Senator Adam Kline, Chair of the Judiciary Committee and Seattle's "Most Liberal" and Senator Pam Roach, former Chair of Senate Judiciary and the state's "Most Stand Up Conservative" square off at the gun range.Senate Democrat Leadership Will Again Go After Your Right To Protect Yourself. In an effort to ward off the attack NRA's Brian Judy and I hosted Kline at the Black Diamond Gun Club last month. Kline wants to enact the now defunct Congressional gun ban here in WA State.

Washington State Legislative Shooting Champion Pam Roach.
I like Adam Kline. I like him because he is honest and straight forward (character traits that can't be said about all Republicans in the Senate). But, he is wrong in his approach to gun rights. Adam agreed to learn more about firearms and spent a morning last month shooting rifles and pistols.

Pam, Brian Judy, and Adam after shooting a myriad of firearms. I think Adam enjoyed himself. He did not go into the day without some knowledge. This was not the first time he had fired a gun. (I've got some really cool action shots!)
Adam's concern is about "lethality." Well, all guns are potentially lethal. We showed him the cosmetic differences in the bad looking and OK looking guns. They are functionally the same. The parts are interchangeable.
We reminded Adam that even the Democrat led U.S. Congress is not moving to reinstate the federal gun ban over certain firearms that expired a few years ago.
He says he does not want to get rid of all guns...just some. Not surprising...he will propose a ban in the 2010 session. We will square-off. We will be on opposite sides of the issue.
It is not the law abiding citizens who commit the crimes. We have federal ID checks and a five day waiting period in place. If you have a criminal or mental health record you cannot legally possess a gun. There is a five year sentence add on to a prison term if a gun has been used in a crime. (In fact, I think that was my bill.)
Bottom line: Law abiding citizens have the constitutional right to defend themselves, their families, and their property. Keep your firearms away from children and in a place where they can't be stolen.