern of misconduct’ at DSHS
Meghann M. Cuniff
The Spokesman-Review
Tags: Children’s Protective Services Colville DSHS Tim Rasmussen
Rasmussen’s letter, which calls for state intervention, includes a complaint from a doctor who said a baby became addicted to drugs after being placed on a morphine drip, despite his assurances that the child did not have methamphetamine in its system as state workers suspected.
“It is really unfortunate that this child was put through this degree of trauma at such an early age and I believe it can only be laid at the feet of the (Child Protective Services) workers,” wrote Dr. Barry J. Bacon in a letter dated Nov. 18. Bacon said Friday that he stands by the letter. “I believe that there are some serious problems” with the department, Bacon said.
“I don’t think conventional means are going to get to the bottom of this,” Kretz said. “There’s a culture in that Colville office (NOT JUST THERE!!! ed.)that needs to be weeded out and have some light shown on it.” The Colville office serves Stevens, Ferry and Pend Oreille counties.
Connie Lambert-Eckel, deputy regional administrator for the DSHS children’s administration, said she received the letter yesterday and couldn’t comment on specifics.
The department has been working with Rasmussen on his concerns for some time, Lambert-Eckel said, but his letter contains new claims.
“We will be diving into these concerns very appropriately, very responsively, very quickly and very early next week,” she said.
Rasmussen was openly critical of the agency following the high-profile death of Tyler DeLeon, who died of dehydration in 2005 at the age of 7. DeLeon’s adoptive mother, Carole DeLeon, was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty to charges of criminal mistreatment in a plea deal.
Rasmussen at the time said caseworkers failed to act on signs that the boy was malnourished.
“I think lots of people did let Ty down, starting with the people in the Department of Social and Health Services,” he said in 2007.
The state of Washington recently paid a settlement of more than $6 million to children who were under Carole DeLeon’s care, including $180,000 to the estate of Tyler DeLeon.
Rasmussen’s letter, which doesn’t mention the DeLeon case, details one instance in which a judge blasted the department for removing five foster children on what the court ruled was a “very questionable basis.”
“The court found that removal by the department was done primarily for financial reasons,” Rasmussen wrote. “The court noted its ‘displeasure and sense of outrage at the department having operated the way it did in removing the children,’ and speaks of the department ‘having done a grave disservice’ to the children.”
When the social workers tried to remove two other foster children from that home, the judge refused and called their request “child abuse,” the letter reads.
“Something is very wrong,” Rasmussen wrote.
The letter includes accusations that children have been subjected to forensic examination for sexual molestation when no allegations of abuse exist and ignoring recommendations from Court Appointed Special Advocates. “I hope something comes of it, but we’ll just have to see,” Rasmussen said Friday.
Kretz said the department hides behind bureaucracy and privacy laws.
“We’ve gotten case after case that I can say I have not had my questions answered,” he said. “There needs to be another method to look into problems rather than self examination by an agency.”
Meghann M. Cuniff
The Spokesman-Review
Tags: Children’s Protective Services Colville DSHS Tim Rasmussen
A “pattern of misconduct” plagues the Colville office of the Department of Social and Health Services and has resulted in the wrongful removal of foster children, in one instance described in a court ruling as a “draconian solution” to a financial dispute, according to the county prosecutor.The sharply worded letter, sent Wednesday to Gov. Chris Gregoire, Attorney General Rob McKenna, and more than 30 state legislators and state employees, follows months of investigation by Stevens County Prosecutor Tim Rasmussen and accuses the office of “shopping” for doctors and counselors to support its agenda, ignoring rules regarding the removal of foster children and contradicting recommendations from health care providers.
Rasmussen’s letter, which calls for state intervention, includes a complaint from a doctor who said a baby became addicted to drugs after being placed on a morphine drip, despite his assurances that the child did not have methamphetamine in its system as state workers suspected.
“It is really unfortunate that this child was put through this degree of trauma at such an early age and I believe it can only be laid at the feet of the (Child Protective Services) workers,” wrote Dr. Barry J. Bacon in a letter dated Nov. 18. Bacon said Friday that he stands by the letter. “I believe that there are some serious problems” with the department, Bacon said.
State Rep. Joel Kretz, R-Wauconda, asked Rasmussen to investigate after receiving what he called “an inordinate” number of complaints about the office.
Kretz spoke with department ombudsman Mary Meining last August and she looked into complaints, but Kretz said Friday he’s hoping for drastic changes in how such complaints are handled.
“I don’t think conventional means are going to get to the bottom of this,” Kretz said. “There’s a culture in that Colville office (NOT JUST THERE!!! ed.)that needs to be weeded out and have some light shown on it.” The Colville office serves Stevens, Ferry and Pend Oreille counties.
Connie Lambert-Eckel, deputy regional administrator for the DSHS children’s administration, said she received the letter yesterday and couldn’t comment on specifics.
The department has been working with Rasmussen on his concerns for some time, Lambert-Eckel said, but his letter contains new claims.
“We will be diving into these concerns very appropriately, very responsively, very quickly and very early next week,” she said.
Rasmussen was openly critical of the agency following the high-profile death of Tyler DeLeon, who died of dehydration in 2005 at the age of 7. DeLeon’s adoptive mother, Carole DeLeon, was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty to charges of criminal mistreatment in a plea deal.
Rasmussen at the time said caseworkers failed to act on signs that the boy was malnourished.
“I think lots of people did let Ty down, starting with the people in the Department of Social and Health Services,” he said in 2007.
The state of Washington recently paid a settlement of more than $6 million to children who were under Carole DeLeon’s care, including $180,000 to the estate of Tyler DeLeon.
Rasmussen’s letter, which doesn’t mention the DeLeon case, details one instance in which a judge blasted the department for removing five foster children on what the court ruled was a “very questionable basis.”
“The court found that removal by the department was done primarily for financial reasons,” Rasmussen wrote. “The court noted its ‘displeasure and sense of outrage at the department having operated the way it did in removing the children,’ and speaks of the department ‘having done a grave disservice’ to the children.”
When the social workers tried to remove two other foster children from that home, the judge refused and called their request “child abuse,” the letter reads.
“Something is very wrong,” Rasmussen wrote.
The letter includes accusations that children have been subjected to forensic examination for sexual molestation when no allegations of abuse exist and ignoring recommendations from Court Appointed Special Advocates. “I hope something comes of it, but we’ll just have to see,” Rasmussen said Friday.
Kretz said the department hides behind bureaucracy and privacy laws.
“We’ve gotten case after case that I can say I have not had my questions answered,” he said. “There needs to be another method to look into problems rather than self examination by an agency.”
Georgia Official Blasts Away...CPS Is A NATIONAL Disgrace
Senator Pam Roach Ahead Of Her Time...Again
First to hold an interactive real-time Washington State Senate hearing...
First (and last as the Senate Ethics Committee then ruled them a no-no) to hold a Senate hearing on an initiative (I-200)...
And, only person I know (there are many...but none I have met)to have climbed to the top of Wynna Pichu (the tall peak behind Machu Pichu in Peru)...
Pam Roach was there before Michele Obama in urging the public to grow gardens!
Please think of even the little things. Plant potatoes in a big wooden barrel (drill holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain)... Plant tomatoes instead of snapdragons...Give onion sets or a prune tree for Easter favors...
We are going on a chicken hunt again today. We have plenty of layers and now we are getting some specialty breeds for the grand kids. I hope to get pictures.
First (and last as the Senate Ethics Committee then ruled them a no-no) to hold a Senate hearing on an initiative (I-200)...
And, only person I know (there are many...but none I have met)to have climbed to the top of Wynna Pichu (the tall peak behind Machu Pichu in Peru)...
Pam Roach was there before Michele Obama in urging the public to grow gardens!
Please think of even the little things. Plant potatoes in a big wooden barrel (drill holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain)... Plant tomatoes instead of snapdragons...Give onion sets or a prune tree for Easter favors...
We are going on a chicken hunt again today. We have plenty of layers and now we are getting some specialty breeds for the grand kids. I hope to get pictures.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Reasons To Worry...As If We Needed Any
We have lost a million jobs in just the last two months.
The U.S. budget deficit will be one trillion dollars a year for at least the next ten years. There is a two trillion dollar deficit this year.
Please add your comments.
The U.S. budget deficit will be one trillion dollars a year for at least the next ten years. There is a two trillion dollar deficit this year.
Please add your comments.
Senator Roach To Speak About CPS Abuses
At the suggestion of a reader I just may video the speech I have been asked to give. Yes, I would then post it on YOUTube.
Subject: CPS Abuse In WA State. The subject is pretty depressing but I will start by showing the KING5 coverage and the happy ending of the Stuth Case. I know the subject so well now that there will be only the shortening of what I want to say. No lack of subject matter!!!!!
Subject: CPS Abuse In WA State. The subject is pretty depressing but I will start by showing the KING5 coverage and the happy ending of the Stuth Case. I know the subject so well now that there will be only the shortening of what I want to say. No lack of subject matter!!!!!
New Case Coverage Starts Today...State Plays Satan Claus In Stealing A Child
Today begins the coverage of another "theft of a child" case. (There actually are statutes against stealing children, entering homes without warrants, lying to judges, withholding evidence, etc. but the state makes its own rules. My current read is Those Who Save Us, a Nazi Germany piece. There are some similarities)
Dateline: Washington State, just before Christmas
Grandparents Joe and Barbara who have cared for their granddaughter since birth. They are humble people. Joe is a custodian for the school district. Barbara, daughter of a university professor, is a pre-school teacher. They are intellegent people and fighters like the Stuths.
Mother Liz has had a meth problem. That is the reason her daughter went immediately to Joe and Barbara. Liz has been very successful in a treatment program to this point. She voluntarily terminated parental rights when the state suggested that Joe and Barbara could adopt.
Lilly is now three years old and well adjusted at least until she was stolen by the state. She was attending a preschool where Barbara teaches. Lilly's empty desk is a constant reminder to Barbara that the state has taken what matters most to her.
Satan Claus is the state of WA CPS. They told Joe and Barbara "if you are good" you will have your little granddaughter. After a termination there is a limbo period where the child is not part of family. Very Dangerous Indeed. Barbara was told to make her way to Skagit County for an interview..."and bring Lilly with you. We have some Christmas presents for her." This is much worse than the Grinch.... So, the little family showed up. "Come with us little girl. We have presents for you down the hall." Reluctantly she follows the nice CPS lady down the hall when Barbara is led into a small chamber...(I mean room). The door is shut. Barbara is told, as if there was a gun to her head: "That is the last time you will ever see your granddaughter."
Dateline: Washington State, just before Christmas
Grandparents Joe and Barbara who have cared for their granddaughter since birth. They are humble people. Joe is a custodian for the school district. Barbara, daughter of a university professor, is a pre-school teacher. They are intellegent people and fighters like the Stuths.
Mother Liz has had a meth problem. That is the reason her daughter went immediately to Joe and Barbara. Liz has been very successful in a treatment program to this point. She voluntarily terminated parental rights when the state suggested that Joe and Barbara could adopt.
Lilly is now three years old and well adjusted at least until she was stolen by the state. She was attending a preschool where Barbara teaches. Lilly's empty desk is a constant reminder to Barbara that the state has taken what matters most to her.
Satan Claus is the state of WA CPS. They told Joe and Barbara "if you are good" you will have your little granddaughter. After a termination there is a limbo period where the child is not part of family. Very Dangerous Indeed. Barbara was told to make her way to Skagit County for an interview..."and bring Lilly with you. We have some Christmas presents for her." This is much worse than the Grinch.... So, the little family showed up. "Come with us little girl. We have presents for you down the hall." Reluctantly she follows the nice CPS lady down the hall when Barbara is led into a small chamber...(I mean room). The door is shut. Barbara is told, as if there was a gun to her head: "That is the last time you will ever see your granddaughter."
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ayn Rand Back In Vogue As Obama's Government Emerges
In the late 1960's a college roommate recommended "We The Living." (There is not underlining on this program so I use quotes.)
After that I read "Anthem" and "Atlas Shrugged" and "Fountainhead" is in the bookcase. Ayn Rand was big....a long time ago!
One of my sons called last week and asked to borrow my copy of Atlas. OK. Then two days later another son asked for the same copy. I ended up buying it for him and delivering it at his Friday birthday dinner. Was there a family book club that I didn't know about?
Saturday, I was in Bellevue. Two people were talking about the book! Say what?
Rand was an individualist, an atheist, and someone who saw capitalism under attack by oppressive government even fiftey years ago. She heralded a warning. Get a copy...if you can find one.
After that I read "Anthem" and "Atlas Shrugged" and "Fountainhead" is in the bookcase. Ayn Rand was big....a long time ago!
One of my sons called last week and asked to borrow my copy of Atlas. OK. Then two days later another son asked for the same copy. I ended up buying it for him and delivering it at his Friday birthday dinner. Was there a family book club that I didn't know about?
Saturday, I was in Bellevue. Two people were talking about the book! Say what?
Rand was an individualist, an atheist, and someone who saw capitalism under attack by oppressive government even fiftey years ago. She heralded a warning. Get a copy...if you can find one.
SEATTLE TV...Sen. Pam Roach vs Sen. Adam Klien... On Legalization Of Marijuana
In this show I am honored to have an appearance on the same side of the issue with King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg. This is an intelligent discussion regarding the '09 legislative effort to effectively legalize marijuana possession. If you ever wondered where the left is going with this...check out former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper's comments. He is further left than the ACLU whose representative actually backtracks to admit that marijuana IS a gateway drug.
In this show I am honored to have an appearance on the same side of the issue with King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg. This is an intelligent discussion regarding the '09 legislative effort to effectively legalize marijuana possession. If you ever wondered where the left is going with this...check out former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper's comments. He is further left than the ACLU whose representative actually backtracks to admit that marijuana IS a gateway drug.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Climate Control Debate In The Washington State Senate
Last Saturday I was with 48 other people. We sat at little desks. The desks are really cool and not just because they have their own phones and Internet access. You can push a few buttons and get your office. Push another one to try to effect climate control in the huge chambers by letting the Secretary of the Senate know you are freezing!
Turns out there are several other female senators who aren't happy with the 68 degree temp and the fan system that makes you feel like the air conditioning is on. They have been given floor heaters!
Male senators, who are required to wear coats, complain about the heat and they win out.
I remember driving in a 50's something car with my mother, two sisters and my dad. My mother and sisters were complaining that it was too cold.
"Daddy, it's cold... It's too cold."
"Chuck, can you roll the window up?"
My dad let us know how he felt.
He rolled the window up to one inch from the top and leaned his nose up to the small slit of air. He gasped and sucked air to dramatically sustain life!
"----- -----. Can't you people bring sweaters?"...I so miss my dad! the point was made.
And, what do I think? Turn the heat up to 70. The wind chill factor will take it down to 65. It is ridiculously cold out there! The very male senator that complains the most is never at his floor desk!
SATURDAY....Today, I will get ready for spring. Toenails, hair, visit to the farm supply store, and then a birthday party. The convertible is still kept on hold. The sunshine went away. Mother Nature doesn't give a rip what we think about the temp either. Hmmmm...could it be....?!
Turns out there are several other female senators who aren't happy with the 68 degree temp and the fan system that makes you feel like the air conditioning is on. They have been given floor heaters!
Male senators, who are required to wear coats, complain about the heat and they win out.
I remember driving in a 50's something car with my mother, two sisters and my dad. My mother and sisters were complaining that it was too cold.
"Daddy, it's cold... It's too cold."
"Chuck, can you roll the window up?"
My dad let us know how he felt.
He rolled the window up to one inch from the top and leaned his nose up to the small slit of air. He gasped and sucked air to dramatically sustain life!
"----- -----. Can't you people bring sweaters?"...I so miss my dad! the point was made.
And, what do I think? Turn the heat up to 70. The wind chill factor will take it down to 65. It is ridiculously cold out there! The very male senator that complains the most is never at his floor desk!
SATURDAY....Today, I will get ready for spring. Toenails, hair, visit to the farm supply store, and then a birthday party. The convertible is still kept on hold. The sunshine went away. Mother Nature doesn't give a rip what we think about the temp either. Hmmmm...could it be....?!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Sen. Roach Speaks In Spanish To Hundreds In Washington's Hispanic Community
Today was the annual Latino Day in the capitol rotunda and I decided to give my speech in Spanish this year. OK. It was gutsy. But, it was also Friday and the day after cut-off so I felt like a change of pace and some fun.
My aide, Arron, speaks Spanish and translated the speech I wrote a few days ago. I had to practice a bit but I had a blast and I think it went well. My message was applauded a couple of times during the presentation...which at least let me know I was understood!
My Message: I am promoting teaching Chinese and Spanish in the primary grades because it is important to begin language instruction when a student is young. I also mentioned my efforts in Honduras.
Son, Representative Dan Roach, spoke at an earlier meeting. He spoke without notes. Fluent in Spanish, I have suggested that he be an emissary to the Hispanic Community representing Republicans. I think he and I were the only Republicans to speak today. The governor was there and her representative spoke. The Lt. Gov. spoke (after me :o), and the Speaker of the House also spoke. Then there was Dan and Pam! I didn't tell Dan...but I was given a T-shirt! Yo te amo, Daniel!
Adios y Abrazos,
My aide, Arron, speaks Spanish and translated the speech I wrote a few days ago. I had to practice a bit but I had a blast and I think it went well. My message was applauded a couple of times during the presentation...which at least let me know I was understood!
My Message: I am promoting teaching Chinese and Spanish in the primary grades because it is important to begin language instruction when a student is young. I also mentioned my efforts in Honduras.
Son, Representative Dan Roach, spoke at an earlier meeting. He spoke without notes. Fluent in Spanish, I have suggested that he be an emissary to the Hispanic Community representing Republicans. I think he and I were the only Republicans to speak today. The governor was there and her representative spoke. The Lt. Gov. spoke (after me :o), and the Speaker of the House also spoke. Then there was Dan and Pam! I didn't tell Dan...but I was given a T-shirt! Yo te amo, Daniel!
Adios y Abrazos,
KING5 And Susannah Frame Report On New Story...A Must See
Here is another sad story of a near death. This time a little boy. He will never be the same. He will never have a chance at a normal life.
The following is an email I sent to all legislators:
Dear colleagues,
As you know, I have been following the performance of DSHS/CPS for many months now. Please view another in a string of terrible happenings under the watch of Washington State CPS. I hope you will join me and many others in the Legislature in demanding that the Governor and the State Attorney General clean up this agency.
(Please cut and paste)
It starts with accountability. It is simply unacceptable to have any children under our watch being mistreated and in some cases mistreated to death.
Pam Roach
State Senator
31st District
The following is an email I sent to all legislators:
Dear colleagues,
As you know, I have been following the performance of DSHS/CPS for many months now. Please view another in a string of terrible happenings under the watch of Washington State CPS. I hope you will join me and many others in the Legislature in demanding that the Governor and the State Attorney General clean up this agency.
(Please cut and paste)
It starts with accountability. It is simply unacceptable to have any children under our watch being mistreated and in some cases mistreated to death.
Pam Roach
State Senator
31st District
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
KING5 Coverage Shown To The Senate Republican Caucus
I asked for a few minutes to show the KING5 coverage of the Stuth story to the Senate Republican Caucus. Many of our members do not live in the Seattle television market so did not see the drama of the reunion of Doug and Annmarie Stuth and their granddaughter. CPS abuse is an important issue and everyone was very attentive.
I was given enough time to expand upon the story. Some chimed in with their stories. Remember, everyone who has been in the legislature for any length of time has had some horror case from the department.
In the end I was given a rare ovation, a nice compliment for the work done.
I was given enough time to expand upon the story. Some chimed in with their stories. Remember, everyone who has been in the legislature for any length of time has had some horror case from the department.
In the end I was given a rare ovation, a nice compliment for the work done.
Meeting With Hired Gun, Mr. Wilson
On Friday Mr. Wilson, hired gun from the Senate Ethics Committee, arrived to find a small group of people in the Senate cafeteria. I decided to invite an attorney and a couple of friends to observe. (Translation: I didn't want him to lie.)
Mr. Wilson introduced himself as having worked for the attorney general and other agencies in the past, but not CPS. He said he is retired now and just took on a few special assignments. This probably qualifies as it is the first time a State Senator is being investigated for writing a public blog.
He started by asking a few questions that seemed unnecessary if he had seen the KING5TV coverage. I asked him and he said he had not seen the coverage. That seemed a little far fetched to me. If he was investigating this blog how could he NOT have gone to the links?.
He asked if I had help in putting the blog together. I said ''Yes.'' The Morning News Tribune had asked me to blog about my daughter-in-law as she participated in the Beijing Olympics. The Tribune put the blog up!
My friends later said he seemed to want to put the paper down at that point. But, he continued.
I told him that I had not posted any other blog on the subject. That was something he already knew. He knew who wrote the blog the judge had been told was the work of the teen mother in the Stuth case.
I chided him again for not having seen the KING5 coverage as that was really an important part of the coverage of the events.
In the end I mentioned how excited the Stuth's grandchild was when they were reunited. Mr. Wilson then agreed that it was was very nice.
So, what did we learn?
We learned that Mr. Wilson is just like the rest of them. He told us twice that he had not seen the blog and then he said it was a nice to see.
I think the only ones who have told the truth in this whole thing have been the Stuths and me.
Mr. Wilson introduced himself as having worked for the attorney general and other agencies in the past, but not CPS. He said he is retired now and just took on a few special assignments. This probably qualifies as it is the first time a State Senator is being investigated for writing a public blog.
He started by asking a few questions that seemed unnecessary if he had seen the KING5TV coverage. I asked him and he said he had not seen the coverage. That seemed a little far fetched to me. If he was investigating this blog how could he NOT have gone to the links?.
He asked if I had help in putting the blog together. I said ''Yes.'' The Morning News Tribune had asked me to blog about my daughter-in-law as she participated in the Beijing Olympics. The Tribune put the blog up!
My friends later said he seemed to want to put the paper down at that point. But, he continued.
I told him that I had not posted any other blog on the subject. That was something he already knew. He knew who wrote the blog the judge had been told was the work of the teen mother in the Stuth case.
I chided him again for not having seen the KING5 coverage as that was really an important part of the coverage of the events.
In the end I mentioned how excited the Stuth's grandchild was when they were reunited. Mr. Wilson then agreed that it was was very nice.
So, what did we learn?
We learned that Mr. Wilson is just like the rest of them. He told us twice that he had not seen the blog and then he said it was a nice to see.
I think the only ones who have told the truth in this whole thing have been the Stuths and me.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Captain John Leaves Germany For Qatar
Here is my wonderful son, John; granddaughter Sadie; and grandson, Jack. This picture was taken in Germany where I will visit for the arrival of baby number three.
We assumed our family JAG officer would be going to Iraq but I am certainly happy with the assignment he has. It was raining in Germany but the sun always shines in Qatar!
Sadie just knows that her daddy is going on a trip. Jack is "oblivious." My daughter-in-law will be having her second baby without John because of military assignments. The countdown for coming home has begun.
PPR Reader Comment Sums It Up Pretty Well
The following is a very succinct listing that comes to us via Jan Smith of Washington Families United. Thank you, Jan.
We have a real problem here in the State of Washington which displays an extreme resistance to holding DSHS accountable in every respect. Here are some of the concerns:
1. No investigation of foster care abuse
2. Constant screening out of potential relatives for placement
3. Many children killed under their watch in the last two years (158)
4. Resistance to providing case file materials and UA results so that people can defend themselves
5. A governor who is both a former AG and CPS worker who will not listen to complaints
6. A department who is legally mandated to improve services but publicly states that they will not seek certification so they don't have to
7. Two thirds of all removals are unsubstantiated according to a recent Ombudsman report
8. "Trials" held in an adult child's courtroom process against relatives when they are not a party to the case regarding placement so they cannot defend themselves
9. A resistance to developing a Citizen's Review Board
10. A failure in documentation integrity (lies on paper and in the court room)
11. Unequal representation in termination trials
12. A resistance to experts for the defense in trials both in practice and local judicial rules
13. Not following Constitutional authority when removing children (no warrant)
14. Resistance in allowing defense materials and hearsay but will allow on prosecution side
We have a real problem here in the State of Washington which displays an extreme resistance to holding DSHS accountable in every respect. Here are some of the concerns:
1. No investigation of foster care abuse
2. Constant screening out of potential relatives for placement
3. Many children killed under their watch in the last two years (158)
4. Resistance to providing case file materials and UA results so that people can defend themselves
5. A governor who is both a former AG and CPS worker who will not listen to complaints
6. A department who is legally mandated to improve services but publicly states that they will not seek certification so they don't have to
7. Two thirds of all removals are unsubstantiated according to a recent Ombudsman report
8. "Trials" held in an adult child's courtroom process against relatives when they are not a party to the case regarding placement so they cannot defend themselves
9. A resistance to developing a Citizen's Review Board
10. A failure in documentation integrity (lies on paper and in the court room)
11. Unequal representation in termination trials
12. A resistance to experts for the defense in trials both in practice and local judicial rules
13. Not following Constitutional authority when removing children (no warrant)
14. Resistance in allowing defense materials and hearsay but will allow on prosecution side
Blue Eyes, Fair Skin, And Outdoor Adventures Could Cost You. It Did Me. Check Out The Pictures
OK. So I didn't use much sunscreen. I grew up in California and got lots of sun but living in Washington for decades there really isn't that much sun!
I always thought skin cancer was suppose to be a "change in a mole" or some dark ugly spot of rot. Apparently, that is not always the case.
Mine was a little red (as in slightly raw) spot on my face but thought nothing of it. By the time it had been there a year and never healed I thought I would check it out.
A month after a biopsy I returned Dr. Peter Odland of Bellevue to have the cancer removed. It was skin level and had not progressed to muscle or blood vessels. That was, of course, good news. I was never worried about it and I took this all in stride. Basically, I just thought of all the good years I have had with great health. (At 57, I did the Seattle to Portland bike event. That is 206 miles in two days and I never walked the bike up any of the hills!)

Dr. Peter Odland (Bellevue)did the surgery. This ended up being the size of a quarter!
Then I drove to miracle man, Dr. William Portuese (Seattle) who is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon for closure.
I regarded the outcome as a miracle and gave Dr. Portuese a big hug!

This picture is day five right after the 7 stitches were removed.
On the day of the surgery there were seven people in the waiting room. The drill was the same for all of us. Go in and they cut out the minimum of what they think will "get it all." For me it was a circle the size of a dime. One person was losing half an ear. Two women, both under 40 were having chunks taken from their noses. An 80 something woman had gauze on her head.
With the Mohs Method the tissue is sent to the on-site lab and analyzed. Twenty minutes later you go back in. "Need more at 4 and 7 o'clock." Then, I went in again. "Need more at 4 o'clock." Great. The black is the cauterization that was necessary because the face bleeds.
Both doctors were great as were staff in both offices. I can ask a lot of questions and they answered them all! Then I drove to the miracle man, Dr. William Portuese (Seattle) who is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
I am at day 10 now and the swelling is going down, redness is lessening. At about 6 months out it will be hard to see.
Thanks goes to my many friends who continue to offer encouragement. And, I was VERY surprised to learn how many people have had this procedure.
I always like a little "color" in the summer but I will change my ways. I hope this little vignette gives you pause to think about your sun time habits.
Best Wishes,
I always thought skin cancer was suppose to be a "change in a mole" or some dark ugly spot of rot. Apparently, that is not always the case.
Mine was a little red (as in slightly raw) spot on my face but thought nothing of it. By the time it had been there a year and never healed I thought I would check it out.
A month after a biopsy I returned Dr. Peter Odland of Bellevue to have the cancer removed. It was skin level and had not progressed to muscle or blood vessels. That was, of course, good news. I was never worried about it and I took this all in stride. Basically, I just thought of all the good years I have had with great health. (At 57, I did the Seattle to Portland bike event. That is 206 miles in two days and I never walked the bike up any of the hills!)

Dr. Peter Odland (Bellevue)did the surgery. This ended up being the size of a quarter!
Then I drove to miracle man, Dr. William Portuese (Seattle) who is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon for closure.
I regarded the outcome as a miracle and gave Dr. Portuese a big hug!

This picture is day five right after the 7 stitches were removed.
On the day of the surgery there were seven people in the waiting room. The drill was the same for all of us. Go in and they cut out the minimum of what they think will "get it all." For me it was a circle the size of a dime. One person was losing half an ear. Two women, both under 40 were having chunks taken from their noses. An 80 something woman had gauze on her head.
With the Mohs Method the tissue is sent to the on-site lab and analyzed. Twenty minutes later you go back in. "Need more at 4 and 7 o'clock." Then, I went in again. "Need more at 4 o'clock." Great. The black is the cauterization that was necessary because the face bleeds.
Both doctors were great as were staff in both offices. I can ask a lot of questions and they answered them all! Then I drove to the miracle man, Dr. William Portuese (Seattle) who is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
I am at day 10 now and the swelling is going down, redness is lessening. At about 6 months out it will be hard to see.
Thanks goes to my many friends who continue to offer encouragement. And, I was VERY surprised to learn how many people have had this procedure.
I always like a little "color" in the summer but I will change my ways. I hope this little vignette gives you pause to think about your sun time habits.
Best Wishes,
I Am Going To Del's Farm Supply....RIGHT NOW
11:47 AM
The chicks are in! The first run will be me. The grandkids will come on the next trip. I can't wait. I am in farm mode! Thank goodness we have a greenhouse to hide them from the raccoons! Heck...they now have to be protected from the growing cat population!
The chicks are in! The first run will be me. The grandkids will come on the next trip. I can't wait. I am in farm mode! Thank goodness we have a greenhouse to hide them from the raccoons! Heck...they now have to be protected from the growing cat population!
Spring And The Depression...You See It In The Animals
We live on a small farm and when spring comes you don't need a calendar.
Two weeks ago when I shut down the car and opened it's door...I heard the birds. And, they were chirping again in the morning as I left.
Yesterday, the frogs were croaking loudly from the pond though it was bone cold here and snowing enough to close Snoqualmie Pass.
It happens like clock work. There is a sound and smell and hope of spring. There is an awakening set to an eternal clock.
During the Great Depression veterinarians were working. People valued their house pets. Maybe people are different now. Or, maybe the very poor never did take their pets to a vet in the 30's.
Now, people come to the countryside to dump their cats. We have been feeding a stray that came by. (I write this with some trepidation. King County might say it is mine. I will say it is a stray. I will say "take it then" and then they will kill it!)
Two weeks ago another stray came by. The two cats fought over the bowl of food on the porch so we put out another bowl. (This was against my husband's advice...I think he said this more than once :o) This week two more cats wandered to the porch.
Theses are all tamed household pets. They cry for food. They are being dumped in the countryside to fend for themselves. These cats better know how to catch mice! (Not to worry, the first stray took down a rabbit! He/She? has claws.)
Spring and the know them by watching the animals, human or otherwise.
Stuth Family TV Yields Coalescing Of Citizens
(Session activities have made it hard to make blog time. I have to admit that it is harder than I thought it would be to blog during session.)
Update on CPS interests
After the KING5 exposure there was a flurry of contact by citizens looking for a central location to air CPS grievances. It is impossible to field all of that. The effort should be to organize it.
I then met with our "Families First" group together with the state foster parents leaders. We listed several action items. Joint leadership will bring added clout.
(Interesting that the foster parents have the same problems with CPS. They suffer from disrespect and retribution at the hands of the department just as the birth families. Here we see the department is, again, consistent. They can't respect anyone!)
That stands to reason really. If CPS can't get it right when dealing with families and children...what sense of logic would there be if they actually worked with respect for foster parents?
Fortunately, there is a growing interest among legislators. More exposure to CPS abuses through citizen complaints and the press has helped. Both the governor and the attorney general have the direct power to step in and clean up this agency. There are political issues of money, jobs, and power to move children that make it easier to ignore rather than address the abuses. Sadly, as I watched the AG's office, they just joined in the pile on.
Victims also visited. The father of a teenager who died at the hands of a foster care provider came to visit me. He was helpless as the department failed to hear his warnings. Now his son is dead. There was an award in the millions. It was reported in the Seattle Times in December. The state continues to harass him. They love their whip, don't they? (PRR will report on this soon.)
Update on CPS interests
After the KING5 exposure there was a flurry of contact by citizens looking for a central location to air CPS grievances. It is impossible to field all of that. The effort should be to organize it.
The president of the foster parents of WA and his wife visited. I thought they would take umbrage because of some of my comments. But, that was not the case. They are in total agreement regarding the problems at CPS. They are allies...just coming from a different venue.
I then met with our "Families First" group together with the state foster parents leaders. We listed several action items. Joint leadership will bring added clout.
(Interesting that the foster parents have the same problems with CPS. They suffer from disrespect and retribution at the hands of the department just as the birth families. Here we see the department is, again, consistent. They can't respect anyone!)
That stands to reason really. If CPS can't get it right when dealing with families and children...what sense of logic would there be if they actually worked with respect for foster parents?
Fortunately, there is a growing interest among legislators. More exposure to CPS abuses through citizen complaints and the press has helped. Both the governor and the attorney general have the direct power to step in and clean up this agency. There are political issues of money, jobs, and power to move children that make it easier to ignore rather than address the abuses. Sadly, as I watched the AG's office, they just joined in the pile on.
Victims also visited. The father of a teenager who died at the hands of a foster care provider came to visit me. He was helpless as the department failed to hear his warnings. Now his son is dead. There was an award in the millions. It was reported in the Seattle Times in December. The state continues to harass him. They love their whip, don't they? (PRR will report on this soon.)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I Really Hope You All Took The Time To See This...
(Please cut and paste. This does work for me. Otherwise, go to and see their Friday, Feb. 26th show.)
Check out the attorney what she is saying. After a year and a half of pursuing this child to give her to someone else...this is all she has to say. After all the lies she helped tell about the Stuths...this is all she has to say.
This AG has some 18 years working to take kids. No doubt, at all, that she has helped the lives of many children in Washington State. But, how many has she hurt? She has taken the approach that all families are bad and should be fought. The goal is to place the child outside of the family without much care about who the heck the "foster adopt" is. It is not about following the law and placing with families first. It is a war with her.
Time for her to find a different area. How about insurance fraud? How about identity theft? I think she should apply her talents to going after people when there has been a crime. There is a need there to be relentless and in that line of law...people are innocent until proven guilty. She would actually have to do some work rather than just throwing out accusations that will be taken as truth.
Look at her again.
And again.
And, she goes home scot-free...making $115,000. No excuses required. Just like CPS...there will be no changes made in the reviews of how things went. They should give me a call. I would be great in the debriefing. But, there won't be one.
(Please cut and paste. This does work for me. Otherwise, go to and see their Friday, Feb. 26th show.)
Check out the attorney what she is saying. After a year and a half of pursuing this child to give her to someone else...this is all she has to say. After all the lies she helped tell about the Stuths...this is all she has to say.
This AG has some 18 years working to take kids. No doubt, at all, that she has helped the lives of many children in Washington State. But, how many has she hurt? She has taken the approach that all families are bad and should be fought. The goal is to place the child outside of the family without much care about who the heck the "foster adopt" is. It is not about following the law and placing with families first. It is a war with her.
Time for her to find a different area. How about insurance fraud? How about identity theft? I think she should apply her talents to going after people when there has been a crime. There is a need there to be relentless and in that line of law...people are innocent until proven guilty. She would actually have to do some work rather than just throwing out accusations that will be taken as truth.
Look at her again.
And again.
And, she goes home scot-free...making $115,000. No excuses required. Just like CPS...there will be no changes made in the reviews of how things went. They should give me a call. I would be great in the debriefing. But, there won't be one.
Phone Call From Germany And Sunday Dinner Made My Day
Captain John made the call...but it was Sadie who did the talking.
"Hi, Grandma. I can speak German!" She can say, "yes", "no," and "lettuce." Then for 10 minutes I talked with my almost 4 year-old granddaughter, in English :o), who will be in Germany for the next three years.
She has already been to Luxembourg and to a castle there. But, alas, there was no princess! She informed me the princess is in England and she will need to go to the castle there.
The military can call the United States for free. I don't know what that program is but we are grateful for it. I will be there fairly soon and will post pictures of my trip. John will be in Qatar and not with his family for the birth of #3. I look forward to helping after the birth.
So...Sunday was a lucky was a very welcomed call. And, I was in for some stove time... chicken strips, baked fries, sugarless jello with strawberries, green beans, and brownies...A KIDS MEAL!!!!! Served right here for Lindsay (5), Samantha (3), and Davis (1)...oh yes...and their parents.
"Hi, Grandma. I can speak German!" She can say, "yes", "no," and "lettuce." Then for 10 minutes I talked with my almost 4 year-old granddaughter, in English :o), who will be in Germany for the next three years.
She has already been to Luxembourg and to a castle there. But, alas, there was no princess! She informed me the princess is in England and she will need to go to the castle there.
The military can call the United States for free. I don't know what that program is but we are grateful for it. I will be there fairly soon and will post pictures of my trip. John will be in Qatar and not with his family for the birth of #3. I look forward to helping after the birth.
So...Sunday was a lucky was a very welcomed call. And, I was in for some stove time... chicken strips, baked fries, sugarless jello with strawberries, green beans, and brownies...A KIDS MEAL!!!!! Served right here for Lindsay (5), Samantha (3), and Davis (1)...oh yes...and their parents.
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