Saturday, March 21, 2009

Senator Pam Roach Ahead Of Her Time...Again

First to hold an interactive real-time Washington State Senate hearing...

First (and last as the Senate Ethics Committee then ruled them a no-no) to hold a Senate hearing on an initiative (I-200)...

And, only person I know (there are many...but none I have met)to have climbed to the top of Wynna Pichu (the tall peak behind Machu Pichu in Peru)...

Pam Roach was there before Michele Obama in urging the public to grow gardens!

Please think of even the little things. Plant potatoes in a big wooden barrel (drill holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain)... Plant tomatoes instead of snapdragons...Give onion sets or a prune tree for Easter favors...

We are going on a chicken hunt again today. We have plenty of layers and now we are getting some specialty breeds for the grand kids. I hope to get pictures.

1 comment:

infinite freedom said...

Where's the beef? Imagine the difference between a home grown and store bought tomato. Now imagine home grown beef. Sorry, not everything good is a vegetable.

I will do the potatoes too though. And I always wanted to get asparagus started. Does anybody have any tips? I really want to get them going. One year we planted them, but they never took off.

I love my blueberry plants. I have five. Every year we have blueberry pancakes and muffins. I will have to look for fresh raspberries this year. I found out that the plants are only good for about ten years. So I will change the old at moms house, and put some in here too, while I'm at it.

And I recommend strawberries in strawberry pots, without a tray, so they fully drain. Because if you put them too far out of sight, the vines grow & you don't get any berries.

& grapes grow themselves.